Coffee's ready...

Good Monday morning to you! I'm whispering - all's quiet but for Edward crowing. Sipping my first cup - thank the Lord for the little things, like fresh brew and the sounds of early morning. Have a wonderful day, friends.
Morning People,
Sounds like it has stopped raining here and it's going to be a nice day. Forecast for this week is a a warm, with a chance of rain on wed.
It will be a good chicken day. They don't care much for the rain either.
Hmm, just got up to shoot a raccoon that was on my back porch but he got a reprieve and I goofed up with getting the safety off on the gun and he ran away. went out and chased him away from the coops which I could see him walking around and since I know he will come right back , I am up checking the forums. Darn it out of Decaf too early for regular well.......maybe not.
morning, tired of the rain on my end too, i'm trying to seed where our pool used to be and so far have only sandy soup that the ducks are loving!!! today is put the porch furniture away for the year, clean out the woodstove and test it out, and make pumpkin bread.
erthymom you have more planned than I do! I prob have a ton of things I need to get done and well..One cup of coffee down is not a good start! I did however manage to install a window in my shed/coop for the chickens this weekend. :)

Morning chicken Wranglers,
Fed my chickens 3 watermelons 5 giant zuchini and 3 yellow squash
5 tomatoes and 2 frogs yesterday . It was a sight to behold.
Chickens fighting over everything chasing each other playing handoff with the frogs . It was a sunday dinner special.
LOL thanks we shall see how it holds up this winter
Making a bowl of oatmeal and enjoying some peace and quiet. Need to call the dr. in 13 minutes to get my daughter an appt. She had a "skin infection" last week and that rash is slowly getting better but starting Wednesday she developed a second different rash. I called the dr. and over the phone they thought it was a secondary viral rash but said to give it a few days. Well it is still spreading and she is miserable, so this time they are going to see her. I think it is a reaction to the antibiotic they put her on, but they said 1. She has had this antibiotic before with no reaction and 2. She doesn't have hives, but more of a "prickly" rash.

I'm fairly frustrated as is she. She is 15 and kids are just being mean to her. Bless her heart though - she said "At least my rash will go away - I feel bad for the people that have skin issues or disabilities that won't go away - it's terrible to be teased about it. I would never do that to anyone."
Good morning all .. coffee is goooood this morning.

Had a busy weekend .. hydro-ax cleared about 2 acres of underbrush on the property .. it's so PURDY now ..

Then stump grinding

More marking of pad site

I have 6 baby chicks in the apt ... eeeek! (notice the avatar change .. no more kissing the horse) They are in a brooder and seem to be happy. I'm a little worried about one of the twins .. she's a bit sluggish this morning ..

It was a good weekend... **sip**
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