Coffee's ready...

Well Coffee I have, and biscotti I will bring
Thank you!

I'm guessing this is just a random chat area for the people who have a little extra time on BYC. I actually have no extra time for BYC, so I schedule it in now because its important and part of my daily routine... I mean really... its like AIR for me!!!
We are all addicts - sad but true -!!!!!!!!!!! BYC is an addiction. None of us have any time at all between families and animals but THERE IS ALWAYS TIME FOR COFFEE AND A CHAT!!!!!!

We just have a general chat about our day, what we plan and at the moment who is coldest or hotest depending on where we live
We always talk chickens!!!!!!!
Anyhow hope you enjoy

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Tea with Cream and Sugar and a nice peppermint cookie. Tea and biscuits, cause Coffe has been Banned from the house.

I still sneak it when I visit mom though.
Morning People
Good to see everyone is doing good. A cold snap hit us last night, 13 degs this morning.
We are going to be cutting our x-mas tree this Sunday.

Rancher - I think we might have received a flake or 2 in the last week or so.
Chics in the sun - Congratulations on your "C" rating.
Thanks, Queercus! We had a big pep-rally/ celebration for it yesterday. Cold, but a lot of fun.

I'm having a hard time finding motivation to work right now. The holidays are still difficult for me, despite my life going well and all those around me that I care about. Plus BF and I argued about money last night, and I'm trying to stay rational, not let my moods dictate. I'm sure I'll feel better soon. Always do. Maybe I should have stayed home......

I don't even have any decent coffee. I ran out and tried to make a smaller amount with the grounds I had left. It is just weak and sad.

Mama Sunshine is such a good mother. She must have realized that the two babies that the other girls weren't letting on the roost bar were too cold, and even though she would rather hang with her girlfriends, she moved to the other bar with all three babies to keep everyone warm and cozy. Aww.....

Well, gotta get something done around here. Have a good one.
10 degrees here. Brrrrrr. The house is warm and toasty tho and makes it hard to leave. Just hitting up the coffee pot for my first cup of Joe. Mmmmmmm.... there's nothing like that first cup to bring you into reality and chase away the blahs. Have a nice day everyone.
Well, I have my morning coffee, and though I'm told... it was in the teens when I got up outside... I'm pretty warm and toasty in here.

Too bad I have to go get bundled up to take the dog out.

Only getting to sit and take a coffee now today has been so full and stressful. I am over run with things for the kids to be sorted for their care right now. Got wee Jess today as well but she is a poppet of course. The Christmas tree is up and near all gifts bought and parceled up under it , ( ok I starter in July!!!!!!)

Most of that is done so now I am just freating over the care stuff as the care teams want a big pow wow in early Jan
Lovely !!!!!! I hate those cause no one ever listens and usually you get some snobby care manager who loves the sound of their own voice!!!! Anyhow guys would love you all to send some prayin our way to get the twins care package sorted out so DH and I can go away and leave the kids and find some rest and sun!!!!

The chickens are ran sacking the lawn. Dh says they are watching him?????
I need to figure a day shelter for blue and omlet cause the others chase them out of the coop and omlet is due to lay anytime


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