Coffee's ready...

Good Morning, folks! Haven't been here in days - Friday was a training all day, then running around after work to pack up and get to a campsite before dark. We camped Friday and Saturday night - it was a lot of fun. Weather just right, now it is getting cold. Whenever we do that, though, I really could use another day off to get ready for the week. I at least managed to make sure I had clean uniform shirts and pants for my son! I'll get more caught up tonight. One more week until winter break! Which will also be really busy, but that's okay. I've just got a few more things to buy, wrap, and get in the mail.

It's funny you guys are talking about processing your roos. I'm really starting to worry that one of my Ameraucana babies is a roo, but he has the feathered feet and I really want to breed him if he is. I could make: More Ameraucana's, some possibly with feathered feed; Olive eggers with the Marans and the other AM/ Marans cross; EE's; Leghorn/Am crosses for some more prolific, light blue egg layers. FUN!! We'll see. I know I could only keep him for a short while. Anyway - the processing - I had a dream I had to process my Barred Rock - the supper friendly one - and I was so heartbroken. I couldn't eat her. I looked at the plate of chicken and just couldn't do it. I have no idea why I would have had to process her. I also dreamed I had a flock of little black ducks that sat on your lap and let you pet them. They were very cute. But I don't really want ducks. Hang in there, Rancher. I'm sure it's something that will get easier after the first few.

Well, gotta get to work. Lots to do before the break! Have a good one!
Good morning chicken wranglers
I caught my dog chasing my goose. I may have to send her to the meat grinder. She is chained for now. She and her pups were eating one of the ducks yesterday. I can't have them destroying the domestic stock, they all may have to go to the grinder now. I did like that dog and the pups but now they have polluted my admiration.
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Rancher I woulld talk to this lady she is good with the culling stuff.


She also has an interesting post on Meat birds # Meat Birds ETC
# » my first meaties raising experience-with pictures now 1st post:)

Hope this helps. I struggle with this too!

Ooooh...good luck! I have 2 little roos that need their necks wrung. They aren't even nice! They don't get me all sappy when I see them and say 'awww... you are too sweet for the stew pot'. Nope... they attack me, and my husband, and my big nice sweet roo. They attack my ducks which are 3 times bigger then them! Nope... nothing worth keeping them around... yet they have their own pen & I feed them every day. I've had to off a roo & duck before.... so I don't know what my problem is with these too?

I wish you LUCK!
Wow thats sooooooooooooooooooooooo great - My little Omlet was in a nest box but the big girls chased her away and now she wont go back inside. I think she will lay round the yard?
Mable and Betty laid eggs already but Mable only gave me one and Betty three now and she is the smallest of the girls now??? I do hope you get an egg soon!!!!!!!!!!!

I really really want green eggs - a least six - before New Years - so that I can put one in each "breakfast basket" I am giving to my friends as a gift this year. If the Leghorn were laying I'd dye her egg red and put one with it, too.
Your so funny!!!!!

I want blue/ green eggs soooooooooooooooooo much to!!!!!!! I just wanna have a hen that gives me coloured eggs.
I like the idea of dying the eggs different colours. Would be a whole heap easier than trying to keep this darn Roo quiet long enough till spring comes and he can give me Olive Egger chicks!!!!

Oesdog - I am sooooooooo Hoping your egg is green ( On the outside of course!!!!
) Pray my little omlet Maran lays me a dark brown egg!!!
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