Coffee's ready...

Getting myself in trouble?
Just dropped in for a quick Howdy from Arizona. You guys are making me cold just reading your temps. I will not tell you mine. I don't want to rub it in. You all stay warm and keep those critters warm.

Have a great Sat. everyone.
Hi all! So many good threads on here this morning, eggs hatching, peeps arriving in the mail... wow, just too much excitement for me. (I'm not quite awake yet) I'm on my second cup of coffee but maybe I've mixed in too much decaf. My broody, Jenny java, is still sitting on her 2 unfertilized eggs with total devotion. Bluebell is still in the nesting box next door waiting to keep the eggs warm for Jenny when she needs to eat!
What dedication these girls have. It's a beautiful thing, warms my heart even if it is 5 degrees when I go out there!
Good Morning all. Coffee is good this morning. Daylight is just happening. A new day.

It took me one summer to get my body adjusted to the dry heat. The following summer, I learned what you do to live in hot weather. You just adjust like you do for the cold.

You do your outside stuff early, early morning and then again when the sun goes down. No Skeeter's to deal with.I wouldn't trade it for 24-7 in cold, snow, ice and rain. Overcast days, where you don't see the sun for days. I am a sun loving person. I don't do cold very well. My bones like heat. Every thing has air condition or a swamp cooler. They work great until monsoon season and then you just use the fan. Lots of folks have both systems. It is a whole different lifestyle. I love it. Sorry, I don't mean to go on and on. I had 25 years living on the edge of Lake Mi. in the beautiful state of Mi. You can't beat all the hardwood trees, flowers and such. but the bad outweighs the good. If you ever spend a winter here you will understand.

I need to get myself in gear and start my morning chores. I have my little Sultan Roo, in a cage in my kitchen. I bring him in each night. It is a good thing I have lots of different size cages. His feet are almost healed. I think he is liking coming in. He talks to you when you talk to him. When I turn the light off, he gets on his roost and goes to sleep. Then at 6:00am he crows. everybody gets up. What a clock!

Have a great Sunday all.
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Good morning Scoop. and all our
I just poured my first cup,
and shivered when you said 5 degrees we have 20 here
and thats enough for me..lots of snow and some ice here and there and slush too
i guess you could say we have a little bit of everything.
Tonopah... Send some heat this way.if you have some to spare.
My silkies are doing really well out in the snow,but wont go into the coop
at night so every night i have to coax them in.
to afraid they will freeze the little rascals
not hatching this spring have to much work to do on my runs
and coops,I
need more room i atarted with 6 cochhins and what
happened Ihave no idea
I have ameraucana Orps. silkies and of course the lovely cochins
oh and fertile eggs, any one want some..

you all have a great day.

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