
Imp, thanks, it's working. We are up to 13 degrees this morning.
Our pipes keep freezing in the upstairs bathroom, which means no heat in the bedrooms. We've been able to keep things warm with portable heaters and got things working again yesterday thank goodness. It's driving my dad nuts looking for where the draft is getting in though!

I love visiting home, but I'll be happy to return to my apartment where the pipes don't freeze, even if it does go down to -35 degrees at night there!
Hot water bottles are the answer. I swear by them. As they are rubber you can fill them and drape them over pipes, providing you don't over fill them. You can also use those grain heating pads that you heat up in the microwave. When it gets really cold you can shove them up your jumper back and front before you venture out. The heat lasts long enough to get the outside work done if you pace yourself and don't stay out to long in between cups of tea and refills for the hot water bottles. I know it's a bit late now, but I urge everyone to get to the shops when they can and stock up on 'hotties'! My very best wishes to all who are going through this awful weather.
Something I did figure out after salting the steps over an over... If you salt the steps an then cover them in wood chips the wood chips will freeze to the steps an leave a high traction carpet of frozen wood that is easy to walk on.
Rebel look into more insulation, cooling down the house with air conditioning is like us folks with heating more insulation and perhaps a few storm windows might help when (or if) you turn on the ac this summer.

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