Coffee's ready...

chicknduck - - good luck with the coop

Rancher hicks - - what are you doing to your self? ? ?
Breathe - - think Fluffy Butts - - -
Young Roo's the bane of society - - I agree. I am having problems with my one roo now.
I sure hope today is Better for ya and you get to SLEEP like a ROCK tonight !
Morning! :cafFinishing up my coffee for the day after working on the coop addition for the babies - my two EE's, who are free ranging farily peacefully with the girls this morning. Ran out of screws, though, so gotta go get my son at summer camp and head to lowes. Have a good one, all, and take a nice break today, Rancher Hicks!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Me an the wife put away 20 chickens and 17 quarts of beans,Really she did all the beans.She also canned 6 quarts of vegtable soup sat.I am married to wonder woman aren't I!
I killed plucked and cleaned the chickens. I had 1 hen that hid behind the coop and I did not find her until all the gear was put away.
Now all the chickens run from me, I wonder what is wrong? It does not matter they will forget soon and run up to me for food. I'll have to butcher the Hider for a sunday dinner .
The wife wants to can chicken soup, and the base for dumplins and such so all we have to do is empty the can and open the ingreidients, dump, stir heat, and serve .Good theory hope it works for us"all winter'.
I dug up potatos, Five plants gave me about2 1/2 gallons not bad for a first time planting them. I still have about 3 rows 70 feet long to go"the work just never ends does it! R. H. I hope your body gives you a brake "believe me I can appreciate all the times when as a young man I was told not to do that because I would pay in the future!I am paying now.I took the swim test at scout camp Did 2 25 yard laps and quit. My mind thinks I am still a speed swimmer and my body betrays me!
Good day to all! God Bless!
Thank you I got it done just in time the new ittle chicks were jumping out of the brooder by the time I finished. Hope you have a good day as well.
Well I've gone and ordered some new tomato stakes, honestly who has tomato plants so small you can tie them up with 36" stakes? I ordered 6' stakes and will pick them up tomorrow.

Cleaned coop two and fortunatley the wood shavings weren't wet that I'd left outside. Apparently it didn't rain to much. Also rearranged the roosts so I could clean the coop better.

The darn hens just are not laying all that well. I suspect it's those blasted Georgia boys. They're beasts I tell ya! I've posted to give them away. Well 4 of the 5 and a young chick roo and two bantam friz/del cross chicks.

GC's are coming tonight then leaving for Alabama. I will miss them but not them staying with us like they had been. I will especially not miss the two cats.

Quercus I have some canning jars I bought two years ago but have not had a good garden since. Can you believe it?

Well take care everyone.

Are we losing heart folks or will I be out done as first today?

Thought I'd go back to bed as usual but couldnt' when I realized I didnt' see Frenchy my bantam Friz. She's been getting torcherd by the GA boys and I didn't notice she wasn't in the coop last night. She's been hiding in the garden away from them. I can only hope she's ok and I jsut didnt' see her.

Watching the news, am I the only one who couldn't care less about Charlie Sheen?

Terrrible thing about the kids in Louisiana and the woman whose husband married another woman.

Heat index here is in the nineties but in Ala over a hundred. Can't imagine.

Have you ever drawn a blank on spelling an easy word? That's what happened with tourcherd. I jsut can't remember how to spell it.

Well have a good day.
omg i cant seem to get off my dead behind this morning, even to make coffee.

Im so tired of it being muggy. I am not a sweater- but in muggyness i do get "damp" all over
and i hate the feeling. I get the cooties feeling when i see dh dripping wet .

coffee and french toast sounds good right now:/
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Good morning chicken wranglers
I am damp all over right now from the heat but unlike you ladies I also smell like a goat.The heat index," I take exception to the concept, as it seems it is something that the media uses to make us all feel worse about our misery" will be 101 here in midwestern Il.Like I needed to know I would be more miserable.
I moved the blue andulusions"did I spell that right? out to the pen and they are doing great.I have one roo in the brood that looks like a sussex.He roosts on the highest part of the roost he can get to . I think he is just surveying his new kingdom.
The woman is canning all day today. We have chicken,green beans and spaghetti to get put up. Iwish her well from my seat here at work.
Today is good day to hord. Blessings to all!
Now that i have had coffee i noticed this!! lol not laughing at you, just made me giggle... i think its the "erd" it reminds me of how my dog talks( i give them voices.. haha so im crazy anyhow)


Reminds me of the time Dh asked me how to spell "Transportation" so i told him( he is a trucker.. so this is extra freakin' hilarious" he went on and on telling me i was wrong and he bet me $50 there wasnt a third "T" in the word.
Karl, there isn't a red tomato out there or anything else to can. It would take to long to grow fruit now that we have land. I did pick up 12 new hardwood stakes though.

Trans, what did you do with that $50? The french toast sounds good but I already ate scrambled eggs.

Got a guy to take my extra roos and the frzi/del chicks. I do hope the remaining chicks are pullets.

The broody in the pen hasn't hatched hers yet and it's a crap shoot that she will. Did i mention that she broke two of the four eggs she had and I didn't notice til a couple of days ago. The hay was damp and the remaining eggs were dirty. I figured a few more days can't hurt so I changed the hay and put her back in. She's sitting on the eggs so I'll leave her til the end of the week. I didn't write the due date down. I really need to get with the program and get a calender.

Well breakfast is over let the fun, begin.


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