Coffee's ready...

OMG! You guys! I have to drink more coffee, just to keep warm reading your posts. I have lived in snow conditions. I feel sorry for you guys. I will not even tell you the temps. in Arizona today.

I will have another cup of coffee with you all. I have to get some chores done. Seems like the house chores never end. That takes away from my time spent on "PEEP TOWN". I have changed my mind again, about how, I want to place the packing crate coop. I want two pens. The way it is configured now. I can drive through the area. The Toy Hauler's can just get around. There is a tree in the center. I don't want to tear down the new area I just finished for my Frizzles. It is on the east end of the other pens I like it now. After several changes, I got It the way I am happy with, and it is safe!
Where I had the forklift driver place the crate, It cannot stay there. My DS3 has an old VW Bus setting in the way. He has a bunch of stuffed stored in it. He lives in VA. I have told him that I will make a coop out of it. Of course he went nuts. I ever sent him a photo of coop like that. I got some posts about a classic Bus. Not to destroy it. I was only kidding. I have thought about it. I must confess.

Good luck on all the hatches going on. Yea! to all of us that are starting to get eggs again. I have visions of coop designs going around in my head. I do love my new car! Thanks.

Have a great day, stay warm and dry. God Bless You All.
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Good Morning, BYCers!

5 fresh inches of snow so far and still coming down good. It's supposed to continue until tomorrow evening. Just got back from the egg trek that produced 14 eggs. I have several late day layers so should be close to 20 for the total today. 1 sick hen with what I think is an abcess. I gave her a Tylan 50 injection and have her set apart from the flock.

I think today calls for potato soup. Yes.... that's the ticket! I'll get a pot going in a bit, along with another pot of coffee.

Tonopah Pati- Better to have a vibrant and flourishing coop than a decaying and rusting classic bus. I say convert it!
Hopefully, DS3 is getting dug out of the snow by now. I hear that VA got / will get a pretty good dose.
Good Morning from Arizona. I guess I need coffee quick. I had to re-spell good and coffee 3 times. LOL! I don't know if it was finger thing, or an no coffee thing.
or the computer thing.

I want to take some pictures of the "Silver Bullet" (FIT) All of my battery's were dead. Can't do it today, as i take m XDH in to the hospital for an out patient procedure. So I will be in town all day. Maybe late afternoon if it is not raining. I will not let the girls out today. They will have to stay in the pen until I get home. They have a nice pen area

The Man just got up. The cat is mewing at the back door. The dogs are missing. Got to go see what the heck is up. The Bassett only stays out for as long as it takes her to do her business. She also is starving to death in the morning.

Have a great day All
Good morning chicken wranglers
My girls are doing me right 28 eggs yesterday! Iwill build a new coop next year. iwould like to sepperate the boodies and let them hatch a brood just to see it done.It is cold here and lots of snow on the ground.I made my last pot of Indonesian coffee this morning so on to gevalia coffee regular grind.
Good morning all. had 2cups of nice hot coffee
and fed and watered all the flock. but what a trip
to the hen house its a slight up hill climb,
But they are doing what they are supposed to.7-11eggs
at least some of them, the other 7 havent made me breakfast
in almost 2 months cant figure them out,
have a warm and good day..
Good morning chicken wranglers
2 this morning frost on the cows and horses, Global warming ? yesterday I saw an article that said "why global warming makes blizzards worse".I dont think any of it has much sustance. Look around at all the snow! the warmest temp for yesterday in Il. was in 1954. I long for the 50's "in temp that is.Stay warm God bless!
Good Morning, folks!

Just got back in from plowing open the driveway, shoveling a path to the coop and feeding the ladies. I'm ready for spring. I'm even ready for MUD! Really tired of the snow. Time to pull out the crock pot and put in a roast along with some carrots, potatoes, onions and turnips. Did I mention that I'm sick of the snow?

Hope everyone is doing well, today!
Good morning all
I just finished the pot. i did a quick run outside opened the door of the temp. shed that Louie-Lu-Li is living in. He was crowing up a storm I did not pull his cage out as the area is still in shade. I let the Frizzle kids out for a little free range this morning. Lots of new grasses coming up. They are having a ball. I am keeping the Big kids in until about noon. I will collect the eggs at that time. I just started getting 5 eggs a day for about 2 weeks. On a couple of days, none. Yesterday I was gone all day. The first thing I did when I got home was let the girls out. I went in to collect the eggs. Not one egg. This has happened before when I went away. some times the chickens have been out and some times not. I am now wondering if I have a 2 legged egg thief. I had wondered if my Dog Bear might be eating them. He cannot get in the pen when the gate is closed. I am really glad he is not a raw egg eater. I will start watching him closer. He already took all the big blue rocks I had collected over a 5 year time frame.

Got to run. I had planned on cleaning my house today. however I am needed to hold some thing so The XDH cuts it.

SO MUCH FOR GLOBAL WARMING, all around the country. I just heard another storm is on the way.

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