Coffee's ready...

Morning, All! Just poured my second cup and watching the temps climb. It's already 15 degrees and sunny with temps supposed to hit 30 today! First time in a while. Not looking forward to all the mud but it's better than the hard frozen ground. I'm looking forward to getting some early greens started for the chickens in the next few weeks (inside a cold frame) .
Hi guys, we've got 20 here this morning and the chickies are out sunning themselves! I think maybe they didn't need that heat lamp on at night!
We're still collecting our fertile eggs ever so slowly. It's like you have to stay and watch the nesting boxes all day to make sure you get the eggs you want. Too many of our look alike and we're not sure which breed laid them! I just hope I don't end up with too many roos. I hate culling.
No egg sales yet but I'm keeping a positive outlook and you all can celebrate with me when I do sell my first dozen. Please send positive energy this way!
Have a great day everyone - I see the sun! Woo-hoooooooo !
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Good morning chicken wranglers
I"ve gotten 26 eggs a day for a couple of days and I have a market for the eggs! we have been selling them and make enough for feed. Now I know that is not much but it feels good to cover the feed and get enough eggs for our personal use and our family members. I plan on having my daughter sell the eggs with the produce we sell during the summer. My 10 year old boy likes to make money off of it also. WE will see how it goes.By the way I have been drinking indonesian coffee every day, Hope my political viewpoints dont go socialistic!
At school today, the healthy snack was rice cakes. Half the kids don't like them, so wanted to throw them away after the first bite. I said, no way! My chickens love rice cakes! So tonight they'll all get a treat.

It's going to warm up to the mid-twenties today - Happy Day!
Morning everyone! I am stuck sitting with a friends sick kid and she left him all night...

4.5 yr old went to sleep after 7 but woke up at 3 this morning....

He did not have supper last night. I asked if he wanted a chicken drumstick and he did not know what that was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had him a week or two ago and stopped to eat at a buffet. I picked out a chicken wing for him. He spent the whole meal "getting the bones out". He acted like he had no idea chicken comes with bones. I thought he was acting like that is the first time he had ever seen a chicken bone. So this morning he is asking for "chicken fries" and eyeballed the drumstick like I was trying to poison him.

His acceptable food is "chicken fries", chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, cheap yucky pizza, fries or peanut butter on white only bread or cake and donuts. He also will not touch water or white milk.

Kismet This is one of the few times I think I had the same reaction to rice cakes as the kids......
Sounds like great chicken feed...
Good morning, fellow chickeneers! Beautiful late winter morning here in Ohio. I'm starting the process of clearing some debris off an area to build a new duplex chicken coop for our spring birds. Sounds like I may get a few days in on this project before winter rears it's ugly head again. I just candled on day 14 of our first bator load. Exciting stuff! Even though it's tough to tell with the BCM's what's happening. Hope everyone is having a great morning.

farrier! - Sounds like it's up to you to re-educate this one! Good luck!
No bite out of the drumstick yet.....good Lord he cant figure out how to bite the drumstick!!!!!
I am glad there are 3 of us working with him here,

Maybe he will eat his first real drumstick today.
LOL! I can't beleive I just checked, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised cuz it's ALL out there! Anyway, here's a video I found on Youtube about how to eat a drumstick!:

LOL! I can't believe I just checked, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised cuz it's ALL out there! Anyway, here's a video I found on Youtube about how to eat a drumstick!:

Dang double post.... mods please remove one of these. Well, this one, actually.
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