
Our daughter and her boyfriend gave my wife a primitive barn-wood chicken sculpture. It's absolutely hideous but my wife loves it and that's all that matters.


Luke13:34 :

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Anyone get special treats for their chookies?? Any chicken-related gifts?​
ok so i lied, i said i didnt get any chicken related gifts, well i did, waddle's baby hatched either lastnight or early morning, the only egg, i named her Christmas(might be a he, who knows lol) cute little white baby, Rudy is the daddy, he's a white roo, baby has all 10 toes too.


i have them in my dinning room in a plastic dog crate with food and water, the crate they were in had bigger holes where the baby could slip out of, so i moved them to the plastic one where the holes are smaller and in a way its safer
Five of Six of our first eggs (one was broken and eaten, hence the dried yolk and dirt on one of these.) I put a white store-bought extra large egg in for comparison.

shes the cutest ever, she purrs to her when she wants her to climb under her. it was cute watching when i was trying to take that pic of them 2, but she kept scooting backwards when she was rocking back and forth, my niece thought she was pecking her when she was pushing her under her like they do with the eggs, i had to tell her no shes putting her under her for warmth. She's a good mommy
me too, i was so excited i had to pick her up and run up the stairs to show dan, dan was excited to see her, so i have waddles and christmas in my plastic dog crate, in my dinningroom with food, water, and a soft blanket to keep them comfy and safe and if anyone goes near her crate she clucks at them

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