Coffee's ready...

Okay, oesdog. You caught me - I miss snow!

I would love to go out and build a snowman in my yard. But, here, it's just rain and wind, clouds and fog, rain and wind. Other than that, it's a pretty decent day here.

I was reading Grapes of Wrath last night (I HATE the way it doesn't end, just kinda stops...) anyways, I got a serious hankerin' for some bacon and pancakes and eggs and coffee. So guess what we had for breakfast today?

I let the girls out to freerange for a while, then decided I was tired of the mud in their run and took most of the remaining woodchips I use in their nesting box and covered the ground with it! It looks much better now! ;-)

Okay, time to set up meds for the week for DH. Oh, and chics! Definitely reserve that morning for "just you" time! If nothing else, you have a duty to care for ourself so you *can* care for others. Remember - put your own oxygen mask on before helping others... ;-) (Can you tell I've flown way too many miles...?)
Morning/afternoon People,
I woke up to 11 degs with highs hitting 34 degs.

osedog: You have more snow then we do. You are never to old to be a big child.

Helping our neighbor work on rebuilding his barn. He lost the original in a fire this past spring. They lost alot of their livestock in the fire. What was really nice, alot of people gave them everything from piglets to sheep to help rebuild their livestock.

Enjoy the day
Thanks, everyone. I love the oxygen mask analogy, Annaraven. I've stopped dwelling on it now, and am just looking forward to the holiday. I think I was just more supprised than anything, then sad for her.
Everything is wrapped and under the tree. Made a few more cookies yesterday - anyone ever make Russian Tea Cakes - also called Mexican Wedding Cakes - they look like snow balls. I think I need one more batch - any suggestions on favorite Christmas cookies?
Love the snowman, Oesdog.
Well, have a nice Sunday, folks. Headed to church, then an art show (didn't make it to the one yesterday with the rain), then a birthday party.
I'll swap you a bit of UK's -7 C for some of your weather. tried cleaning out chook sheds this am, shavings & straw frozen to floor, just having to do deep litter atm [and Ivermectin as they all seem to be lousy].
Really really cold here.

The fields are still covered with snow and the back paddock is really deep with snow behind our house. Still there is extra food for the cows put out. One poor critter has given birth in this cold. She got took in to the barn though by the looks of things. I am about to go and put the chickens in - its not yet 4pm but the temp is dropping real fast and its way below freezing here. We cleared all the paths and the ice was 4/5 inches thick under the snow. It is very dangerous in places. My poor girls have kept to the edge of the yard all day as they don;t want to put their feet in the snow. BLue is a real laugh because he has been hobbling on one leg all day. Not because there is anything wrong with him but that he is putting his feet up under his down feathers to warm them up!!!! I am going to get them back in the shed now.

The kids have stole my snowman and changed him into a snow elf. He now has big ears with green moss on them and big feet with stones for toes and loads of long grass hair . He even has a long tongue made of Ice!!!! And arms made of sticks.

I am freezing so will away to get the chores done before everyone comes for dinner.

Not so cold here today... its supposed to be between 38-40 degrees!!!

So I must go out, even though I've been feeling under the weather, and fill the chicken's coops with more hay. Sadly, my little cross beak silkie died the other night it got down to 14 degrees before wind chill. She had a hard time eating and was always smaller then the others. The cross beak seemed to be getting worse, and she finally couldn't hold her own anymore I think.

But I need to go take more precautions for the other birds.... these are NOT normal temps for where I live... we are nearly 20 degrees below normal.
Hi all had company and now am having my coffee.
the last cup.but of course Decafe.

you know everyone loves children.
we are expecting
another cold front.tonight.Brrrr

have a cup of what ever
you have a liking too.and
and enjoy the company.Nice to have you here.
and do stay warm.
Well folks another dump of snow last night the fields are think with it out the back of our house and the sea is wild. Its a lovely deep grey colour today.
The chickens are not at all happy. It was -18 in parts of N Ireland last night so I will need to watch the girls !!!!!!! I may get that knitting pattern for woolly jumpers for them!!!

No snow here, but plenty of frosts. Top temp -5. We still have snow lingering from three weeks ago when we got about 2 foot. I noticed on breakfast news this am, that because travel has been disrupted in London, there's a national outcry and calls for the minister of transport to resign!! Now I know that some politicians think they're next thing to God, but as far as I'm aware they still don't have power to control the weather and they'd be pretty foolish to order snow over the capital until xmas day!!

Funny thing is though when us here in the midlands where snowed up there wasn't so much as a murmur, it was just a case of get on with it and as usual country areas sort yourself out.

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