Coffee's ready...

SLEEP is good - - VERY GOOD. . Go ahead and get that oven going. It will help warm up the house !

Dinner sounds DEeeelicious. I would love to taste that pork roast. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
We are going to have hot dogs and marshmellows cooked on the out door fire pit for dinner. YOURS sounds better.
Good morning/afternoon people,

Coffee's ready and hot, and for breakfast, a special treat: hamburgers & egg noodles.............

Running late today and it feels like a continuation of yesterday.

Temps are dropping here, but not what it should be. We still haven't had a "killing" frost, or even a mild frost. I do have a fire going in the morning and evening hours.

I have a couple of questions: Prawns, are they like shrimp? If so, do you have to peel them as with shrimp? When I am eating shrimp by myself, I don't peel them, but for others, they get peeled.

Oesdog: That meal sounds good. I can't remember the last time I had roast pork. What kind of fishing do you do? Bay/sound or fresh water and what do you catch?

The first year, the better half and I lived in a small city, "The City of Sin", Poughkeepsie, NY. She would do dumpster diving until she almost fell in. It was pretty funny, I can still hear her screaming......After that, she would just pick things up things off the street that people tossed out. When we moved out to the boonies, it was safer for her. Here we have dump sites she use to rummage through. She hates it when I go now.......

Enjoy the day, it's going to be a long one for me.

Hey, chicken friends!! Miss me? I haven't been on the computer since Thursday!! I was super busy Friday, and left for camping right after work. I just got back a few hours ago, and decided that since I already smelled I would go ahead and clean the chicken coop and rabbit cage, and weed the garden. I don't remeber ever having to weed so much! Now I have scrubbed the smell of campfire from my hair and am feeling quite good. We had a great time camping. Went on a hike and took a tour of a Fort, complete with re-enactors in costume (which they only do once a month). Relaxed with some friends that joined us, and now the boy is in bed but I CAN NOT BELIEVE he is actually still awake. His eyes are all droopy and he looks just exauhsted.

It looks like my Marans' egg is getting darker!!

I love thrift stores, but sometimes yard sales are even better - they are often really just wanting to get rid of stuff! That big community yard sale is where I got my "new" microwave for $20, a neat vintage print, and a little DVD player for the kids when we go on long drives for $25. Oesdog - you'll appreciate this - I was wearing this shirt I have with a big Union Jack on it. The guy that sold me the DVD player was from Kent, and gave me a good deal on it just because of my shirt! And he was wearing an Ohio State shirt - which is where my family is from!

I got almost all the bricks I built my garden with out of the dumpster, and some plastic strorage bins the other day. And all the wood I built the second addition and brooder cage on my coop was salvaged, too.

Well, gotta clean some of these dirty camping clothes and towels. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Yeah course we missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting here since Thursday to catch your post and see how the camping went!!! - So my bums a wee bit sore from sitting here so long!!!!

I am so glad you got away and had a great time. I have been soooo busy no luck here. I have however played house in the camper and put some of my things into it you know daft stuff like T towels!!!!!!

To be honest I am so tired I really dont feel that well. Was laying by the fire tonight but I don;t feel any better for it. I don;t think I gave the chickens enough food today which bothers me. I never got the chance to give them more before they went to their roost? I was so busy with kids and all sorts in the kitchen. I hope they will be ok. I don;t think they have that much in their crops???? I gave them Layers but the local bird eat more of it than they do!!!!! I am going to try to get some more Paultry grain tomorrow from the feed store. And Hay cause its getting cold here and may frost these next few nights. My Coop is really dirty but there are big spiders in it right now and DH hasn;t gone and gotten them out so I am not going in or they will eat me !!!!!!! I am scared of them and my girls don;t see them as a food sorce?

Any how was glad you were on - good to get the camp news!!!!!!!!

Ohhh yeah Maran eggs what colour are yours now???? My girl used to lay quite dark eggs but they have gotten lighter as she has gotten older and now they are just normal boring darkish - well more or less the same as the RIR/PR eggs now. I am begining to wonder if Gerty REALLY is a Maran????????

Oesdog -
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I've been working on SCIENCE PROJECTS on weekend long ! ! !


No idea when these will be done ! !! Just wait chicks - - your time is coming.
My kids did their first science project in third grade - - You are gonna LOVE it - - -NOT !
Well I am up I think need a few coffees.

Danny is done and away to adult centre. He slept ok until about 2.30 am then was up so we just put soft music on and left him there. We simply cannot watch him all of the time!!!!!! He has a latch on his door to stop him wondering so that will have to do !!!! We got a few hours after that which was good.

I think I have the cold - so I am blaming Rancher as he said he had the cold didn;t he!!!!
- well he must have sent a cyber virus!

Isn't it the way that when were all up for the flu shot we all seem to come down with the cold???

Got the girls up and they don't seem to be bothered that they didn;t get their treats or last feed of Poultry grain last night! They were however into the the layers the minuite it was out and thirsty so I gave them plenty of both. We will get a bag of Poultry grain today and I am giving them loads of treats!!!!! Feel bad I didn;t get out to them again last night but I was really not up to it. - It is true no one looks after your chickens as well as you do!!!!!!!

You are all still asleep while I am enjoying my first coffee break of the day. - Anyone know what happened to Tartannik - is she back with the new birds? I thought it was only a day trip?

Hi guys!! Glad to see you were missing me and Oesdog, thank you for the e-mail!!
I am here, I did go away to get a welsummer and a cream legbar (both girls) then i went to Mull (an island on the west coast of Scotland) to drop off some ducks and hens to a friend who lives there. I came back with a Marans pullet! So I will have to get some pictures of my new girls (Marianne, Elinor and Meg)
I have been bad this morning as about an hour after my breakfast I had a Double Decker (chocolate bar!!) i am freezing too and have just put the heating on so thought I would have a cup of coffee and something to eat to get me going! Most of my kids are still in bed which is good but not so good at 11pm tonight when i want to go to sleep and they don't! Oh well they are old enough to look after themselves!!
Chicks, glad you had a nice camping trip!
How are everyone's wee chickes doing??
Right of to check Frontier on Frontierville then get some housework done!!
Have a nice day everyone!
Good morning/afternoon people,

I'm up late, the new day is just starting to chase the night away. Sounds like spring with the birds chirping. I really enjoy this time of day. Fire crackling, hot coffee, a quietness and stillness and it is even a Monday......

chics in the sun: Good for you in breaking away and welcome back. What type of fort? Coastal, inland? Stone/wood? Floors flat/sloped?

math ace: What kind of science projects are you working on? You can't beat science.

Enjoy the day

Tartannik asked: How are everyone's wee chickes doing??

I'm pleased here! My shipment of chicks arrived Friday morning. There were 5 extras in the box so I received 38 babies. It's now Monday morning here, so after 3 days with me, all 38 are still alive and peeping and eating like little bitty horses. Yeah!



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