Consolidated Kansas

That's funny sharol, those chicks are pretty big now.

I do like my ducks, I let them out in the afternoons to pick around out in the yard & they have a blast out there eating bugs & whatever else they find. They're ready to go in the pen when evening comes & time to eat. I have 3 little ones that I hatched that will be 3 weeks old on Tues. I think it is so they're needing to go out. I had hoped to sell a couple, but it's OK if they stay awhile too. They're so darned cute!

We spent the day in Wichita today doing our usual shopping & errands so I didn't get to get any work done here other than regular chores for the birds & animals. I plan to get out there tomorrow & get on working on the new pen again. It's been a really busy week for me.
I lost one of my big black Cochin hens this afternoon. I was on my way to the car for a trip to the grocery store when I noticed that she was prolapsed. So I tried to catch her to get her to warm water. When I caught her by the foot she strained and everything came out. She died before my husband could get home to help me get her to the vet. It makes me super sad when I can't fix their boo boos. :he

Oh dear! I am so very sorry. What a horrific experience! It is so frustrating to want to help with all your heart while knowing that they need more than you have. Hugs to you!
Adamsheather - I sent you a Private Message :)

Hope everyone is well... life here is busy busy busy of course.. don't know how you all have so much time to get online! I can barely find time to start my computer some days..

Chicks hatching (lots of turkens!!) about every other week around here... waiting for ducks to hatch in a few weeks.. mostly Runner mixed ducks... Picking up some poults soon and broilers are arriving in a few weeks as well as pure breed cornish hens (they butcher at 4 weeks instead of the 6 weeks for cornish crosses). Goats and lambs are growing like weeds... will butcher lambs sometime in August.. Piglets are due in June (my friend's pig) and I'll be getting a piglet by the end of June from her... construction is non-stop around here and land prep on new land has been started - fun fun fun!

I have a lot of moving of chicks to do today.. chicks from the chicken tractor move into the coop, chicks from the barn move into the chicken tractor and chicks from the house move into the barn and chicks from the incubator move into the house brooder... musical chicks! Also had kittens born a few days ago... itty bitty and adorable as can be :) Mama cat was smart and had her kittens in one of the coops; that is a very safe place for them.

Need to run to Orschelns, Walmart, and the co-op today and drag out some dried cattails for bedding for everyone - dried cattails are worth their weight in gold around here! Have a good day everyone.. I'm starting my day off at 5:30am! (as usual it seems) But I also crash about 8pm..
My broody hen, Copper, moved her 3 babies (with my help) into the big girls coop. They didn't like the ramp, but she went in and just kept calling them until I could usher them in. She insisted that they all sleep on the top roost. I tried to move them, but she was determined. I hope they are all ok in the morning. There just wasn't room under her for 3 big chicks on the roost.

Wow they are so big already. Looks like they are kind of nervous about being on a high rail. I noticed that birds I move into buildings with ramps don't liekthem much. I decided with this last bunch to put feed running up the ramp and put the food pan inside for the first night. It worked like a charm. I've also set block and other things to the side of the ramps that they can hop up on until the get used to it.
I had one customer cancel for today because I didn't hatch enough midget white poults. I have another coming for several bourbon reds though and I have a bounty of those.
Well it seems we're going to skip right through spring & go right to summer, yuk. I have too much work to do out there for it to be 90 degrees already. That's just crazy!

I'm sorry for those that have lost birds recently, it's hard to lose them when you've raised them from chicks.

I've got another hatch of chicks coming due tomorrow, I have them due every few days. I have to get out there & work on my sheep pen in a bit, not looking forward to it.

Everybody have a good day!
I have had the best birthday so far. Came to town to get stuff for the chicken coop and duck enclosure. Got free pallets and was told I can have as many as I want no worries. Sweeeet! Then got 100 ft of 1/2" hardware cloth for $150. Should have cost $2.49 a foot but they couldn't find the SKU and their system said they didn't even carry it. So ready to see what else I can get for free or half off.
Adamsheather123- happy birthday! And congrats on all the good deals. (Glad today isn't my b-day I'm at the DMV, boo..)almost as bad as the dentist!
I've got a couple of funny stories that I think ya'll will enjoy!

My injured goose seems to be doing better, though she may still have a bit of a limp.... she's back to her clumsy old self as is evidenced by what she did the other day. I walked up to the flock and was getting ready to herd them to their pen for the evening. The goose got up and turned to head towards the pen and promptly tripped over my drake.
There was a branch in the way that the birds tripped over as well. It was quite entertaining to see them tripping over themselves to get back to their pen!

This morning, I went out and played with my project horse for a few minutes before letting both horses out to pasture. I've been trying to teach him to ask permission before going through a gate. So, this morning, I opened the gate and then gave him permission to go through. When he was through the gate, he came to me, and I took the halter off of him. I began coiling the rope as I walked away from him...until I hit the end of the rope, that is... I turned around to see what the rope was caught on and discovered him standing squarely on my rope, looking at me.
Typically, he runs off as soon as I take the halter off of him. He decided to play a trick on me today instead. Silly, silly horse! He didn't run off until after I asked him to step off of my rope.

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