Coffee's ready...

Good morning,
Well, a raw rainy day today. Now I just have to decide if I want to stay cooped up with 3 kids, or brave the elements and take them somewhere like the library to keep them entertained.

I love my public library, the childrens room is really a lot of fun for the kids.
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Sissy, your rain is now here! Pouring now and should continue most of the day. I just finished one cup too many and need to go burn off some caffeine so I'm going to build a small coop for our guineas. I'll build it inside the barn where it's dry and then move it out later. Living in Paradise is right! Soggy, mushy muddy paradise, but paradise just the same!

Kismet, wish you hadn't mentioned the "T" word! lol! Need to finish ours this weekend. I had to look up 'contra dance' . Turns out, we've done this a few times and never knew what it was called! Have fun!
Think I need a pot of coffee. My wife and my chickens are mad at me! I can't let the chickens out of their immediate run cause sprinkles has learned to jump over the gate.

I cemented fence posts in the ground where I was going to put up another fence thus greatly enlarging their immediate run but preventing them from entering the rest of the yard.

Wife hates where the new fence will be!

Please pray for me, I may not make it past this weekend!

Well I got back in and the sun is out hopefully
it will dry up
some of the mud holes.

JP.. you ll make it..tell wifey youll get her more chix.
weirdmuse Sorry about the rain

But I was taught to share. Step up to the coffee bar, next cup is my treat.

the sun is out so maybe that will roll over to you..
Rain or shine... ..this is still paradise..
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Morning chicken friends! My chickies are slacking lately. We even had our first eggless day ever since we've had laying hens! Our little chickie is now 2 weeks old, but I think she needs a little buddy. TSC should get some in shortly so maybe we can get her one. Here's a picture of Blizzard:


We call the little hut I made for her Blizzard's Bungalow.

Sounds like we're all ankle deep in mud. I put down straw and it's still dangerous out there.
Be careful everyone!

Sissy, looking at this picture now, I think she does look like a Lone Ranger!
She just needs a cowboy hat and some spurs!
I think she's got her nickname, thanks!
Good morning from gloomy Illinois, but I always tell myself that today is holding yesterday and tomorrow together, so try not to complain. We had a pretty week, and the middle part of next week looks good, so planning my week around that. Have a great week-end!!!!
The coffee definitely helped. My wife and I came to a compromise after I of course cemented the poles in place. Will have to cut them at the base and do it all over again. Moving them back 5'.

I told my wife I feel so bad, "I called "speckles" "sprinkles" she said "that's ok, I forgot all the chicken's names!"

Good morning from Arizona. I just finished the coffee. The sun is shining but the Blasted! WIND! is blowing again today! Enough already!

I guess I will stay in the house, watch old time movies, take a nap, cook something yummy and wait it out. ( I should be going through paper work that has built up.) Maybe not today!

Have a great Sunday everyone.

I just love the photo of Blizzard! Just the cutest chick.
Good Afternoon from chilly gloomy Illinois. It has rained here alot, so its soggy as heck, but we have really pretty weather coming the middle of the week last i heard so that will give us all something to look forward too. I am so ready for spring. Our local weather forecaster, who is actually very good, said our Midwest April is going to be warm (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!) but May will be wet. Great. There goes the gardens again!!!! We replant more than we ever did back in the old days. Even the farmers do.

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