Coffee's ready...

I dont remember exactly, im sure it was blown on a meal out for the family..
Same thing Birthday money goes to if my parents feel like gifting me with any.

Tiem to make mac and cheese for the kids for lunch and to start my cleaning...
Rancher ,no red tomatoes?Wow and with all that heat.We dont have any zuchini or cucumbers but they will be ready soon. The melons got put in late so it will be into september for those but good luck with the hardwood.
We worked in our garden this evening from 7 - 9. It is so HOT during the day that I just can not deal with it.
I work early from 6 - 10 in the morning or late from 7 - 9 in the evening. In between, I either work in the house or run errands.

I am taking at least 2 baths a day - - - I smell so bad and am dripping in sweat ! ! IT is awful

I think my sweat is sweating.
I am experiencing heat rashes.

It was 92 F at 7:00 tonight !

I hear ya Math Ace. I live about an hour or so south of you! It was so hot that I kept a cool dish towel around my neck all day! I waited until 7:30 to go out and work on the coop. I was hoping we would be blessed with a mild hurricane but it looks to have fizzled out!
Good morning People,
Hot coffee is made, thinking about breakfast. It was a slow going morning yesterday, we never made it hiking, we went bike riding instead. We went to the Saratoga National Historical Park. It was a nice short 10.5 mile ride. Another hot and dry day today. Garden is being watered as I sit here. Shop day today, going to be working on a garden bench, coffee grinders and picnic table.

We are slowly getting ripe tomatoes, our squash have been flowering up a storm, but not fruit/veggie(?), broccoli heads are just starting to form, the 3rd crop of beans are up, we have had a few egg plants ( blame them on the wife - her veggie, she likes them).

We have a broody hen sitting on some eggs. They should be hatching in the next couple of days.

Stay cool and be safe
I am with you on that mild hurricane wish. How twisted is it that we look forward to a tropical depression or level 1 hurricane JUST so we can get RAIN and have it cool off for a while ? ? ? ?
I am on cup #2. I need to get out and do some outside chores while the temps are still managable.

I have a BIG list of HONEY DO's to get done today. My children are still sleeping. They are in for a rude awakening when school starts back up in a few weeks. . . . No more staying up late and sleeping in late.
Still on my first cup. My son is awake, but it is like pulling teeth to get him to MOVE - finish his pop-tart, pick out a shirt, get dressed and get his shoes on to get to his summer camp by 9. And since I have to be at work at 7 once school is back in, he will also be in for a rude awakening!
My BF's girls sleep till 10, later if I let them, which I don't. The 13 year old told us last night she doesn't have a bedtime at her mother's house, even during the school year! WHAAAT!
And we wonder why she's failing half her classes, despite being farily intelligent.....hmmm.
I let the chickens out and then went back to bed. I had a weird dream. My DD came in and that woke me up. I'm sick and tired of these kids coming into our room. I'm going to get a sign that says private! These guys are in their twenties not little.

Karl I misspoke I was out working in the garden yesterday and there was an orange tomato. I don't think there is enough food for the plants and have started using some miracle grow. I wanted to avoid that, but I need to put something else in there other than chicken manure. I did see a sign for free horse manure. Personally I'd bag it up and sell it. I got a good deal on 5 bags a couple of years ago. Feed sack full for $5 ea. I did have to drive a long way for it though.
Picked up the new tomato stakes and put those in. I've got pepper plants that are tall but have no peppers. Green. I've got some Acorn squash that are smaller than in the store and look ripe when do I pick them?

Chicks, my kids always had bedtimes til they were older and always did well in school. Of course they had to do their homework right after school and papers were checked. I know it's hard today though. I never accepted the "I'm to stupid or dumb" excuse. Reminding them that "I don't have stupid kids all my kids are smart." There was not "do you want to go to college" it was a given they were going. There is all kinds of financial aide and ways to work it out. Not all of them finished but they started and then it was on them. No excuse of parents who wouldn't help. Of course no borrowing from my retirement either.

Broody still on her eggs and a few days to go or she's going back to the coop. I haven't candled but probably should. I hate to bother a broody. She didn't do well in the pen. Neither did the last hen. I may give it up, and just leave them in the coop. I hate to do that but it seems the ones who have stayed there hatched more chicks. Only thing is keeping the other hens from laying extra eggs that end up being tossed. Perhaps I should/could build a small brooding house. I have a really large crate that I bought but it wouldn't be winter proof nor am I sure pred proof as the walls are thin. It could also be that it's been to hot in the room where the pen is. It's really a smaller crate more than a pen. I should put a thermometer in there.

Hot here to but not as bad as you folks in the south. Expecting 70's by the end of next week. How bout you folks?

Rained yesterday and leach field over wet again. So may stay inside and read. Have a copy of "The man who ate his boots". It's about the Northwest passage exploration.

Have a good day folks.

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Rancher I wonder if your northern latitude has to do with the variance in our hartvest times.My W.W. is home canning right now.I gave her the day off to get er done! WE still have to get the plums out of the trees to make jelly and presserves.Carrots green beans and corn are still on the agenda also.
I am going to take time off fri and mon to work around the house, to get my to do list done.
I fixed mower and mowed until 8:00 last night and only have a acre or 2 to go.
Sissy we are waiting for you to check in and fill us in on Tenn.
Quercus, I used to cycle all the time wish I still had time for it. I was up to 9 miles in 30 min. This spring on the stationary bike but iwent to jogguing on the tread mill instead. My wife will not let me ride to work after 2 guys my age were killed riding to work last summer "not my work their work"!
Math ace I know what you mean my 16 year old daughter will not get out of bed until prompted and wonders why she does not get her chores done before noon.
Well God bless and have a productive day!

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