Coffee's ready...

Well yeah of course - Not ancient like you are (52yrs old !!!!!! ) Practically fell off the ark!!!!!
Dinosours were still walking the earth when you were born!
Not like me !!!!!

Oesdog - ( The younger!)
Starting Day 22 today with two chicks and a lot of pipping.

This is my first time using this incubator and it looks like I might need to set the temperature just a wee bit higher for the next batch!
Yes if your temp is too low it can delay hatch. That what happened to me - we kind of had an accident and the temp went way up and I think we cooked a load of eggs. So we got scared and went the other way and turned the temp too low - that meant that we only got two chicks both needing to be helped to hatcha nd they hatched a whole week late!!!!! They had a tough time especially the last chick out but lived. We did have 25 eggs in that incubator to start with - oops!!! Best of luck with the hatch you should get a few more today by the sound of it.

Its raining here loads. - Got the grand daughter though
she is growing like a bean!!!!!!

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Good morning chicken wranglers
Oesdog good point.WhenNoah and I where on the ark I was just never mentioned because of techno difficulties.Shovelled alot of manure back then and even yet!
My little girl turned 17 yesterday,and her boyfriend came over!I sent the twelve year old into the family room for insurance purposes if you know what I mean.
Once that gate opens there is no holding back the flood and I am a mean nasty old buzzard when it comes to my little girl!Young boys are so bad!I was a perfect GENTLEMAN back in the day and the chaparon's insured it.
God Bless!
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You are a lucky man Karl - My DD wouldn;t have any of that. She demanded the Right " her Right" to enjoy a "full" relationahip with anyone she wanted outside marriage. When she demanded we give her that "right" At the tender age of 16yrs!!!! in our home under our roof???? - Well it was - "the doors that way and don;t let it hit you in the butt on the way out!!!" Since then she went through a few relationships and then the current BFs mother let them have her spare room despite their "christian convictions and church attendance???" -

Now of course we have Jessica - No ring on my DDs finger not even a diamond one - No job for him either to earn the money to buy one!!!! But we have a grand daughter which he thinks is all he needs to do to free load. However we recently slaughtered the fatted calf and so now they are not so sure they "love" eachother!!!! But thats a whole different story!! Rancher, you and I all have the same issues with our girls - How to keep them all safe in a none Christian society that preaches anything goes - until it needs paid for of course!!!

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the wisdom of the fathers, our forfathers, guided by God, was far reaching. Even the diet set up by Moses was set for our own well being. What a pity we have turned our backs "not some of us" as a society on the teachings that carried the generations so many thousands of years to prosperity!I just cringe at the new age of young that think they know so much more than what history has proven to be so true.
Of course we can put on some hot chocolate! It's a bit warm down here for it - 90 today - but you can enjoy it!

Math Ace - any more chicks out? So exciting! Starting Saturday the rest of May will be all about four different sets of eggs hatching. This is my first incubator hatching and I'm so nervous. My bator has been at a steady 99.5, and the "hatchery" bator I set up is staying steady at 100. Now that I may still have a job next year, I might just buy my own incubator. Of course, I don't need to hatch out any more chicks in the near future, what with chicken math turning my hatch of 14 eggs (two breeds) into a hatch of - lets see -

11 Speckled Sussex that I doubt are alive, but I will know tomorrow (under the broodies)
8 Appenzeller Spitzhaubens
4 Sumatra
7 Blue Jersey Giants
5 Marans of various colors
2 LaFleche
and the 6 Araucana and 6 Olive Eggers that belong to my friend - they are due out Tuesday.. maybe I'll trade her for an Araucana......

See, Math Ace - I'm a Chicken Math Ace now!!

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