Coffee's ready...

Math Ace - science was always my favorite, but I know doing science project assignments will be a lot of work! I look back and wonder how my parents kept up with some of my crazy ideas for projects.

Adorable babies, Pelican!! What kinds are they? And enjoy your new girls, Nik. I still want a Cream Legbar. I am excited - the two Ameraucana's that hatched look like they are both pullets. You can tell by their feathers, apparently - see?:

If the feathers come in brown, they are girls.

Kaj, the fort is a wooden fort from the second Seminole war in the 1830s. It is on the Hillsborough River, so it is inland. And as far as I can recall, the floors were flat.

Anyway, gotta get to work. Today is our first day of working and extra hour to extend the school day and get all the kids caught up on credit and improving their math and reading skills to pass the standardized tests to graduate on time. At least they are paying us well to do this. Have a great day!
Good morning all you
chicken tenders,
Coffee nice and hot , air is cold woke up to 36 degrees
thats cold for me.
Pelican- you sure have a bunch of cute fuzzy butts.
chics- wow you sure did get lucky 2 beautiful pullets.
im still looking
for 2 golden comets to replace the 2 lost to ??whatever.
but no luck in my area for golden comets.
My daughter is working on an experiment that determines what type of container preserves an used oboe reed better.

My son is working on an experiment that determines the effects of a lack of a central point of gravity on plants. . . . Imagine a FERRIS WHEEL with peat pots on it !
Good morning chicken wranglers
Pretty chicks,scientific experiments! I just wish I could keep up with ya'll.
I finally got most of the new coop done ,3 months in the process, Because of work here at the shop. Well at least the tin is on the out side,Now for the inner walls and nest boxes.It will all come together in time for the snow I hope.
I'll have more coffee and wish ya'll a great day
Sissy keep warm.Time to get the woods pile stocked up ! God Bless!
Ohh - everyone seems to have had a right old posting session since I was away!!!!!!!

Dh and I didn;t have any kids today so we took ourselves off out to town to do a bit of shopping adn to grab a coffee out.
I managed to get to the Coffee shop we visited a few weeks ago which was great because I lost my Grand daughters little bootie that said 50% daddy on it, when I was there???? I was in big trouble because they were a lovely little white set from America that Jessica's great grandmother on the daddy's side brought from Long Island USA when she came to visit a few weeks back. I went and lost one!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!! Thankfully the staff had put it aside and I was able to bring it home again!!!

Tartannik - really glad you got your birds I would love to see your Leg bar. - Wish I could get a hen - my Rooo boy wont be giving me any blue eggs anytime soon will he.
Poor chap is trying to crow and I really will have to hide him from the neighbors!!! I am looking foward to seeing your girl! And of course your Maran too!

Chics & Math Ace - science - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh the only abiding memories I have of science as a child in school was one of the girls caught her hair on fire!!!!! Put out quickly I might add by a teacher but it was very much shorter when she brushed it out!!!!! - And I confess it was me playing with the Skeleton man dancing with his feet and that is why he collapesed in bits all over the Biology lab floor!!!!!!!!!!!
As for my kids - They wouldn;t let me near their science projects!!!!! I wonder why????????

All that have chickies right now they look lovely !!!!!!!
Tartannik - sad we have to wait fro the weather to warm for ours!!!!! Yep makes you broody seeing those cuties!!!!!

quercus21 - Prawns are I guess like shrimp? Same family though I think shrimp can be fresh water can;t they????
We go fishing in the boat out to sea. Not too far though. Round the coast. We also do some fishing from the rocks or the end of the harbour wall.
We live in a fishing port so there are always Crab, Prawns and all sorts of fish about the place. Most folk here have boats or access to one. DH doesn;t have one at the moment though, doubtless a project for him comming up to spring next year!!!!!

The Pork Roast turned out really well - everyone ate everything given so I was well pleased with that!!!!!!!
I made a beautiful Peach and apple sauce to go with it - yummy!!!!

Anyhow better away as I need to rest a while before Danny comes home!

The new babies are: 12 Wyandottes: 2 Buff, 2 Blue, 2 Gold Laced, 6 Silver Laced. 7 Barred Rocks, Lakenvelders: 2 gold, 2 silver, 3 Welsummer, 2 Blue Andalusian, 7 Speckled Sussex, 3 Ameraucana.
Great assortment there !
I love the look and walk of the wyandottes - - I have one whoose nick name is "princess". She just has that ROYAL thing going on!

Welsummers - - nice low maintenace birds.

Speckled sussex - - - Love the way they coo and talk to you. Friendly liitle girls who are one the first ones to come and greet you.
Yippee - - I am first up again! I have been up for a few hours already.

I've turned the eggs a couple of times, kissed Dh goodbye and am now working on getting the children up and out the door.
Once I take them to the bus stop - - I will come back and get "grandpa" fed and medicated.
Then, I will be off to take care of the darlin little chickens.

WOW - - After that I get to go to my math class.
After that off to the grocery store - - my Ds eats things quicker than I can buy them AND I am out of "Fake" sugar for my coffee

Then, back home to some cleaning, sorting, and tossing.
I tossed so much school paper over the weekend that I filled a trash can.
Tomorrow the trash runs and I will be able to fill another can with paper trash

There is no curb side re-cycling out here. We use to burn stuff like that . . . . but can not do that now.
I hate sending all that paper to the landfill. . .

I've got a bunch of "party lite" candle stuff that I plan on donating. I would like to freecycle it, but I live really far away from town and don't want strangers out here !
GM math ace. I've been up for awhile and just let the chickens out for the day. Having my second cup of coffee. Gotta get the oil changed and tires rotated on the car this morning. Then get home and "sweep" the backyard with the lawn sweeper, it's loaded with feathers again from their moult lol. I love that lawn sweeper, saves me alot of back breaking work...raking! Grrrr.

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