Coffee's ready...

Good morning, all! I can't believe it, but I ran out of coffee! me, who gets it mailed every month so I won't run out. But I had a lot of family visiting in August and we must have gone through it - all cut from the same cloth, love coffee.
I thought I had another bag, but i guess not. So I'm sipping the strongest tea I have - Barry's, brought back from Ireland. Hope it does the trick.

I plan to start putting the garden to bed. It takes a few weeks. Today I think I'll gather all the winter squash and put them on the screen porch to harden off. Then pull up the vines for the compost pile. It's amazing how neat everything looks after the squash is out of there.
Waking up and enjoying the day is what i look forward to - nothing to stress me and i take one chore at a time these days. here in my area the nights are cold and i sleep much better. the days aren't hot anymore like in august YEAH!!
I am struggling thru a renewed bout of depression and changing medications so the weather change actually helps perk me up.
sippin' coffee, listening to my chicks in their brooder and reading/texting friends :eek:}
Is this my second or my third cup of coffee? DH (today, not dear anything) forgot to turn off his alarm (we use our cell phones) and left it where I could hear 5am. Well of course the cat heard me and that was that. Dawn at 7 to let the chickens out. Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy. Might have something to do with the mess all the guys left last night after I went to bed at 10 or so - one of the reasons I call my home the "frat house". Grump. I'm sitting here between loads of dishes, loads of laundry fantasizing of a itty bitty cabin all by myself in Minnesota or Montana or somewhere.
But the dawn is beautiful, sun shining, temps cool.
Not all the coffee in the house could have prepared me for this! EVERYONE is awake now, after my yelp/screech. Please note it is at eye level to me - this is my DH agreeing, yes, it is rather large.

Its funny NOW. (warning - bug photo)
edited to add, I was just opening the front door when it was right there, eye level.

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The yellow orb weaver, a really nice garden spider, was right up against the door on the outside frame, directly above the handle. At eye level. Backlit against the morning sun, so I didn't see anything except a ginormous spider shape filling my vision.

PS I went garage sale visiting yesterday. The one across the street had funnel cakes. Sweet!
Hey Good Morning! Where is everyone? No more spider photos then, I promise. Its another pretty morning here, all quiet too since everyone else is still asleep after staying up so late to watch football and such.


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