Coffee's ready...

Yes its been a whole year already - where did the time go???????? Jessicas party went really well and the cake was brillient.

Here is a few pics.
This is the cake from the front.

And this from the side view. Dotty wanted her massive candle on it so thankfully we did have room for Jessicas first candle!

Here is Jessica and DH. Jess had to have her pretty frock tied up because she kept falling over it. As you can see DH wasn;t the best and his poor arms are all brused from the dye tests for his heart he got this week. At least he was well enough and the cake is fantastic I thought as he has been so ill.

Bit of other good news.
Remember I had a little Bat. Well tonight I finally let it go. I found it in the fire grate a wee while back and have been tending it. It has all grown up. Tonight I went out to the garage to put his light on and give him his mealworms and he was stretching his little wings and ticking and it was a really good evening. It was like he was saying I want to go home! So I called DH and took him to the yard. I held out my hand and he took to the air even though I have never before seen him fly he was remarkable good at it! He went round the house a few times then back over the top of the house, looked down at this daft woman clicking and holding out her hand like and idiot. Then it was like he said thanks and goodbye and disapeared off toward the farm biuldings where I always thought he came from. So another one of my children just left home. I am a wee bit worried about him being warm enough and finding food etc. But thats just me. So I am officially a successful BAT momma!

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Good morning chicken wranglers
Oesdog,Cannot wait to see what rancher posts,if He can 1 up that cake I can't waqit to see it.Good to see you husband is home enjoying the festivities.
Sissy glad to hear your husband is doing well,and good to see you on the thread.Q, rancher ,Chicks, math,wish I had more time but I must leave to work so God Bless! all.
Afternoon folks,

gaited - glad to see your still kicking.

Karl - I don't do cakes and that one is hard to beat for sure. I'm gaining weight just looking at it. Help me Jesus!

Sissy - glad to hear things are going good with DH , lord knows I understand the back thing. Hope things go well with your sister too. Don't feel to bad about not being here but you can just "check in" now and then so we know your still here.

Take care everyone,

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Rancher you know that that was only a mild jab for grandchild competetion purposes.
Gaited horse nice to hear from you,did not mean to slight you yesterday by leaving you out.
Com on back all and lets hear from ya!
God Bless!
Hello, folks. I'll be the latecomer to the coffe spot now that school is in. I can't hop on here till lunch break at this new school. Busy busy, but I like it that way.

I had a bad morning. I lost my first older chick, and I don't know why. I'll have to keep an eye on the rest of them and make sure they are not losing weight like it did. I knew yesterday that it might not make it through the night, and it didn't, but it was still difficult to find. I don't know if it was worms or what, but I had treated for that and it kept getting worse. I really hope there isn't something contagious going on.

I also lost one of my pretty white doves. It got out of the aviary somehow, and we couldn't catch it with the net. I didn't think it would go very far and that it might even try to get back in, but I guess he found something he wanted to stay out for. I saw him cooing and bobbing for the other dove, but never mating, so maybe it was looking for 'greener pastures'. Now the one left is lonely. I'm really not sure what gender it is since it never seemed to be interested in the male one, but I never saw it bobbing, either.

Well, gotta call a parent conference now. These kids are a riot...literally.....
Thanks Karl - I don't think that Rancher can knit cake???????????

Of course Jessica did all the Architects plans and got the planning approval for the construction of the castle before it was built!!!!!

How is Darcy getting on Rancher?

DH is home at the moment but he is not at all well. We are trying to take it easy one day at a time. My mother was in Hospital Monday too as she has floating bone in her knee which isn't very good at all. She is in much pain but little can be done at the moment.

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X2 - - That cake is INCREDIBLE! How long did it take you to decorate it ? ? ?

I made my children a Blue Clues cake when they were younger. It was not nearly as fancy as this one and it took me FOREVER to decorate!
Morning folks,

yes Karl I got the jab not big deal. Cakes are DW's area and she can do well. Makes wedding cakes and all that stuff.

oesdog - As a matter of fact I once crocheted a birthday cake for our School class. We sang happy birthday to the kids and I made and artificial cake. Long, long ago. I did weird things like that.

chics - I am sorry for you loss and hope nothing serious is going on.

everyone else - what happening?


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