

Confederate Money Farm
11 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Independent State of Dade NWGa
Ok I thought it was cold yesterday morning when I could not get the jeep started an the roads were all ice an doors froze shut...

This morning it registered 5 degrees in the city in the valley so it would be colder here with a wind chill below 0. Heater ran all night could only keep it around 50 in the house. Left the water running in both sinks all night. Woke up to the kitchen sink full cause the drain if froze up an the tolet an tub is froze up even though they are up stream from the sink that was running all night.

News says it is in the single digits from new york to south Ga.

We got single pane windows, small heaters an little insulation in our homes down here an are not set up for that kind of cold...
Oh I am. I have my carhartt socks on an a jacket while being wrapped in a blanket while hugging the heater.

I hope this kills of a lot of the ticks fleas an other bugs but may cost us a lot of fruit trees to.
Ugh, hope you stay warm. We have wind chill here of -34 degrees! Hate this bitter cold. It's so dangerous. I don't mind snow, but below zero stuff just scares me. By the way, the Pugs are adorable, how old is the small one?
Wind has stopped here. We are still in single digits, but it feels a heck of a lot better outside. Hope that things are warming up for you.
Up, taking my shift throwing water out the back door.. Still have to keep the water running even though the sink drain is froze up so someone has to be on duty all the time.

14 right now but should see 40 by the end of the day so maybe everything will thaw out before it drops again tonight to the mid 20s which we is a non issue. Mid 20s is what we are use to this time of year.

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