Coffee's ready...

Well, I'm back in after treating for the mites and taking a long shower. YUCK!! I'm so glad I noticed them last night. My babies would have been gonners in a matter of hours if I hadn't gotten them. The bedding was absolutely INFESTED. I moved the eggs and shoveled it into a plastic bag. By the time I finished, they were completely covering the sides of the bag! Saturday night I only saw a few on her (none on the eggs), and by today they were a swarm.
I dusted her with Sevin (now called something else), as well as the nesting area. I even dusted the eggs then wiped it off. I hope I didn't move the eggs around too much, or use too much of the powder. I tried to be gentle but I was so freaked out when I saw how many there were. I put the powder in a paper bag and then put Sunshine in it up to her neck. This was NOT and easy thing to do. She thrashed around and made raptor noises I have never heard from them before, ripped up the bag with her talons, and meanwhile the BR, Ebony, had to be in the middle of it all (as usual) and started pecking her on the head. HARD. I finally had to put Sunshine down and lock Ebony in the coop, and catch Sunshine again to finish dusting her. Meanwhile Ebony just stood there and yelled at me from inside the coop while I finished the process. I'm so worried about the eggs getting moved around so much, but at least my faithful broody went right back to sitting after she had a bite to eat and some water. I don't see anymore alive on her. She is just speckled with dead ones, even all over her beautiful tail. Whew, that was a job. I'm going to rest while my son takes a nap. He feels like his fever may be higher, and just told me his ear hurts. Not good.

It's funny how the eggs almost feel hallow now that the chicks inside have absorbed most of the fluid. I do hope they hatch okay.... they need a little icon of a smily face bitting it's nails on here.

Beautiful families, Tartannick and Oesdog - I love the big fluffy dog, too! I wish I could post my son's first little school picture he got this week, but they only give you prints. You'd think they would get with the times and e-mail a digital copy!
Chicks - Glad you got sorted with the mite infestation. Yuck horrible but at least you were brave enough to go do something about it. I had a bad experience once I bought a bag of compost and when I opened it it was full of mites and it was really bad - they were sooooo fast and started up my arm and onto my face. I can tell you I shot out of there and grabbed a kettle of boiling water and kept pouring it over them all till I got um!!!!! I stayed in the shower for ages and doused myself in the Dog shampoo that kills critters!!!!!!!

The big fluffy dog is the same one as the one in my avatar he is called Murphy!

Hope your wee boy improves for you -

Now would be a good time to use the ivmectin BECAUSE she is not laying now and won't be laying for a few weeks at the earliest - - - so you won't have to throw away any eggs.

MITES are nasty because they don't live on the bird. They visit and then go hide and then visit again when they get hungry. . . .
You will need to treat the entire area that she is in - - - perch, nest, coop, etc. MITES love dark places. In 7 - 10 days, you will need to retreat again for new hatching mites. If she is near other birds - - - everyone needs to be treated.

LICE are better because they live on the birds - - not in the surroundings. With LICE you only have to treat the birds.

Do you see small rice shaped bugs on her butt on the skin or so you see tiny tiny pepper like bugs on the butt area ? ?
Scaly leg mites on growths on the legs . . .

Good luck with it. You will need to treat MITES or LICE aggresively like a person treats head lice.
Thanks for the tip about re-checking/ treating in 7-10 days. I dug out her next box and put down a layer of the dust, then put in a new layer of pine shavings. I also put some in all the corners of her little broody cage, and she doesn't come in contact with the others since she has been in her broody cage. I put dust in the area between the cages, too, and will keep checking the other girls. I put DE down all over the place, too.
I sure hope I got them all. It was tiny tiny pepper like bugs - some of them looked red. Her legs looked fine, but I will keep watching. Thanks again for the tips - I'm so worried about it now. Do you think the eggs are okay after being moved around so much today? PS - I didn't get the Ivmectin because it was $54!! If the powder doesn't work, I'll get some. It was worth trying the $7 cure first.
OH MY, Pelican, I meant to add your name when I complimented all the lovely family pics!! Your grandbabies are both adorble. I love how big the backpack looks on your little grandson - too cute.
Good morning people,
French roast coffee this morning........

Weather: We had a couple of good days of rain, today, chance of showers.

I hope all is going well with everyone.

It was getting hard to understand the better half and the old rat, so I cleaned/lit the wood stove this week. Now they like me again. I hope the weather holds out, we are going to be doing some bush whacks this coming Sunday. 2 more tops until we completed this set. I believe I read or saw that way back when......part of the rock formations in the Catskill came from Scotland.

Enjoy the moment

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Coffee shop is a bit empty this morning. I've got a cup o' joe that needs re-heated in a minute. At least I have a microwave now.
I got us all dressed and ready this morning and went to my son's school, but his teacher said since it hasn't been 24 hours yet since his fever broke (around noon yesterday), they would prefer it if I took him home. So I did - he is still kind of pale looking, and has a cough now. Still snotty-nosed, too. On the bright side, I will keep working on organizing the house and keeping an eye on the broody. A lot of times my Mom watches him when he is sick, but she and my Dad and Aunt are flying home from Italy today.

Oh look, Kaj is here too! Morning!
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Good morning chicken wranglers
coffee is good. Just called mt wife and told her to move the c hicks out to the pen she is mad at me now! Oh well now the water gets hot.Dog house now.,

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