Coffee's ready...

Sounds good, it's 61* and cloudy here today.

I'll trade you - - -it is 90 today and I am hiding in the house!

It's been warm here too YAY!!! Let's do milkshakes instead.
Mmm... Milkshakes..... I'm planning on working outside on our aviary in the 90 degree heat today... a milkshake may be in order afterward. Of course, the one weekend we have nothing planned but finishing the aviary enough to put the ducks and pigeons in it, there is a 50% chance of rain:/

Those crazy ducks are as big as my chicksens now, at only 6 weeks old. They have outgrown the rabbit hutch I have them in, and it is very stinky. I really hope we make some progress before it rains. I think they will be okay as long as the hardware cloth walls are all up - they are too big for any of the hawks around here to grab now. I hope.

Well, gonna make some scrabbled eggs to go with the danish I bought yesterday. One of these days I want to start baking more things like that. Especially once the ducks are laying.

Have a lovely Saturday, everyone!
Happy Saturday everyone! Work for me today, but hitting the farmer's market before I go in. Then Lowe's after (quick~~HIDE the Visa!!) and then getting a few things done inside while it's so unbearably hot out. I put my digital thermometer in the sun the past couple days and at 3:00-5:00 it's been betweeen 102* and 109*. And to think it's only May.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

BTW, that milkshake sounds good. Is it too early? After all, it'd get in my dairy quota for the day.
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Today's storms took a tree down and blew over one of my staked 3 year old grape vines. . . .

I moved a group of chicks into a bigger pen and then the storms hit. .. . We weren't expecting the wind and driving rain.
I lost a 7 week old cockerel in the first round of the storms .. . .

We are waiting for the rain to break so that we can go out a second time and do clean up and see if there are any additional damages. ..

It has been storming for about 4 hours now . . .
Wow! I didn't realize it was that bad up there. I'm sorry you lost a cockerel - and the grape vine. It stormed here for an hour or so. I felt so bad - we had just put the ducks in the aviary now that the walls are up, but there is no roof. I put an umbrella and a rubbermaid tub turned on its side int there for them, but they just decided to sit in the middle of it, tuck their heads under their wings, and ride it out that way. Silly ducks. At least we got them out of their stinky little cage - that was goal number one for the weekend.

It looks like I'm dealing with my first prolapsed vent on my little EE. It's no wonder - she's the second smallest chicken that lays the biggest eggs most days. I did what I could with the preparation H, and she is now in a cage in the shower area. Hope she is okay. She feels skinny, too. I hope I got those worms treated. Poor girl.
Sounds really bad for you Math ace hope things improve. We get severe storms here but not as bad as you right now. Do take care we are thinking of you. Be safe. Sorry to hear you lost the wee roo boy.

It took several hours for us to do chicken chores tonight. .. I only lost the one chicken, but the various pens had water in the food containers and water in the coops. . . We had to change their bedding. ..

I have 3 pens that are a work in progress. . . They are the NEW expansions and are not complete. We haven't had rain in FOREVER and a DRIVING, Ghusting windy rain has been YEARS . . . . so we were not prepared for this storm. .. . .

Everyone is dry and settled in for the night.

Tomorrow, we will have to repair the damage to my gardens. The wind broke some branches off my tomatoes, knocked over the green pea cages, and I don't know what else. . . .
Math ace hope your getting sorted out after the storm. We have really strong winds here and driving rain because we are so close to the shore so we get it off the sea. I know how it feels to get up in the morning and all your hard work is blown to bits. One time we watched the wind go through one side of the glass house and out the other!!! Nothing to be done but watch. We lost 13 large pains of glass. Virtually had to rebiuld the whole thing!!!
The little chick Roo did it just go missing or was it killed???? - If it just went missing it may have gone to hide some place and might come back now the storm has passed????

Anyhow thinking of you
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