Coffee's ready...

Thanks Holly, now I've got that tune running through my head. I didn't even comb...

DS woke up with so much energy again today it's contagious. One at a time he brought up the chickens through the rain to the porch so I could dust for mites (of course I only noticed the day it starts a week long monsoon). He fixed the vacuum, and second pot of coffee for me, and now he's fixing the cabinet doors. AND he's cheerful to boot. That's saying something!
Think I'll just sit here with my headcold and fever and just drink coffee and lurk. DH went to the doc and I'm waiting to here about that (gotta know that means he's really feeling bad to go to the doc!).
LOL well it's better than the one that is in my head NOW!

Woke up this morning, my dog was dead, Someone disliked him and shot him through the head.
Woke up this morning, my cat had died, I know I'll miss her, sat down and cried.
Came home this evening, my hog was gone, People here don't like me, I think I'll soon move on.
Now somethings happened, that would make a saint frown, I turned my back and my house burned down.

Just thought I would SHARE!
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How exciting this is! Need pictures please.
Yes, the leaves are starting to turn. Madison Co Bridge Festival is nearly here, and that is usually the best weekend for fall color.

When is it? I have lived in Iowa most of my life and have never been. That might be something fun to do.
Good morning everyone. I have been off the net for a few days. Cleaning up my computer and all the good stuff that goes with it. I have missed chatting with all of you.

Glad to hear Opa's trip is going well.

It is starting to cool off some what in AZ. two mornings in a row it has
been 68. My gosh does that fell good.

I am glad that it is hump day. Hope everyone has a great day and get over the colds.

I have seen some drop now in the Eggs that I am getting I have been down one Egg. I thought now that it is somewhat cooler, that my girls would be on top of the world. Has anyone else been having this problem?

Hay KL, don't work to hard. Save some time for your Birds.

Sip,Sip,sip. Ok now I can start the laundry. I think I'll hang them outside today. The wind is just right. One good thing about AZ. is hang the first load and by the time 2nd load is done the first is dry. Sure makes the job faster. Nothing like a Solar Dryer.

Boy, does that Fair sound like fun. Wish I was there to go with you all.
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When is it? I have lived in Iowa most of my life and have never been. That might be something fun to do.

Oct 9-11 is the Bridge Festival this year. If you can't be here, here's some pics on the website:

I'm betting the leaves fall early this year because it has been so dry. A drive in the country the weekend before and you'll get to see the colors, see the bridges, and take home some of my extra roosters.
Back on track no early day tomorrow had to open the coop at 5:00 am the horse and cows didnt mind but the chickens acted like I was out of my mind opening the coop before they crowed.
When is it? I have lived in Iowa most of my life and have never been. That might be something fun to do.

Oct 9-11 is the Bridge Festival this year. If you can't be here, here's some pics on the website:

I'm betting the leaves fall early this year because it has been so dry. A drive in the country the weekend before and you'll get to see the colors, see the bridges, and take home some of my extra roosters.

only if its a twofer deal. I give you two and take only one of yours.

I am getting ready to sell a showgirl roo. He's awfully fluffy.
I was up so early for a work deadline this morning (4 a.m.), I had to open the coop before sun-up, so I just opened the large window on the wall, so mr. tom turkey could fly out the window when the sun came up.

Well....when I got home this evening, he was still in there "asleep" on his roost!! The poor bird had roosted 24 hours probably because it was so dark in there with just the one window! I felt so bad for him. I made him go out and walk around the yard for an hour, then had to pen him right back up for the night (we get foxes here).

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