Coffee's ready...

Morning people,

Math Ace: good to see you survived the storm.

We did a 6 hr bushwhack the other day and seemed to have made it back. I am looking forward to the first week of June. We'll be heading in to the woods for 4 - 5 days......

A friend of mine past away last winter snow blowing, so yesterday a couple of guys and myself cut and split a couple of cords for her. How I do love log splitters. I was the "old man" there, so I ran the splitter and let the young'ens drop, cut and haul.

Never went striper fishing ( or for chics in the sun "stripper"). I was going to go today, but it is raining here. Maybe a nice ride in the mountains and hunt down the a elusive hot dog stand.

Enjoy you day
More people need to remember to take care of widows. . .

I don't want to get a religous discussion going
, but it is our Christian responsibility to take care of the widowed. . ..

It was VERY NICE of you guys ( young and old) to do this.
More people need to remember to take care of widows. . .

I don't want to get a religous discussion going
, but it is our Christian responsibility to take care of the widowed. . ..

It was VERY NICE of you guys ( young and old) to do this.

religous discussion are good - but not perhaps for this thread!!!! I think Rancher would be good at that!!!!!!
Yeap your right about widows!!! A friend of mine was only in her early 30s when she lost her husband, she was left with 3 tiny kids. It was very sad. They church was great helping her out and supporting her and we would send stuff for her at Christmas for the kids and all. Now 5 yrs on she is dating a lovely man and has taken over the Worship leading in the church from her husband. Folk can come to terms with terrible loss with the right love and support.

Oesdog - don;t hide
no need!!
I hear that! I don't know what I would have done if 1) my late husband hadn't had the foresight - even at such a young age - to get life insurance, and 2) I didn't have the love and support from all my friends and family. Despite my loss, I am so blessed.

Well, we made some prgress on the aviary this morning, but now it looks like it will rain again. I think we'll take the kids to the Y instead of going back out to work. They are getting ansy, anyway.

Ginger is making me a bit nervous. She has gotten off the nest about 4 times this morning. She always gets back on, but I'm concerned since she actually now has my friend's eggs in her nest that looked like they were developing well. I will feel so bad if she blows it and the chicks don't hatch. If it continues I'll take them back and put them in the incubator. Sky's eggs weren't exactly under her - they were just sort of 'around' her under her feathers. The more I think about it, the more I think I should go take at least one back from them.
I'm also worried about Jade. Her prolapse doesn't look much better, despite my doctoring it up. It looks like there may be a broken egg in her, but I'm not sure. She is acting normal, eating and drinking. We'll see if she lays today.

Hope you got everything back together, Math Ace.

Have a great day, chicken wranglers.
I just ate breakfast and guess I'll conside that lunch, lol. I didn't get my lazy bones out of bed until 9:00 which is unheard of for me. But it sure felt good! I got some plants in the ground in front of the chicken run this morning and that's about it so far.

quercus21 that was super thoughtful of you and everyone else. It's good to hear there's still people out there willing to help out. You're a good egg.

Math Ace, I hope things are looking better for you today. Mother Nature sure is dishing out lots of sucker punches this season.
Good morning chickken wranglers
Not a good weekend for me, lost a cow and a calf and my boys dog killed 3 chickens,Time fotr the dog to go the way the cow did.We tried to get the calf out but it had already died and it was so big the momma could not pass it.We tried pushing it back in but no help,Ihad to put her down after all that.On a better note 2 cows had calves with no trouble so thats good . Yesterdaywas a miserable wet muddy day,and the older cow had hers in the willow grove where there was more cover. Iwas worried that if she kept sepperate from the herd the coyotes would get the calf and I had to leave befor light so I don't know what their condition is we'll see tonight.
God Bless!
Coffee's brewed and wondering why?

Had heavy rains last few days, shedualed to rain most this week. Wanting get more of the garden going and thinking it'll just be mush. Was held up by a 500 lb block of granite I'd discovered directly under the planed squash mound. Now that took some friendly neighbor interaction, a few cold beers and levers to get out. Oh the things you find when converting old lots (not country land) into a garden...part of a rusted swing set...chunks of asphalt...ugh...

It's raining out and I wanna go play...sigh.
Sorry to hear you lost your cow - what a shame. We don;t have cyotes here and our cows and calves are all well protected in the back paddock. There are quite a few twins this year. So sad you have had to put your cow down. The dog is hard to know - could you find someone who would take it that didn;t have chickens???? I know you are upset and cross right now but it is only following its natural instinct. If your chickens are free range and he can get to them then I am sure this will happen again unless you put your dog in an outside run !!!!! - My two dogs are always after the chickens and we are always trying to avoid just this situation.

oesdog -
Dogs will be dogs,they do keep the coyote's away but they lay for chickens whenever possible.I'm gonna have to thin the pack by 2 back down to 1.

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