Coffee's ready...

Good Morning you chicken wrangling rascally rabbits.
Yard full o' rocks :

On my third cup already (half caf as Dr says I drink tooooo much coffee already). Been on the computer for couple hours already in the all to familiar "job hunt mode"......this is really gettin' old.

Temps here sure changed in 24 hours. This time yesterday, 61deg. This morning 28deg.

Still far better than you poor folks that are dealing with FEET of snow. NO complaints here

Hubby plowed last night for 4 hours, no joke. I took him a hot mug with a nip in it, and he was good to finish the job all the way to the county road. But rain makes mud, and I hate mud. We'll commisserate together, Yard.​
I guess its time to upgrade my old 256 Ram, 40 gig hard drive, Windows XP computer. Its starting to get slow and now that I am on Facebook playing those silly games the ole girl just dont wanna accept that real well. I like to use things up before I move on to the next one. I think I've used this one up.
Good morning crazy chicken people! Rise and shine, it's a great day. Hope all you folks with real true winter are all in one piece and staying warm. Ah feeeel good this morning! Even though I wimped out and grabbed the long down coat to let the hens out, feed and break ice. We'll be cleaning their tractor coop and moving it today. All the college boys are back, finished finals yesterday. and - - - Its FRIDAY! Yay!
mjdtexan, try running C Cleaner, Spybot, and defrag - you probably picked something up on Facebook - use the free versions. I'm running an old computer too and the family geek keeps telling me these things.
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Good morning chicken wranglers
It is quite a bit nicer today 19 deg no wind and heading into the thirtys. I'm taking off at noon to hunt and tomorrw is the Co christmas party. I have to figure the bonus checks today,What a nice guy I am! Oh does my arm hurt" from patting my back! Everyone have a great weekwend!God Blees!
Good morning all. Still bitterly cold here. I need to go check the birds to see how well they are faring in this artic weather. I really hate this cold weather but, let me see now do I want to have to put on a down parka or stomp on snakes. Like that's so hard to decide. I guess cold is the price we must pay to not have all the spiders, snakes and scorpions that they have in the warmer climes.
Now now Opa, You have cabin fever all ready. I lived in Mich. until 1958. The snake, spider. scorpions critters are some thing you don't see every day. There are some bad critters in Mich. just as bad and at certain times of the year.
You are trying to talk yourself out of maybe, a move to the wonderful AZ. desert? In defense of my home state. You can't beat the beauty. The desert is so different summer and winter. After spending one winter here, I was hooked and have never been sorry. My bones love heat.

Some recent sunsets Saddle Mountain looking SW from my back yard.
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Morning! Snuggled up on the couch with blankets and hot drink and my laptop. How's the weather for everyone? Here it's cold, semi-frozen, and rain/sleet moving in later. Blah! What soup for today?

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