Confessions: Animal Hoarding, Animal Planet, Jan 14th, about chickens!


I dont feel bad for her at all.
She also abused her the point they were removed by the state.
Shes a sick, cruel person. Some people are just that way... no rhyme or reason to it.
And i'm not making excuses for their sick behavior.
I love this show, as much as it makes me sad. I am so happy to hear that the chickens all have good homes now!!!
I am sad I missed this episode, but I will see if I can find it on demand. Makes me want to run outside and hug my girls..

I dont feel bad for her at all.
She also abused her the point they were removed by the state.
Shes a sick, cruel person. Some people are just that way... no rhyme or reason to it.
And i'm not making excuses for their sick behavior.


I dont feel bad for her at all.
She also abused her the point they were removed by the state.
Shes a sick, cruel person. Some people are just that way... no rhyme or reason to it.
And i'm not making excuses for their sick behavior.

I agree. I know she's mentally ill, but that doesn't excuse her abuse, anger, and downright meanness. If she was just someone who loved her animals and got carried away and was unable to see what she was doing that would be one thing, but she didn't seem like she loved or cared about them much at all. And the fact that she wouldn't cooperate with anyone trying to help her sure didn't help.
I've seen a lot of these hoarder shows, but I think she takes the cake for the most horrifying one I've ever seen. She needs to be put somewhere where she can be carefully supervised and prevented from inflicting harm on other living things... It would be beneficial to her health as well.
I waited to see this show for 3 months and unfortunately they did not show enough of the Rescue this was edited out too much and I believe it hindered the placemant of alot of the roosters there would have been more adoptions if they showed more about Animal Place.
I think instead of airing these types of situations on television for people to be "entertained" by. "They" those who are putting on this type of "entertainment,' should take the money for the cost of airing these "shows" and put it towards actually DOING something about the situations....Instead of dumping the trash into the Living rooms of TV watchers. but I suppose the television producers are just giving the public what they want since the public enjoys seeing that sort of stuff........if people DIDN'T like it... there wouldn't be any profit in airing the dirty laundry.

I hate the television/ media because they always take bad situations and put it out for people's enjoyment... To me..there is something WRONG with that.

I don't own a tv so obviously I didn't see these shows. but from what I read, at least one of the people did have the animals confiscated..Good.
Yes, agreed... These are very nice roosters, pretty and friendly, and I think if the word got out more we would have better luck placing them. Oh well... I should ask my supervisor if she spoke to Animal Planet about it. I'm working on finding the roosters homes still, that's my job! I made posters, I need to post them up locally and beyond and see if we get some potential adopters that way.

And Catz1611, I agree with you to an extent, too. I am attracted to seeing high-drama situations on TV myself (train-wreck syndrome, as they call it) so I understand why TV producers focus on the sensationalism like they do, but it would be nice if instead there was more of a focus on helping the people, educating the public, AND making sure the animals are put in the best possible situations. If there was a stronger focus on help and education instead of drama, I think these shows would do more good... At least they have raised awareness of the hoarding problem, but sometimes it makes me sad that the TV producers just want to make soap operas out of everyone's personal lives instead of using these shows to portray compassion.
I saw Peter's episode, he was a nice man and really cared for his chickens. If I didn't just get some chickens last year I would have thought, "How can anyone get that attached to a breakfast maker." Now that I have some, I understand!!! My girls are so sweet. I love how they run to end of their pen to greet me when I pull in the driveway. Who woulda thought!!

I love my birds, but I wouldn't have them in the house unless the weather was going to get REALLY nasty.
How I commend you Catz, this is how I feel about Survivor I cringe when I see it coming up again and try and turn it before my husband gets glued. While I have never checked into the production of it, this show CAN'T be doing the countries of origin that much benefit. Real damage has to happen to the enviroment and wildlife. How can justifey this game show in the wilderness of someones country and make this entertainment?
If I were very wealthy and could afford to give the best care to what I was hoarding, if they were animals, would that still be considered hoarding? before I get accused of trolling here I have relatives that are very wealthy and are hoarders and they seem normal and have never had anyone attempt to take away what they are hoarding. It seems to me that the condemnation that is put on hoarders is relative to the person more than the situation, which is why I am not someone who watches those reality shows they are all sick entertainment for people to feed on and make a buck. IMHO
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