Coffee's ready...

sure do
it's my cure all....... I go have a romp with my husband.
fixes the grumps, headaches, stress, and anything else that ails ya.

You will all need to find someone else to do it with ... lol


OK, edited because what I wrote didn't come out right!
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Good morning, everyone. I'm procrastinating this morning. It's back to work after a long weekend. The weekend was beautiful, productive and relaxing!

Chickenannie - I'm also for Southeast PA. I'm in Berks County.

Have a great day!
Morning all!

Dragging my feet here this morning, too. It's really foggy out this morning, so it's gonna be a while before the coop gets opened.

Hope everyone has a nice week...a nice SHORT week for those who work.
Good Morning all. Its foggy here too. Arggg something is in the air today. My dog puked in the car
, the cat is literally crawling up my shoulder and licking my face
and now the dog won't stop growling at something mysterious.

On a good note they are supposed to come this evening and start putting in my cabinets. YAY!

I can start getting rid of the boxes of stuff in my living room.
G'mornin everyone. Dragged myself out of bed to open the coop -- despite my grumpiness it's hard not to smile when the chickens, guineas, roosters, and chicks all come flying (literally) out the door, so excited to start their day of scratching, pecking, fighting, resting, preening, etc. I tried to count them, and I think I am safely under the 50-bird number, though it was hard to count them in their big flurry of feathers, legs and wings.

One of my turkey poults (in a separate pen) looks a bit unwell. I'm afraid that's not a good sign. But we'll see. I'm not ready to let them out to free-range with their mum yet, although they did well yesterday with 5 hours outside.

Next, coffee, brekkie, and off to the jobbers.

Hi Bug Farm, nice to 'meet' you! I'm familiar with Berks County -- great place (to raise chickens). :^)
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morning chicken wranglers
I met the boy
I saw him hold my daughters hand HMMMM. wanted to cut it off. But at least no piercings or tatoos and he wants to go into law enforcment so that means no drugs! several good points. But holding her hand ! Im glad he did not try to kiss her I would have broken sumthing On his body! He is only 15 his mom brought him over good thing Im glad he did not drive. I am going to have a hard time with this and my oldest daughter is in her 20,s and married with kids.
Best thing you can do is spend time with your daughter -- show her you care about her and give her your time and attention. Plan activities together -- take her out to coffee and ask about her life. Also get her involved with many activities that interest her -- whether sports, animals/4-H, sewing whatever... That builds her self esteem and then she doesn't see a 15-yr-old guy as the end all and be-all. Talk to her about the difference between love and sex, and explain that if her boyfriend truly loves her he would not pressure her to do anything sexual.
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family is how we raise em I'm just spouting off I cant believe this one is growing up even though I' ve watched it all along.
She has her own horse her own four wheeler her own make up Im just in denial.
Morning ..

We went camping over the weekend.. spent yesterday recovering .. LOL

Coffee is good .. we brewed it over the open campfire this weekend .. I'll take my cup from the machine at work anyday ..
.. as long as it's coffee.

I better get to work .. tons of stuff I COULD have done had I come into work this weekend instead of spending time with my family ..

... priorities ... I'll play catchup now.

morning unlike you I had campers over the weekend. They were well behaved. My old buddy leaves to go back to Hi. tomorrow
we took pictures I told my wife we are the older than Hell gang.
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