Coffee's ready...

WOO-HOOOOOOO!!! I'll be putting the eggs under Jenny in about an hour! We tried to put Jenny and her helper Bluebell in a seperate coop but let's just say it totally did not work. So we'll leave them in with the others for now and just bring in the chickies when they hatch.

I sure hope this snow storm stays south of us. Although it does seem weird for anyone south of us to get 1 -2 feet of snow and we only get 2".

Sissy, I've got one of those dimpled smiles, can't smile without dimples showing!!
One of my sons has it, too. I like to tease him that his dmples are showing! It sounds like when you start getting eggs Sissy, you're gonna be bombarded. Maybe they are saving them up for you! Hope it dries out for you soon. You've been dealing with muck for so long now.

Wake up and enjoy the coffee everyone!
Good morning chicken wranglers
snow and ice makes for nasty driving conditions. Girls are back in the coop again. They got stale bread for breakfast and they acted like they had frogs or mice to eat!Only 26 eggs yesterday. Almost time to order meat birds to feed out and butcher.I think I'll order more laying hens too .Which ones lay the easter eggs?
Aaahhhh.. feel much better now. I just went out in this frigid New England weather and spot-cleaned out the coop (using DLM) and spread out Sweet PDZ and covered in a fresh layer of pine shavings. My coat, gloves and pants are in the washer, I'm having my final cup of coffee and warming up while reading BYC!

Happy Friday, all!
Hello Everyone,

Just checking in on my lunch break. I have to say I am not sorry to miss all the snow coming East - we have had very little this year. Meanwhile, my brother in Virginia has had tons and now another big one on the way. Schools are canceled before the first flake falls - that is always a bad sign - or good, depending on your point of view. So all you Eastern Seaboard friends, we'll be thinking of you up here. I hope your coops aren't so buried that you can't get them dug out.
Ahhhhhhh, sip, sip, ahhhhhh, Good coffee:caf And a good morning from Arizona. We have a little fog this morning. It has been trying to rain all week. Clouds, sun shine off and on.

I had two great things happen yesterday. 1. I got 5 eggs yesterday. everybody is back to laying.
2. I got a NEW CAR. It is a Honda Fit Sport. It is like a car,truck. It will be a plus for me hauling feed and bales of whatever. Plants, cats, and dogs. Most of all, it is very comfy. I LOVE IT:woot It is perfect for the dirt roads and washes I have to drive thru. It is Silver, 4 door. I was so surprised at the space it has in the back, and the different ways that you can fold the seats. I also got the cargo mat. a little pricey, but a needed item.

Got to get outside and ten the flock. Great day to all.
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Congrats all around, Tonapah Pati! Always fun to get a new ride and it sounds like you got a good one!

We woke up to 8 inches of new snow on top of ice today with lots of blowing and drifting. Yuck... no fun digging out. But we've got a big pot of black beans on the stove and cornbread in the oven.
You just made my day. What to have for supper. Boy oh boy, that is what I will cook also. I love black bean soup. What can I say about cornbread except YUM,YUM!
Thank you, hope you don't mind me being a copy cat.

Sorry for all the bad weather so many folks are getting. I am so glad I don't live in the snow any more. My old bones like the heat. Besides, I like wearing shorts and flip flops.

I can remember the day when you went shopping in a dress, hat, and gloves. I'm telling my age. But it was kind of fun and then go out for lunch at some classic place. not a fast food joint. I love how the woman dressed in the 1930-1940 time frame. The all looked so much like ladies, and the clothes had style. The design was to enhance the body. not let it all hang out as lots of young and old woman do today.

Over and out for today. I want to drive my new car! Have a great day.
Good day..
gathered 11 eggs from the same 13 hens this morning.

but the other 6 are just eating humm
maybe the chopping board needs to come out.

Iam so looking foward to having my ameraucanas begin to lay
and my silkies not sure yet, how many hens I have
tono-- congrats you really are having a good day.
and new car.
more room for hauling ...
Im running out to Tsc need more stall dry.
trying to make more dry space for my flock.
and cinder blocks and sheet of plywood. from lowes..
poor things will need life jackets if this keep up.

or should I say dimples..
keep those eggs warm..My daughter has dimples
she loves them always gets her more attention .

so tell your son to keep smiling and brighting up the room.
enjoy your coffee everyone.

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