Coffee's ready...

Mamagardner thanks for the chuckle.

Opa, That is not fair.
There ars lots and lots of good woman out there. I do have to agree there are lots and lots of not so nice ones also. That goes for the guys also.
:gig The hard part is getting the Goods together.
I don't mean to bash my husband. I do know he works hard, and I pride myself on not being one of those nagging wives. I also know that some things about me drive him crazy. That's what happens when 2 people who grew up in different families end up living together. We have a strong relationship, and we can handle each others different quirks.

Like Heath Ledger aka the Joker says in Dark Knight- "whatever doesn't kill you...makes you stranger!" ( I love him in that movie)
That is what makes it work. If you expect to change some one, you really didn't care for that person. You want to make them over into what you expect them to be. That is not a good thing. Don't have pipe dreams. Sharing and caring, excepting what you can't change.
Or get out of the kitchen.
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Morning everyone...
Woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. Hopefully it wont last too long. I can't wait to see what the chickens think of it!

Also the baby, he doesn't know what snow is either. When it gets lighter out I am going to introduce him to it and see what he thinks. I love snow, it is just the cold and shoveling that I hate. If I could sit in the house all cozy and just look at the snow that would be okay, but going out in it? Brrrrrr........

The 2 older ones think it is so cool, but they are not happy about winter coats and hats so early in the year.....have a great day everyone.
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Good Morning, I just wanted to pipe in and say it is much easier if you really want something done to do it yourself.

I used to sit around and wait. Get frustrated. Now I figure it out, and let my DH know my plans. May be old fashioned but I do ask permission. I would want the same respect.

Then if he has no objections I start. Whether I hire someone or build it myself. Gotta say it is amazing how they seem to jump in and help once it is a work in progress.

I also let the DH know that the cooking and cleaning are going to be a little behind and to be prepared to help because I will be busy

If it is a matter of money well...there are lots of way to work around that. I have a growing pile of lumber. Everytime I have extra $ I go to Home Depot and buy some(it always seems the money gets spent if you leave it hanging around). When I have enough I can build.
yeah snowing here also, yuck way to early for this white stuff.
2 months early to be exact, but then again we never had a real summer, jus one long winter and early fall.
on a good note the dog loves it LOL.
We can try to look on the bright side, if winter is starting early, maybe spring will start in February. I could handle 50 degree temps in February.

rustywoman I like your attitude. Whenever I do a project myself around here, that becomes takeout night. Too busy to cook when I am in the middle of a project.

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