Coffee's ready...

Hi everyone. We're excpecting wall to wall sun for the next few days and everybody is talkin about it! We are hoping that this white stuff all just goes into a distant memory and quick. Hope I can let the girls free range today and tomorrow. They are itching to roam and snack on some grass. Well, our new arrival, Blizzard, is doing fine right now. It's weird tho. One tiny chick in our brooder tub. Mom didn't pay attention to her on the coop floor and she would've froze to death or starved out there so DD brought her in. Should be in the 50's today!
I'm lovin it!
Good morning from Arizona.

Having my 3rd cup. I need it bad. The bling, blang *&%$#@ Internet and or PC did not want to connect this am. Had to reset all. Big pain in the butt! I'm over it now cause here I am having coffee with friends.

To get the sunshine smiley, just right click on it, save as then go to uploads on BYC upload when you want to use it click on it highlight copy either the thumbnail or Image and paste in your message. I save lots of smilies from different folks on BYC, and have gotten some really great ones. Hope it works for you guys.

It is overcast somewhat this morning. We are to get rain tomorrow, however it looks like it is building up early.

I hate MUD! my boots used to get sucked off of my feet sometimes. I am sure some of you have had some experience with that. You do need another cup of hot coffee after that. Ah Life in the country, really has it all.

Just got to eat breakfast a clean up!
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I love this thread! I am on my 2nd cup. I forgot to close the coop up last night, and woke up EARLY this morning to Mr. Rooster crowing, loudly! I live in town, so needless to say I stumbled out of bed and threw on a pair of pants and high-tailed it outside.

Today DH and I will be working on a door system using a pulley (from ideas here on BYC, I might add) so it's easier to close up the coop. I've been researching that idea for quite awhile on here, but it's soon time to get off of this computer. I'm SURE I'll be on later.

I'm going to be running up to Walmart and TSC to get a rubbermaid "brooder" since I have eggs going into LOCKDOWN today. I'm going to improve my brooder setup from last year. Also will be picking up pine shavings to do some much-needed cleanup in the coop. It has been as cold as the dickens here in PA, but we are supposed to have nice weather this weekend!

Also, I have soo many eggs. Right now, I will be making "Toad in a Hole" for breakfast, YUM! I am going to go to the local produce shop to get some fresh red beets to make pickled red beet eggs today. I also found a yummy looking recipe to make a brownie cheesecake using more eggs.

So, I will have a busy but fun day today!!!

I hope everyone has a fabulous day today! It's a great day to watch the chickens!
Oh my goodness, debiraymond, you are up early. Or maybe you never got to bed.
Went contra dancing last night - such fun! I so love a good fiddle!
Yesterday I raked the snow off my parsnips. I really wanted to add some to the beef stew I was making, but the ground is frozen solid - I would be breaking my spading fork before I got out any sweet roots. Hopefully, with the snow off, the dark ground will absorb some sun.

Thanks, Tonopah. I will try your uploading something.

Have a wonderful day! It promises to be sunny here.

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