Coffee's ready...

Good morning chicken wranglers
I'm at work making coffee and I just heard the pot run over and realized I have not emptied the previous pot out.The old has been there since Friday,but mixed it does not even taste old!
All this talk about mixed drinks ? I hope I do not disappoint you guys when I say that /i did not imbibe and All I Did Was enjoy a little alone time with the wife.Now I won't be able to top that one for a year at least.It was 100 degrees out Friday and we took complete advantage of the heat.Shedding all things unmentionable and behaving in a very honeymoon like fashion.Don't see a redo in the near future and next time it may take a little of the spirit to loosen the reins like that again.So much for my weekend then I whipped weeds around the pond all day Saturday ,luckily it did rain yesterday so I sat around all day after church.Took in a movie with the wife and kids,nothing spectacular after that now work and It seems I never was gone from here.
God Bless!

I'm glad that you had such a good time and thank you for sharing some of the detail. Let's hope that no-one does to you what was done to Prince Harry.
Morning people,
Karl, you can't beat that. Sounds like you need coffee to make coffee. I have had those days. Worst ones are when you don't even turn the pot on.

Hello thaiturkey, welcome back

The better half and myself are sneaking off for 2 days this week. Going on a nice bike ride. All communications will be turned off except for the private kids number.

My old place of employment called last week. The better half and rats aren't to happy...... They asked if I'd "help" them out for a bit. The girls think that the wood shop is already turning into a job, and now to add more. Anyways, fair time is just around the corner. My mouth is watering for a "blooming onion" and cold beer. Time to start my day.

Enjoy your day.
Good morning chicken wranglers
I'm at work making coffee and I just heard the pot run over and realized I have not emptied the previous pot out.The old has been there since Friday,but mixed it does not even taste old!
All this talk about mixed drinks ? I hope I do not disappoint you guys when I say that /i did not imbibe and All I Did Was enjoy a little alone time with the wife.Now I won't be able to top that one for a year at least.It was 100 degrees out Friday and we took complete advantage of the heat.Shedding all things unmentionable and behaving in a very honeymoon like fashion.Don't see a redo in the near future and next time it may take a little of the spirit to loosen the reins like that again.So much for my weekend then I whipped weeds around the pond all day Saturday ,luckily it did rain yesterday so I sat around all day after church.Took in a movie with the wife and kids,nothing spectacular after that now work and It seems I never was gone from here.
God Bless!

Well well - I thought I saw a few odd pics flying about the net. - Was that really YOU??????????? Gosh you should do a callender!

Oes - oh sorry the good looking one was Harry!!
It is 23.22 exactly!
I am not going to turn into a pumpkin quite yet.
Also I am trying not to drink too much coffee. So sadly I am not doing that either. I was just chillin after doing Dan before going to bed.

How are you???? It has been chucking it down here all day and is so cold we have had the heating on and fire lit. We even made some nice warm soup for lunch.

oh and the poor girls ( chickens) are back in the mud again up to their backsides! It is a wonder I find any eggs at all in there?

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Weather is nice here, 70 F (21 C). Much warmer yesterday, but soft rain all day. Chooks are mad at me because I haven't brought them any grasshoppers for 3 days, they gripe and moan and follow me around and peck at my feet or look at my hands (to see if I'm carrying a secret treat) whenever I do in the run. I gave them some grapes, but that only lasted a few minutes.
Dh just looked the weather in Spain and guess what it said the first two days we are there is is RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aghhh! GOD PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

Oes - I need wellies!
To all flock tenders, a big Howdy
its late but Im getting the coffee started,, so stop in
just in case Quercus or Karl or oes,choose the hot coffee . but
the white wine sounds better to me, LoL noon or night
how are all the Coffee cafers doing it s been a while
for me to be able to chat as we used to and Karl thank you
for the welcome back. its been 3 years Dh not able to walk
and its been a new style of living...
back surgery was sucessfull, Drs, now feel its an auto immune something or another was in the hospital for 2 months
with the congestive heart its been a struggle,we had to re home a lot of our flock
now son inlaw is building me a brand new coop for all my silkies and surprise surprise they are laying
as never before. better get to finish chores before bed.sorry to have gone on so long...
Im finding my way back the Coffee Cafe.. hooray
Good morning chicken wranglers,
Oes I'm not afraid to say that there is not a lot of princely charm on countenance of my posterior."let alone freckles and red hair!
I'm quite glad to hear from you Sissy! Have the Dr's. checked for Lou gherigs'disease?A very close friend of mine has the similar problems and after much surgery and inspection they finally concluded that that was the problem!
I jumped in the pool this morning and the water was great.No there are no Internet posts of it.I'm far too discrete for all the attention that would get.
God Bless!

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