Coffee's ready...

Morning!! BF left for an overnight hike this morning (in 90 degree weather - no thanks, you and your buddy just go ahead without me), and I'm taking the opportunity to work on cleaning and organizing this disaster of a desk - and house.
quercus - I never would have thought to put coconut in granola! I'll try that - it sounds delicious.
Have a lovely day, chicken peeps.
Good Morning all you fine chicken people! Black cold leftover coffee for me this a.m. Woke up late and the chickens need out! Have a great day out there in Chicken Ville!
Good morning folks! I need a cup of coffee something fierce. I'm up but not up, know whadda mean? I ain't doing jack today, been workin' myself to the bone and need a break!

Gonna just chill, maybe go see a movie with my wife and just escape.

Y'all have a great weekend!

Well, Good garden o' Peas!

Young man here to work before I was even up. Don't expect people to show up to work at 7:00am and coffee not even made. Just some work around the yard I can't do. Then bro. called and talked but it was good. So got the mail and my book was here. So gotta share.

"Minnie Rose Lovgreens Recipe for Raising Chickens" its a small book but I read about her in one of the mags I get. In case you don't know I read everything about chickens. Definitely the type to go "oh look theres a chicken" ADD ya know what I mean. Lord have mercy if there anything in a mag or paper about chickens it will turn my head.

Well anyhow the book came today and of course I've got to read it NOW!.
There's also a book of her memoirs and I'll probably get that too. I just might learn something if I'm not careful.

Well folks you know what I'll be doing today. Life is good praise God. By Him we live and move and have our being.

Have a nice day and hug your chickens for me.

Lovin the title to that book, I may just have to look it up! I bore some of my friends to death with chicken talk, but then, those friends bore me to death with mall talk! LOL. Smile and Nod, best thing for any relationship ever!
Well, you share your most deep intimate thoughts and secrets, silly.

Seriously just mention how your day is and what your plans are for the day. How are your chickens doing and what's going on. Just simple stuff. No "OMG!" I'd like to kill my husband stuff.
Nothing deep, say good morning. Ask a question or two. Nothing deep like "OMG!" my sister's in jail and her husband took off. Now what do I do with their eight kids?
Nothing like that, just coffee's on, chickens hatching all over the place and garden needs weedin'. Maybe mention something good that happened. Dr. Phil isn't on this post so we can't put your head on straight.

You gotta pickle recipe? or How do I keep the chickens from killing each other? Just light encouraging stuff if you can. Let's leave the heavy stuff to God or whoever your faith is in. At least that's what I think you should do here. Hope to see your here again.

Wishing your the best day possible

Hi all you flock tenders,
I havent been on for a while.and Iam late today.
but Im backkkkk

you know what comes first out here,
yup all the animals..
so who was up early enough to get the
coffee on.
I see a lot of new comers

Lots of chickie hatching here
have 2 splash silkies with yellow feet huhh
and 2 buff s really beautys looking the way they should.
from crossing a white silkie x a black silkie
coops to clean too and I am sure you all know how that goes.
the deer ate the rest of my tomatoes,
they sure are getting nervy
came clear up the the side porch. Hummm
I sure do love Venisen... but it never happened
they'r too fast.
of course too much rain, now the heat is upon us.
kismet , 2 scoops , Karl where are you/
so much to do and not enough time to get it done.
you'all have a great day.
Chat with you soon .. Sissy
Good afternoon poultry people. I've not been around much either Sissy, but it's nice to see all the newcomers. I get to read the thread at work once in a while. Sissy, I also saw 3 deer yesterday. It was a doe with 2 speckled fawn. That was a nice sight in the yard. No garden for me to worry about this year.
Well, I'm drinking Kool-Aid and going to go to a car show with my DS later. Nothing intense, just bumming around.
Doing some reading lately. Borrowing my DD books and getting magazines from our recycling facility.

My job may not last much longer I fear. Please keep me in your prayers, I've been looking for another job for a while. Have a good one everyone!
Well I read the first pages of "Minnie Rose's book and learned something that could have saved some chicks lives and it kinda bums me out but no sense crying over spilled milk. You gotta get this book. Trillium Press.

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