Coffee's ready...

Good Morning Everyone

I am on my second cup of tea
no coffee yet! Weather not too bad this morning, dry at the minute!

How is everyone???
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Well glad your out of bed - Sofa sitting isn;t a good thing and you do start to notice everything that needs doing!!!!!! STOP IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

The weather here is sunny. Last night was a really bad storm so everything had to be tied down. Because we live on the coast we get really high winds.

I have had about 3 cups of coffee already. Dan slept until 5 this morning but was really really dirty and wet so his whole bedding had to be changed - DH got up and did it so I was really really pleased!!!!!!!!! But then I had to get up early and get Dan organised for adult centre and DH slept in. Now I have baby Jess here and she is such a sweetie I love her. Nothing gets done when she is about though.

Well I just threw the two little chickies out in the yard and noticed that my wee Blue is looking really Rooooooooster ish ! I mean that kind of look in his eye type thing.
I am hoping the two little ones will grow some in the next few weeks as they are way behind the others now in size. There is only a weeks age difference but size wise more like three weeks. Knowing my luck they will turn out to be Bantums?????? Not my rare cream Legbar roo and Cuckoo Maran?????

Anyhow I better away for a bit. Will try to check in later to keep ypu company Tartannick

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SLEEP is such a BLESSED thing. We use to sleep in shifts when the twins were small. I was rough. I don't know how my Dh and I kept our relationship together through the 1 - 2 year period when the twins were extra small. My Ds did not sleep through the night until after he was a year old. He is ADHD and still has issues sleeping. . .. I swear he can go all day with 3 hours of sleep. I use to tell him when he was 2 - 4years old that he was not allowed to get up before the SUN. . . If he woke up and didn't see the SUN, then he needed to GO BACK TO BED ! ! !
Good morning, chicken peeps! Got my coffee - it tastes a bit strong, but that's not always a bad thing

Math Ace - that does sound brutal. My son has always had trouble napping, and didn't sleep through the night till he was about one, either. I swear he can entertain himself for HOURS at naptime and never fall asleep, no matter how tired he seems. I don't know how you do it, Oes.

Welcome, Plucky! I used to have that same shift, starting on a Sunday. In a way it felt like Sunday gave me a head start before the rest of the world got there. I'm convinced coops are never finished.

Tartannick - Did you find a good movie to watch? I am staying home today, too, but fortunately I'm still mobile. My son is fighting a cold and he feels a bit warm to me. I also have a million things to take care of. My desk/ office space is still in shambles and I need to get it ready for them to hook my internet back up. And go to the bank.

And take care of my broody - maybe a few of you might have some advice. She has mites that I just discovered yesterday evening. They are crawling over the eggs, and in her feathers

I am going to get that ivermectin (that proably isn't spelled correctly, but I can't look it up while typing on this thread) and treat her with it, but what about the nest and eggs? I hate to move them on day 18, but I feel like I need to replace the shavings and put down some DE. I hate to think of them getting on my new babies!

Have a good one. A bit more coffee and I'm ready to tackle my desk, then off to the feed store the minute it opens. They should have mite treatment, right?
Oh no sorry to hear you have mites, little horrors!! I don't know the answer to your problem, but could you set up another bed for her and just move her quietly into that???

I am watching Gone With the Wind!!!! Never seen it before so i am glad i have time to watch it!

Oesdog, I promise i am sitting on the couch with my coffee and laptop and watching my film!!!!
Can I ask who Dan is??
Oh sorry Tartannik - Danny he is one of my twin boys. They were born premature at 26weeks and both have issues. Danny is the worst affected as he got septicemia at 3 weeks and it poisoned his brain. He is 23yrs old and functions at about 18 months - 2 yrs. The other Twin Ben. His heart and lungs collapsed when he was a few days old and his brain was starved of oxygen. He is consequently brain injured and needs supervised employment and independant living. As he only functions like a young teenager he cannot manage his everyday needs like shopping, finances and things like that, he does live in his own Flat but its at the end of our road!!!!! Danny will never leave home. There is a picture of Danny and Jessica (our new grandaughter - my daughters baby) but I can't rmember the page? ( on this thread!!!)

Chicks - you need to sort the mites before the chicks come as mites can be really bad on new baby chicks!

Math ace - I wish I could tell Danny to go back to bed, sadly he deasn't understand that his brain is too damaged for reasoning. ( Been thinking a good wallop with a mallet might do the trick??? -

good to hear you all today I am for another coffee I think. - We must work out how far behind you all are time wise? I get a bit freaked when some folk say good morning and I just had my evening meal???? Isn't the world an amazing place when you think of it???

Tartannick - don;t get bed sores on your bum!!! -
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Good grief. It must be in the lower 40s this morning. This is not normal for Oklahoma! It'll warm up, but it was a chilly walk to the school bus stop this morning for a 4-year-old.

My chickie girls got some corn this morning and they were pleasantly surprised.

I just looked up the current time in Edinburgh and it's 1:37 p.m. and I'm at 7:37 a.m., so in the U.S. central time zone we're 6 hours behind Scotland. (while we're still on daylight savings anyway).

Oh... sounds like my Granddaughter is awake now too, this was major sleeping in for her! I'm sure she's ready for some breakfast too. All the critters have been fed, now time for the people baby.
Why did no one tell me that i needed hankies to watch gone with the wind????

Oesdog, thank you for explaining about your Danny, it must of been a stressful time all those years ago and since i imagine? Will have a look for that picture!

Pelican49, thats quite wierd isn't it, us 6 hours ahead of you. I wonder if there are any countries ahead of us??

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