Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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I'm not even going to try to understand why. All I know is that my cousin went to a Movie, and got shot 3 times. She's still in the hospital, missing fingers on one hand now, and her only 24 years old. Totally changed for the rest of her life, because of one man's insane act of random violence. Second time I've ever been touched by something like this. Usually it's all distant, just read about it in the news and move on. Now it's directly affected a loved one again. The first time was a friend who was randomly shot in a KMart. Died right there from a head wound. Guy just charged in and opened fire. One dead, one injured, apparently he was a terrible shot. But it was still a close friend that died, and it was terribly tragic. Left his young daughter without a dad and his parents were completely devastated.

I find that it doesn't change my views on this stuff. You can't legislate this away. You can't stop people who are determined to do something like this before it happens. You are either a law abiding citizen or you aren't. They will get their supplies elsewhere if they can't be had on the internet or local gun store. They will choose another target if security is beefed up at the original intended site. With random acts like this, it really is random.

The fear the media induces isn't necessary. The groups trying to throw blame on guns, the school, the parents.... no one is accountable for this besides the person that did it. We can all go out and buy a weapon today. Will we all go on a rampage with it? No, we won't. The school didn't notice anything leading up to this. Are they supposed to when a student is quiet and unsocial? There are a lot of shy types, loners, people who do their own thing. They're not all killers. Parents... plenty of kids come out of terrible home situations. Not sure if this guy did or not. But you can't blame parenting skills for mental illness. This guy was sick, and no law can change that.

There is no one to blame for this. You don't have to understand why he did it. You can't stop it from happening again with new laws. I've grown more watchful. Not paranoid so much as taking notes of exits, people, and my surroundings. I work in a retail store. Who knows if someone will be ticked off enough to do something stupid. You don't know what will trigger it in a person like that. At another job we had to have a trucker escorted away by police because he was threatening with a gun about getting his trailer unloaded. Really? In that big of a hurry? Well now you're detained,enjoy. He could have barged in and committed a more serious crime.

We just had a big shooting at a bar in this town. Lot's of shots fired. Sort of expected at that location. So don't go to places like that. But a regular movie theater? That's not supposed to happen. But it did happen, and that's that. Who knows where it will happen next time. It certainly isn't the last time someone who's sick is going to go on some rampage. Ft Hood, that college shooting, the high schools, work places, kmart, ect. The list is getting long. Add a movie theater to it.
He had body armor. The stuff is rated to stop up to a .44 magnum, so while no doubt a CC holder would have saved a lot of lives, it wouldn't have been a "blow him away" situation like most, unless you landed a head or neck shot. Also, it was dark and crowded, adding problems. I agree with the spirit of your post, but you're dramatically oversimplifying the situation.
I still like the idea of the ability to shoot back. Body armor does present a problem... teflon bullets?

Citizens stepping up to stop these people in any way is what reduces the body count.
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The more I watch the news about this the more I see this kid emulating the Joker more specifically the late Heath Ledger character portrayal. I guess his booking mugshot shows him with orange hair and possibly makeup.

A friend said once to me that Heath Ledgers character did an excellent job of the portrayal of the persona of evil... interesting.

Some are suggesting that the booby trapped house was a deterrent for the police for him to make his escape. I think it copies the Joker's trademarked booby traps from the old Batman and the new.

Rebel, I watched the interview with the gal that did not open his apartment door... wow! lucky girl.
The more I watch the news about this the more I see this kid emulating the Joker more specifically the late Heath Ledger character portrayal. I guess his booking mugshot shows him with orange hair and possibly makeup.

A friend said once to me that Heath Ledgers character did an excellent job of the portrayal of the persona of evil... interesting.

Some are suggesting that the booby trapped house was a deterrent for the police for him to make his escape. I think it copies the Joker's trademarked booby traps from the old Batman and the new.

Rebel, I watched the interview with the gal that did not open his apartment door... wow! lucky girl.

Well was the make up to blend in ? Would anyone been able to pick him out of a line up ?
The load music started at 12 am and he started shooting about 25 min. later and could have been intended to draw all the cops to his apartment so he could get away. Did he tell the cops about the bombs at his house or did he ask why the bombs didn't go off ?
Only he knows for sure.

Well was the make up to blend in ? Would anyone been able to pick him out of a line up ?
The load music started at 12 am and he started shooting about 25 min. later and could have been intended to draw all the cops to his apartment so he could get away. Did he tell the cops about the bombs at his house or did he ask why the bombs didn't go off ?
Only he knows for sure.

Good question, I am not sure. I do know that booby traps were used by the Joker in all the other movies and the old TV series and my guess at this point is he was imitating the whole character profile.

I think he asked why the bombs did not go off or maybe the cops know more at this point than they have released.
Quote: Body armor would help him stay alive of someone fired back but it probably would have put him out of the fight. Even chest shots would break ribs but remember, the helmit, gas mask, arms an also the back of the legs are not even bullet insistent. The gas mask killed his vision an he had a projector light flashing in his face. A armed movie goer would have had a tactical advantage because of the lighting.

This was a "no guns" posted business though.
I feel so bad for all the families affected by this! He must have thought his appartment would blow up before he started his attack at the movie, just like in the last batman movie. The joker got the police to go to one location while he attacked at another.
Body armor would help him stay alive of someone fired back but it probably would have put him out of the fight. Even chest shots would break ribs but remember, the helmit, gas mask, arms an also the back of the legs are not even bullet insistent. The gas mask killed his vision an he had a projector light flashing in his face. A armed movie goer would have had a tactical advantage because of the lighting.

This was a "no guns" posted business though.
Good point, Reb. I was just pointing out that you can't just "blow away" a guy wearing Kevlar. It's going to be a fight, and if I'm not mistaken, armor-piercing pistol rounds are illegal for the average citizen.

I shall now exit before I go and turn this into a debate about gun control.
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