Coffee's ready...

Good morning! Geez that Hazelnut coffee sounds awesome! That is my absolute favorite flavor!
Not much new in the chicken world. I let the hens free-range yesterday for about an hour before roosting time and they just loved it! The newest chickies are getting bigger every day and eating like hogs. Only a little while now and we'll know how many roosters we got. They should start crowing soon. Well, guys, have a wonderful day!
All flock Tenders. Good morning to you and Scoopy-do
glad you made it for a coffee break.
Pon-- I too love the hazlenut.
Karl if you finished with the weeds
over there. we have some to share
but you have to pick them yourself

have a good day.
Got my coffee and now I'm at my desk pretending to work. I prefer to grind my own coffee every morning because I think it makes the best tasting brew. I start with a simple mix of a bag of 8 o'clock decalf beans and a bag of regular beans that I mix up in a big plastic bag. I grind it in an electric grinder for as much as 15 seconds to pretty much turn it to dust and release all the flavor. Then that goes into a large metal french press coffee pot with near boiling water, wait a couple of minutes and press it down. If you've never done it this way and you're still using pre-ground coffee you're really missing out on a treat. I think it's better than StarBucks by a long way!

Ya'll have a great day from down here in central North Carolina!!!
Good morning chicken wranglers
I got gevalia brew this mornin. I have one girl that eats from my hand every morning .It is very touching.
She follows me to the gate and peeps when I leave the pen. I bet she'll be the tastyest chicken of all!Math,Scoop, Sissy,and J.W. top of the morning to ya'll.
" And only joking about eating the chicken she's almost as cute as the bottle calf.
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Good morning chicken wranglers
WE must leave today to go to see my wifes sister in virginia. She is passing and there is not much time so we must hurry. Wish me luck!
Another stunning day in S. Oregon! On cup two of my favorite blend and just wasting time before I get the motivation to get back out there after doing early morning critter rounds....
I have to finish a small coop, start another, and move my batam ducks out of the house. Oh, and if DH doesn't fix that broken pipe soon, it will be added to my list as well... LOL, here's to a few more minutes of procrastination!

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