Coffee's ready...

I feel like I randomly appear for coffee at very odd times? It is just gone 2 pm here. - It must be what around 9am there???????? Anyhow kind of seems I am either early or well late for coffee??? Dd still hasn;t popped yet so I still have a bump in my siggy! -
She only phoned about 6 times yeaterday and 4 times today so I think I am getting her to cope -
I wonder what it will be like when she does get this baby? Thinking of changing my number?
No really she is fine, just a bit clingy right now - like a drowning man !!!!!!!! - Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so wish the baby would come sooooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Decided to go and talk to the girls this morning
- they are all kind of not laying! I even had to buy eggs the other day!!!!!!

Anyhow I noticed that they were in the hen house so I waited and when they came out I checked - still no eggs -

Gerty is still in her sulky thran mood. - she is top hen but has taken to comming out of the coop last in the mornings and waiting until I call her several times. Then she looks at me like I have three heads and stromps off to a corner as if she isn;t impressed with the breakfast menu! Issy belly - (Isobella ) Is still as beautiful as ever - but deadly. I still think Gerty and Isobella murdered Eleanor last year! She is very close to Gert and the pair of them are now huddled up together on the viewing platform DH built them to survay all they own! I call them the old crows! Caroline is so sweet she would hardly be noticed if it wasn;t for the odd Egg she is producing now and then while the others clearly don;t want to be bothered! This was not Carolines laying day apparently ! She told me when I asked her if she had any lined up? Poor Drumstick makes me sigh with sadness - she is compleatly bald on her neck and belly and the top of her head. She has been this way since June now and I wonder if her feathers will ever grow again! She seems fine in herself and her crown is deep red. She eats like a horse and drinks like a fish! I have been putting vitamins in the water for her and spraying her feet with WD40. She seems to have gotten Scally leg and it doesn;t seem to want to go away. So I have treated the coop and everyone in it much to their dismay. Lately I have caught Drumstick napping during the day. This isn;t like her and I wonder if its just all getting a bit much. She is a lovely bird who likes to be litterally under your feet. She has to be involved with everything you do all of the time! I feel for her at the same time I wonder if those wild birds could have brought in a disease I don;t know about????? Anyhow that done I treated them all to some Zuccinis and went to see if I had anything left in the garden I could actually eat?

Managed to get a few things that had not been investigated or infiltrated by creepy crawlies and birds! I may get dinner out of it yet? - Honestly if we didn;t have shops I would starve!

Better get on and try to do something today. - coffee drank and I still feel like someone is squashing my brain cell! - Leave it alone its the only one I have left! -

Oesdog -
Have a good day.
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right now its about 9:38 am here in ny state.

Ive already had some coffee, made scrambled egg sandwiches and spent way too much time on the internet!!
i have more work to do today than there is hours ...

pay day is tomorrow...yay!
Morning everyone, let the chicks out at 6:30 and went back to bed.

I have Cuisanat coffee maker that's really nice and has the coffee done by the time I finish brushing my teeth. We do have $12 job that does in a pinch. The cuisiy is a replacement.

Querus I haven't seen any bats at all and I would be gladt to even though in the past we've had a couple get in the house. I heard those bat houses don't work or I buy one or two.
What is bean d'ville? We've got yellow squash a plenty and Acorns to what I need is tomatoes though the freezer is full and I usually freeze them. Iv'e got jars but will need to buy a canner. If they ever start to ripen. Good garden o' peas, its almost September!

Chics My DB had a neighbor who complained about his dog barking. Only thing is the dog warden came and sat outside my DB's house for four hours and didn't hear any barking. The neighbor had kept calling and complaining so they had to do something and well after that
no more problems. They say "good fences make good neighbors" but even then neighbors can be a pain. I wouldn't worry to much EE's aren't as talkative as my Dom's are. Some breeds make more noise than others.

I've posted pics of my raised beds. I get the culled lumber from HomeDepot. I keep adding as the culled stuff becomes availabe, I just save up the boards until I have enough for another bed. I did get used bricks once when I lived in the city. They tore down a building
and everyday on the way home from work I'd stop and fill up the back of my car. I got enough to make a walk in the front of my house and a patio in the back. To bad you can't find something like that.

Ace My wife has seam rippers cuz she sews unless you mean something else. When the girls were young she made a lot of their clothes. I need to get her to make me some Guaze type clothes for working in the garden. Something to protect me
from the skeeters.

Take care have a nice day

Another gloomy rainy day here in PA. Not complaining, tho. It has been hot and dry. Chickens are going thru the water lately and slacking in the egglaying department. Oh well, I still love em! Well, I'm at work so I better get off of here...
but I'll be peeking in from time to time...
Good mornin, flock tenders.
fed and watered all the feathered friends and the furry ones too.
went to the feed store and loaded up feed
TSC sure has upped their prices,
I heard 2 Golden comets:jumpy

3 days old and they cried Take me home.
so what can I say.. it was a done deal.

snuck them in to pantry brooder.
getting to have a really full house opps coop..

DH would faint.: and I certainly would not
want that to happen.
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Good morning chicken wranglers
Scoop I'm not complaining either ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but,,,,,,,,,,,,, It has been gloomy hot and miserable here.
Sissy a pantry brooder? my garage brooder makes my nose wrankle and I force the kids to clean it every other day, "it has 49 rir's and barred rocks". At least the stinky cornish rocks are frozen and not pooping now.
I have to get mustard seed for the pickles on my way home after work.
It is 101! here today and I know I will not be able to resist a cool beer after a hard days work I must stop at a liquor store to get the seed?.
Well I must go to the paper mill to discuss tuesday Work load, so It will Be really hot in there and I will have more justification for beer!
I make sure my neighbors on each side of me get a 1/2 to 1 dozen of eggs a week. It is my way of bribing their support.
One of my neighbors looked worried with the chicken coop thing - - - - but he has since become a supporter. He has seen how hard we work to keep the animals clean and healthy. We make sure we clean the coop 1 - 2 times a week and hang fly tapes and do anything else to avoid irking our neighbors. We had 3 roos and I let the neighbors know we were going to get it down to 1 quickly. Everybody has been GREAT about it. I know I have gotten lucky and have GREAT neighbors . . . .

I do live in the country, so I think the mentality of our neighbors is a little different than neighbors in the city. I know for a fact that my city friends don't understand my "farm" thing - - not the pot belly pigs, chickens, compost piles, or garden. IT is a shame that people can grow up and not understand these things that are the foundation of life
I make sure my neighbors on each side of me get a 1/2 to 1 dozen of eggs a week. It is my way of bribing their support.
One of my neighbors looked worried with the chicken coop thing - - - - but he has since become a supporter. He has seen how hard we work to keep the animals clean and healthy. We make sure we clean the coop 1 - 2 times a week and hang fly tapes and do anything else to avoid irking our neighbors. We had 3 roos and I let the neighbors know we were going to get it down to 1 quickly. Everybody has been GREAT about it. I know I have gotten lucky and have GREAT neighbors . . . .

I do live in the country, so I think the mentality of our neighbors is a little different than neighbors in the city. I know for a fact that my city friends don't understand my "farm" thing - - not the pot belly pigs, chickens, compost piles, or garden. IT is a shame that people can grow up and not understand these things that are the foundation of life

Your really lucky - we nearly had the council called to us for having a Roo for just 2 weeks ! We got him to fertalise the eggs, he was on loan from another neighbor! The chap next door went mental about it so we had to give him back to the fellow who lives like only 5 doors down! ( So you can still hear him just not in our yard!) Madness really as we back onto a FARM with FARM animals ! Cows bellowing and a Donkey and tractors going all the time and yet this fellow hated my Roo! He doesn;t. like the hens either and they are always complining to eachother about them- but they can;t do anything about that because were allowed Hens here. I just don't understand folk who move to the country , buy a house backing onto a farm and then complain about farm yard noises????????? Its like someone buying a house under the flight path and complaining about airoplanes? Anyhow I now have 2/3 roo babies and am just waiting for the first crow? - No I don;t bribe with eggs - I don;t have enough laying hens I only have 4 right now and they are on the moult! The other hen is with chicks so isn;t laying either. - I simpathise with the neighbor issues!

Oesdog -
Morning People,
Coffees hot, the last of the Ethiopia Yirgachieffe till next week. A new type of granola for breakfast.

Weather: Overcast with a chance of rain, low to mid 80'a

rancher hicks: We have a Austalop Hen that was a "free be" and was sent with our meat birds. Our main group of egg layers are NHR. We tried to add her to the group multiple times, and each time, they just about killed her. She has turned into a pet with the better half and oldest rat. They in turned named her "Bean". Right now, she's living in a make shift/temporary shelter with the broody hen and 3 chicks. With winter coming, I have to build another coop for her and some friends that we'll add. The original coop is called the Egg Factory, so I decided to call this coop Bean D'ville.

We live in a area with really no neighbors. The people behind us to the south, have like a homestead situation. We purchase a meat lamb from them every fall. They have this German Shepard named Shameus(sp?) who comes and visits us frequently. I think he loves to sneak up on you and scare you. The other neighbor on the west side of us, well this is the country. Nice people, not home all that often. He says, the roaster reminds him of growing up. The next closes neighbor is about a 5 min. walk. away and they own a orchard. You can hear Mr. Roo when you are over there. Everyone is welcome to eggs if they want some.

Enjoy your day
Good morning Chicken Wranglers
I watched part of the meteor shower last night,Starts again tonight at 10:00 but it is supposed to cloud up and rain around here perhaps all you guys can catch it. Up to 100 falling stars an hour between 3;00 am and 4:00 am.
Have to roast a hog for a wedding party tonight, love to cook Pig.
Quercus is that coffee real thin? bad joke Huh!
Ya'll have a great week end God bless!

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