Coffee's ready...

Morning People,
Coffees hot, trying to decide what's for breakfast. We had ourselves a good soaking the other day. The stream and pond is still low, but it is a help.

Weather: Mid 80's, humid

oesdog: Best of luck

I am looking forward to grand kids. It's going to be awhile before it happens. I'll be able to extract my sweet revenge......
Wind'em up with sweets and send'em home with the noisiest toy I can find.......How does that sound?

Maybe a bike ride this morning before heading into the shop.

When I had a hair cut back in the late 70's, they classified it as strawberry blonde and gave it to "lots of love(sp)" I think. It was down to my waist. I was conforming to society standards. Now I'm partial bald and what is left is turning white.

Enjoy your day
quercus21 - - You can always return to the strawberry blonde with a little help from the hair dye companies

Oh - AND NOISEY toys are NOT COOL !

Karl - - I haven't had roasted pig in a very long time. My dad use to do a pig roast every year at Christmas time.
That stopped about 15 years ago. WOW - what memories this brings back.

Rancher - - How's that fence going ? ? How are your neighbors - - are they willing to pay for damages ?
I had a pit - - - the breed is a terrier and loves to chase by nature. My pit loved to chase cats.
She never hurt them, just loved to chase them. I had a neighbor with 15 cats and if my dog
got out that is where she would be.

As a pit owner - -- the problem with these dogs is that they are so quiet.
You never know they are missing because they are always so quiet.
Mine would go in and out with us as we were working around the house on the weekend.
We would not notice that she went out or didn't come back in and then she would run off to
check out the neighbor's cats. We would go and get her as soon as we discovered she had escaped

Thank God, the neighbors were good about it. They recognized that she didn't want to harm the cats

Sissy - - - I wish I had a broody hen.

Chicks - - Hope today goes as well as yesterday at the new school.
I am gonna try to go in Thursday and volunteer to help my old co-workers get their classrooms in shape for the new year.

EVERYONE have a GREAT DAY ! ! I am going to pay bills, plant seed, and dig up some mulberry tree seedlings.
Good morning.
Karl - I could smell that hog from down here in St.Pete. I bet that was delicious! My Dad's cousins did that once, and it was soooo good. Do you have one of those big brick fire pits? I want to put in a built-in bar-b-que when I do my patio, too. Things just take better on charcol and wood.

First day back was good. I don't have an office yet, so this morning they should have it figured out. I liked the staff - got a good feeling from everyone, very friendly and genuine. I'm eager to get started with the girls (and a few boys).

Oesdog - heck, she's got a house, a partner, and she's in her 20's - she's got it made in my book! And a great Mom to help her out, to boot. That's a heck of a lot more than the girls I"ve got are starting with. My job is to make sure they make it through high school, try to stem the tide of so many of them growing up in poverty and ending up in prison. My personal goal is to make them into better parents than most of their own parents. Which is at least easier to do when they are still so young and impressionable - that's the silver lining of the situation.

We have a neighbor who's girlfriend just thinks it's okay to let their two pit mixes run free in the front yard - three doors down from one of the busiest streets in St.Pete. We've called the animal control because one is a puppy and didn't know better than to run into the streets or up to anybody walking down the side walk. My biggest fear is one of the dogs around here getting into my yard. One walks by the back fence with his owner (who is really nice and responsible), and gets SO EXCITED seeing the chickens. Makes me worry.

I set the broody leghorn free to range after work, and 20 minutes later she was back in the box, sitting on her imaginary eggs. I put her back on the roost at night. We'll see where she is this morning. Crazy bird.

Have a great day.
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Good morning! Haven't posted here before, but I can enjoy a good hot cup of coffee with almost anyone!

Really like evryone here on BYC, and glad I joined. Yesterday was spent making zuchini bread, gathering veggies from the garden, and making a big pot of homemade soup.
Today, after I get the kids off to school and the beasties fed, I will be doing my home-visits for my special-ed bus kids-----kind of fun. Will be back to work next Monday, and kind of jittery about how everything will go as far as the animals (I always get this way the week before school starts).

Weather here has been very hot and dry for about the past week (a few showers, but nothing to cool us down). Last night, it finally got cool enough to shut off the air and open the windows------love the country night noises!!

Have a great day everyone!
WELCOME to our little neighborhood coffee shop

This is one of my favorite threads on BYC. Just a spot to sit a while and catch up on what everyone is going to do for the day.

I am just finishing my second cup of coffee and must get busy sorting and paying bills.
It is a drudge task that I really don't like doing. I think I would almost rather clean the toilets. . . .
Morning folks,

pongoid, I hope your allergies are under control, I have an arsenal here, seems like everytime I go to the docs it's more drugs just not the right ones. LOL

Sissy, I just need to tighten up the bolts and tie up the chain link to the top. It got bent the first year we moved into the house. I figure it was ice that bent the top bar, but wonder if it wasn't a branch off the tree from nextdoor.

Math, as a former letter carrier I've got experience with all types of dogs. Had a dog on the route named Rage (pit) not a nice dog , but Jasmine was sweet and I could pet her. Rage got taken and when he did come back he had no ears. Def. dog fighting going on.
Anyhow I don't blame the dogs so much as the stupid owners. The thing is they spend money on junk for the yard and could easily put up some fencing as the corner of their house is about 15-20' from the corner of my fence. I've told them they can attach a section to it.
Unfortunatley it's the dogs who suffer. These people are renters and not real classy. She's section 8 and he's not supposed to be living there but he does and nothing can be done without some investigation and here in NY politicians don't care.
Even her cat comes over and eats my cats' food. Such is life.

Well take care folks, lots to do and winter is comming on fast. I was thinking about how I hate winter but the bible says there will always be Summer and Winter. I learned that when I was teaching Sunday School. Wonder if Angels can feel the cold.

All the best

Morning folks,

Couldn't sleep. Heard the roosters at 5:00 am. I didn't know they got up that early. It's not even light out. How do they know when to start getting people up?

Stressing over the winter and getting things closed up. I don't mind the cold so much as the snow. I like to cover the run w/ plastic so the girls can go out if they choose. I have two this year and last year they crashed down under the weight of the snow. Not to the ground so the girls has room but it was a mess.

Still have much to do from the summer. Never enough time. At least you folks in the south don't have to deal with the snow and shutting up.

On my second cup of coffee. LOL

Well take care and have a nice day.

Morning, everyone!

So much to do today... i would be exhausted if i listed it all!

Rancher-- i have been toiling over even a PLAN to prepare for winter chicken wise. I don't know what i should do!

I candled my eggs that i put in in the AM on the 10th. Questioning fertility since we got rid of brutus the mans man. I took out 5 out of 25.. thats not bad, right? I have one more in question but its getting more time.

To go even further, i put more in another incubator on the 16th in the pm... will candle those.. im not expecting such luck as those will have the absolute LAST of the brutus man's stuff in them.

Auction is something like october 3rd. If i get a buck out of each chick that lives it will be both an experience and give me a little pocket money( along with other things ill be selling).

I just re homes another 18 chickens.. im sort of really down in the dumps about it.. But after lengthy discussions with the husband.. we have decided to go full breeds ( with occasional sex link hatching for selling) but that is still open for discussion.

I feel bad for even getting the ones ie decided to part with.. its painful..i feel so guilty! i am down to 13 in the main house!!! the two black sex links i am keeping for now but as they were practically a rescue, once their feathers grow back in they might go to auction.

The baby pen isnt looking too much babyish now! they are 15 weeks this saturday that ive had them.. its getting close!!! Standard cochins, bantam cochins, wyandottes, partridge rocks, and leghorns.

Anyways, ive rambled on enough i suppose! Drinking a coke right now but i think coffee sounds better!
Morning People,
Coffee's ready, trying to decide what is for breakfast. Maybe I'll wait till break time till I eat.

Weather: High 70's - low 80's, dry. Great sleeping with weather, cool evenings.

Chicken update: The better half did a bumble foot surgery on one of the hens, looks like it is doing well and healing properly. We found the procedure here on BYC, written by username: Ruth. None of my patients survive, they end up going to the freeze camp.
The 3 chicks are doing good.
I am about 1/3 - 1/2 done with the Bean D'ville. - Oldest rat says it is starting to look like a "chicken village".

Staining day today.

Math Ace: Thanks for the "advice", but I think I'll let it go white and become a "snow cap". Another thought I had, when it is all white, I'll get a jet black tupay.

It's not the neighbors dogs that are a problem with us. We sort of don't mine them visiting us, it's their cows that concern us. They just lumber(sp) right through everything.

Enjoy the day

Morning all', beautiful cool day here in Illinois . . .heat coming back, but we have had three or so days in the 80's and the early mornings are just almost cool!!!! Got the water tanks filled and did put ice in the small ones because suppose to hit low 90's again later today. It's in the barn and will stay cool for hours.

Dreading winter if we don't get a water line layed, carrying water is hard as heck when its cold. Electric I can manage without, although that would be nice too . . .but water is worrying me alot. I did get a part time job at the local mom and pop grocery store, so that will be handy cash for the little extras. Feel sorry for people working minimum wage jobs as the major breadwinner of their families. Hard times.

Have a wonderful day everyone. I work in the Real Estate office today, so think good thoughts someone will call in for that Million $$$$$$ property!!!!!
At this point and time, I would take about anything!!!

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