Coffee's ready...

Good morning,

I'm turning up (more like staggering in) for coffee for the first time-- up most of the night with idiot dog who eats things that are not food and then barked all night after being crated so she did not kill herself. You seem like a nice group [sleepy smile].

Also, it was 16 degrees when I took the kids out to the bus this morning. Took me 10 minutes inside to feel my face.

Have a good one!
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I just swung by to say "ITS COLD AS...." Well... what my dad used to say, but its not family friendly.

Lets just say... Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Welcome. - Maybe you should put the dog in a shed someplace away from the house??????????
Sorry you had a bad night. Dogs can be a pest sometimes. Just stay and get plenty of coffee and chat!!! Glad you can feel your face again -

Welcome. - Maybe you should put the dog in a shed someplace away from the house??????????
Sorry you had a bad night. Dogs can be a pest sometimes. Just stay and get plenty of coffee and chat!!!

Thanks! We've moved the crate to the cellar, and hopefully she'll have cleared it by tonight. Luckily the vet knows her well, and we've been through this enough times to know the drill for her care. She's such a doofus.

Sadly, I have to brave the cold again-- Christmas errands wait for no woman, and cookie ingredients await me at the store.
Thanks! We've moved the crate to the cellar, and hopefully she'll have cleared it by tonight. Luckily the vet knows her well, and we've been through this enough times to know the drill for her care. She's such a doofus.

Sadly, I have to brave the cold again-- Christmas errands wait for no woman, and cookie ingredients await me at the store.

Cookies - Well some things are worth braving the cold for. Cookies are deffinately up there on my list!!!!

Good morning chicken wranglers!

I've got a cold or somethin' working on my lungs. Doc gave me codeine cough syrup and wheeee did I ever sleep good last night! I'm also taking steroids for the asthma. Gotta keep ahead of things cuz she said I was already wheezing. I was a little worried it might've been from the dust of the chicks in my office. So I kicked them outta the office into the garage (with the heat lamp of course) and paid someone else to vacuum up all the dust and woodchips from the office that they had kicked around.

We just had our recessed lights retrofitted with LED lighting. Yay! That should reduce the electrical usage (and the time between bulb changes) drastically. I'm happy about that. The new bulbs use 10w to give way better light than the old 60w used to.

Okay - I'm feelin' woozy. I think I'd better go lay down again.
Rancher bundle up it was 9 degrees this morning here.
Annna you too stay warm and get the steam pot going.
if that will help. Having a warm cup of tea got tired of the coffee.
Water froze in all the coops evn locks froze up. but I was
able to get them open with the help of wd-40
My next step would be to to get the heat lamps going
but I havent had them on and
the electric bill was 450.00 and christmas right around the corner.

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