Coffee's ready...

Good Morning, beautiful cool day, going to go to church and then work on our barn I hope. Play with the Cria, and mess with our stud Jude who is just a lover. EVERYONE, if your feet hit the right side of the earth this morning, it's gonna be a good day!!!
coffee coffee coffee...

i need coffee... to much to do cant finish my coop till 10 cause its a sunday but laundry to do kids lunches to make... gonna be a busy day
morning all :eek:}
I've been cooking while I wait for the landscaper to arrive: mixed up tuna casserole to cool and freeze for tuesday or wednesday, made double pans of brownies, made 6 small chocolate pound cakes , cooked some corn bread with chillis, started to the marinad chicken breasts for tomorrow, mixing up sausage/burger to make meatloaf for thursday, and finally made up beef stew in the crock pot for tonight.
I get the stuff out oin the counter the night before, use a receipe for the brownies and cake that I make in bulk and have in the fridge ready to add the :wet stuff" to it, and use my Kitchen Aid mixers (have 2) always. I have many pans, cookie sheets and mixing bowls and measuring cups amassed so i don't have to stop to wash out something.
It's like an assembly line but saves alot of time later in the week.
Wow erthymom2 I'm very impressed! That sounds like a great idea, I should do that! What happens so often is I decide during the week making dinner will take up too much of my "chicken time" (I free range with them in the evenings) and so the fam is on their own! I've got to stop that!

I did absolutely nothing around the house yesterday so I have laundry, and I've got to get my kitchen painting done! Coat number 4!!!
Then recover my window boxes with the new fabric I got to match my new red kitchen!

It's raining so the chickens look kinda bummed...hubby is going to start my showgirl coop today for my 2-3week old babies!

Gotta get another cup in...gave myself till 9:15 then OFF THE COMPUTER!
I am impressed! I also plan my weekday meals and cook at least one on Sunday, but you are even more organized! I hardly ever make desserts, although, lately I've been using zucchini in everything - bread, muffins, cakes, etc.

I'm still suffering with tea, since I don't have any coffee yet. I can't justify using gas to go to town just for coffee. I went out early this morning to finish glazing windows for my new coop. I noticed that one of my windows has a crack in it that it got when the wind blew it down in yesterday's rain.
I hope to finish up painting the interior side today, a second coat. The other side has to wait until all the glazing is hardened.

Have a great day, all!
i use a old cook book called "Keep it Simple" that has several basic mix recipes in it for stufff you'd normally buy boxed: make ur own cakemixes, muffin & biscuit mixes ahead of time and store in fridge in a airtight jar.
If I don't want to hassle with breadmaking, i use defrosted frozen bread loafs for things like coffee cinnamon rolls, breadsticks.
All my kitchen equipment came from my husband when we separated - he is a cook by proffession and didn't want to pack up all of what he asked for (i wasn't doing it!!) so he left it.
Well, as the I Ching, the ancient Chinese Book of change, says, "Out of good things come bad, and out of bad things, come good."

In other words, don't get rapturous when things go your way, because it's bound to change. On the other hand, when everything in life is horrible, don't worry, something good will come of it. Keeps one on an even keel.

I thought my wife was good "well she is " but Im Impressed! WE have been canning all kinds of tomatoe recipes, I mean she has All I do is pick.
Good Morning chicken Wranglers,
my day i s a mondayso far. Pizza and soda for lunch .One of my employees hits the ten year mark today I got him a watch and a pizza dinner on the company. Good man. Dont even know how the wife has tolerated me for all those years and she gets the best fringe benefits!

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