

There are some great coop ideas in the coop section:
We are just finishing up our coop. It's taken a lot longer than I thought it would but we are finally down to just needing to put on the chicken door, finish the roof, caulk paint and trim. Biggest piece of advise; make sure you start our with good plans! The ones we used were about as clear as swamp water. We killed two weekends just trying to figure them out.
We got 2 coops off of Craigslist for a great price. One was a huge 8x8 insulated dog house, and the other was an old playhouse I converted. I got the dog house for $100 and the playhouse for $75. Those were a lot cheaper than buying the materials!! The first coop we built ourselves. It's insulated with small vents at the top that I can open an close depending on the weather. I put vinyl flooring on the floor which makes clean up easier. I was looking on Craigslist today and someone was sleeping a nice looking coop for $200. It needs a little work, but it's decent.
Grrr... I'm starting research now but does anyone know the laws in Colorado regarding door to door sales? I have a no soliciting sign up and I am STILL getting people knocking on my door. One lady even said she had the liscence so it was ok.
Anything in particular they're selling? Or just in general? I've never heard of a license to sell door to door . . . I would just tell them you have a license to say NO!
My preferred method is to just not answer the door. And if I do, I blame my inability to help them on my husband, who keeps the checkbook from me, and doesn't allow me to make any household decisions. (PS - I'm not married!)
Normally I wouldn't answer but I've had so many people coming to visit that I've gotten in the habit of answering. Half of them by the time I open the door they were already moving away and I couldn't tell from behind if I knew them or not. I put the sign out specifically because I have a hard time telling people to shove off face to face unless they're being blatently rude or pushy. Anycase; we've had a guy who wanted to install siding (apparently didn't even look at the house, we had the siding replaced when we moved in a little over a year ago), Jahova's Witnesses, a charity-help-straighten-out-my-life magazine seller and a lawn care specialist. Lawn care guy just left a flier but sheesh...

*add* I found the liscence on the Colorado Springs website. You have to have a peddler's liscence to sell in a public place or door to door. The one I found looks like it pertains mostly to food but if there's one for that then...
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I answer my door by stepping outside holding my 100 pound dobie mix by one finger hooked under his collar. Those door to door people all back up when I step outside with him. I then say "You woke him up and hes grumpy what is it you want?" Most of them simply turn around and leave, a few stay and try to sell me something but as I walk towards them with my boy they all leave too. Makes me laugh but then Im a wee bit warped according to my family.
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