Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wrang;lers
Oes,What news? Is it going OK? We all are waiting in quiet anguish!Lets know what your husbands State is .
God Bless!
Dh is ok but was very ill over the weekend. He was given GTN at the hospital when we arrived because his chest pains were so great. It was good to get him in and the op done. He got the angios done again and one of the stents needed to be inflated up again as it was starting to collapse so all is fine again now for a wee while. We are relieved to get it done before going away and that there wasn;t anything really awful or that he needed more work just an MOT on the old stuff doen 3 yrs back after his heart attack.

Good morning people,

Ose: good to hear your better half is doing good.

We had ourselves a 50 deg night last night........ it was hard dragging my carcass out of bed. Canning day today, beets and cucumbers with a in law. The better half and her mother get to gab all day. We did peaches last Sunday (16 quarts). We have about 25lbs of butternut squash to be processed this week from the garden. I did a greenhorn mistake this year with the garden, but after last season I thought it should be done. To fresh of manure, lots and lots and lots of weeds. Sometimes pulling the weeds, it felt like those clowns handkerchiefs, never ending. But it is producing.
We were collecting those sauce jars from the 'Classico" pasta sauces. They were and still are "Atlas Mason" jars. Well they changed the top from the regular canning jar lids size to something smaller. So it looks like we will be looking for new sauce jars. This year we'll be trying canning whole tomatoes.

Enjoy your day
I finally put together a page on our coop addition, hope y'all like it:

We cordoned off part of our overgrown vegetable garden and took the chooks out there yesterday and today. It's an area about 16' x 6', loads to do in there. Of course, they spend lots of time at the fence reaching through to reach the plants outside, even though there are plenty of the same plants inside. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!
Good morning chicken wranglers
Really nice garoyle!Lotta work but worth it.We l;ost alot of chickens to yotes,owls coons dogs ,and cats so I think your investment well worth it.
We ar4e looking at the property next to our place. I'm sure we are going to buy it and rent the house to our family,run cows on the additional acres and grow hay for winter feed.
It gives us anothr barn for hogs and what not.
Gotta go God Bless!
oes, Iam so happy for your Dh Prayers are answered.
good to hear.
I am having a devil of a time getting on this new site
really confusing ... so forgive me if I dont answer as soon as I use to.
and a big hello to all the chicken tenders at the
coffee cafe and I hope all flocks are growing ,,
Sissy lovely to hear from you.
Just ask us if your stuck!
DH is doing good. He was in a terrible lot of pain in the chest for about 3 days before we got him in and then he got the work done. It is a real difference already. He has energy!!!!! OMG sissy he even rode his bike round the block and he hasn;t got on it in 4 yrs!!!! We have to be careful though!

Good morning chicken wranglers,
Sissy good to have you on the thread again!Oesdog Rode it around the block?In a few days it will be a marathon!Sounds really good.
One of my employees had a heart attack just three weeks ago,two stints and some therapy and now his wife gets no rest!
His blood pressure was out of control and now after the procedure all back to normal,so hubby may well be on the mend for good if it goes as well as my friends did. Spain may be really good for you and your husband.Give you a chance for relaxing."or not "!
God bless!

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