Coffee's ready...


Where is everone ?

25 F outside and I am taking dad to the dentist today Burrrrr.
I have to get a load of water softner salt too.

The animals are clean and warm.
The garden is dying in this way unseasonable cold !

The christmas tree is still in the attic

The children are leaving for school in another 10 minutes
I am here!!!!!!!! Had to stay home cause the bus didn;t come for Danny - everyone else went Christmas shopping - UGH!!!!!

We don;t even have any snow but they cancelled the disability buses anyhow????
Math ace wins first to log in.

OMG, snow again 92hrs' straight of snow and more to come. Snow blowed drive twice yesterday and will have to do it again. Can't get to chicks with out it. Schools closed again and may be tomorrow too. That's three days so far.

Want to start eggs again but unsure. I have a gimp chick and can't put it down, I hoped I could straighten its leg so I let it live. Now I realize that was a mistake as DD's taken to it. It gets around ok but what when it's in the yard and if it's a roo? Lord knows I can't get rid of the roos I have and can't find anyone to butcher them. This is a real drag.

I may just go the hatchery route from now on and then I won't have to deal with roos. I did have hatchery girls go broody and they aren't always easy to break. Plus they are expensive. I can't even give roos away.

Well just needed to get that off my chest.

Good Morning everyone!!

Math Ace - Yep, that is Mama Sunshine with the three chics I kept. I'm really worried the one under her wing is a boy. It is developing some long, lanky feathered legs and is her favorite one. Last night s/he was the only one tucked under her on the roost bar (she has moved back to the main roost with the other big girls). The other two were kicked off by the PR and they huddled together in the other end of the coop. The night before last I put them back onto the roost between the big girls to stay warm, but last night I gave up and I figured they would be okay, especially with as fat as that Rock is. It was pretty funny the night before - they tried to slide up next to the pigeons and were not welcome!!

That is one of my fears, Rancher - what to do with a chick that is struggling. Hang in there - it may be okay after all. And may the snow stop soon for you - I can't even imagine!

Oesdog - That is annoying - I bet you wanted to go shopping much more than stay home today! Even if it is freezing out!

We are having a big celebration/ pep rally today to comemorate our "C" status. Gotta get some notes done before then. Have a good day folks, and stay warm.
Good morning chicken wranglers
Only in the teens here today. rancher i thought buffal0 got all the weather that was bad.My nemisis the great horned owl got one of my chickens again. The I.D.N.R. says I cannot kill him.What a pain in the rear.One of my ducks is gone also.I put the goose...Whom is my fav in the garage last night so no coyote's could get her. She was honking displeasure somewhat soundly this morning. They "the ducks still have a hole in the ice,Witch at the ambient condition we are expierienceing is none too phenominal of an accomplishment. I need to sign off and get to work . You'uns all have a great day and God Bless!
Brrrr. sounds downright unpleasant some places. Of course, I grew up in Minnesnowta, so I am familiar with unpleasant weather, but I never tried to keep backyard chickens when I was there.

Rancher_hicks, you're such a big softie. I so would not want to be in your position... Maybe that's why I am not doing eggs... They just sound so complicated...

Okay, I'm off to beat my son, erm, I mean, gently remind my son he needs to dress for school...
Think a firecracker would do the trick?
Well it would not be so hard to deal this chick except that I should have culled him when I first saw he was not right. They are more fragile then and I did do 4 from this last hatch. Also I should have culled them in the shell cuz they had a hard time getting out and I went against the advice I was given. So I have no one to blame but myself.

Now if this snow continues I may process some birds just so we don't starve to death.
Take care

Gotta go blow some more snow it's coming down again. Lord have mercy!

I have told myself to not open this thread... or I would get sucked in for sure!

But I wanted to say HI and give it a glance... I could not contain myself any longer.
Well now you've gone and done it your sucked in and there is NO getting away from us!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do stay and have coffee with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome!!!!!!!


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