Consolidated Kansas

Hi guys, I have a few minutes so was popping in to say hi. I've been so busy (busier than when it was tax season!) lately with my project that by the time I get home, I don't even want to go online at all. I saw a few new comers so a big welcome to all. Also saw people getting ducklings... sooooo cute!

My garden was a disaster after the unexpected 5/2 frost and the unruly wind that we had. It pretty much wiped out 90% of what I had started this year. I was about to give up! But I went to Atwoods for some shavings and decided to check out what they have and lo and behold, they have some heirloom tomatoes that I lost! So I picked up a handful of those and some peppers. By then, I still had my eggplants and Asian sweet melons indoor so I slowly moved to them to get them acclimated to the weather and wind! I plant a couple out everyday (that's the only time I've after work) and my DH put sprinklers in (a huge project for 1 acre of land) so now we have a garden going. My potatoes survived the frost (still have some black top), garlics aren't doing so well though. I also planted sweet potatoes out the last few days. Hopefully, the rest will go in later this weekend and next week.

On the chicken front, they are all doing really well. I have 2 broody mamas and the original broody was kicked out by the new one. So now the original broody is sitting on nothing. I am thinking of sneaking a few chicks under her. The new broody mama are now sitting on some old duck eggs that I found so I really don't know if they will hatch or not. They are about due in a week or so. If they don't, I guess I can also sneak some baby chicks under her to break the broodiness.

I have 2 peking ducks I got from Danz that are hilarious. When I fill the duck pond, they love to look at me and I would spray them with water. They stand like a penguin, enjoying the shower on them. They really do crack me up.

After a long day of work, my only time is spent feeding and cleaning the coop, feeder, and pond. But It is also a way for me to relax.

I also came down with a severe sinus infection and lost my voice for 2 days. I'm hoping the antibiotics will kick in soon enough.

Enjoy the nice weather. Not much wind lately but I'm sure that will change.
It's nice to see you stop in once in awhile. I'm sorry your project is keeping you so busy still, I hope you get a rest soon. I'm glad you got your garden going. Maybe now it will take off. It must be broody season, I have two as well, but I haven't let them have any eggs, they're in my layer coop.

I have three coops going right now with. Meat birds get 22% meat bird crumbles. Babies get chick starter 18%. And the free range Cochins get layer pellets and scratch mixed. We left home at 2:00 this morning for a trip to Colorado. Our daughter and her family are staying at our place to take care of the animals. I sure hope they can keep it all straight.
I hope you enjoy your trip to Colorado & everything goes well with your chickens while you're gone.

Danz, I don't envy you that kind of road trip, I would be exhausted too & then you really don't get to rest with having to get caught up & doing the sale too. I hope you don't get yourself too run down after all of that.

I have been really busy too, this week has just been go, go, go. I got rid of a few chicks yesterday & then some more this morning & still have one more person coming today yet. It's a good thing because I have another hatch coming in a couple of days.
I went out to try to catch up and found that a lot of my garden was frost bit. My potatoes and my grape vines. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the grapes until I saw the potatoes. I don't think it will kill them however I did notice the very first batch of grapes has started forming and it is probably ruined. They just haven't grown well out there for some reason. But they are 3 year old plants so they should be producing.
I'm trying to drain the dark green duck pond and it's nasty. I have three baby mandarins out there and they will get the water source from the pond so I need to get it cleaned up. I've found a lot of rotten duck eggs out there that came out of the nest on a hen's belly. But they are still sitting so maybe they'll hatch a few more.
I got half of my hoop coop finished today with the door & all & got the divider between the two sides done. I put the big tarp on top & then moved my heritage RIRs in there this evening. They're having a lot of fun picking at the weeds growing in there. I'll get the other half done tomorrow & then my New Hamps will move in that side. My GPs are going to be upset when I close that other end in because they think I put that shelter there for them.

We have an oriole that is living in the oak tree in front of our house & it keeps pecking on our big windows in the front of the house, it's driving our little dogs crazy. It sure is a pretty bird though.
Reposting from another thread-

Our Cayugas do not want to be held! Lol
We were hoping like our one mallard (pictured above) and the 4 week old Anconas they would settle down and let us hold them.... Any tips?

Also we finally named them! Felix is our Mallard, Jocelyn, Ellie, and Violet (although right now we really can't tell the girls apart!) lol
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Reposting from another thread-
Our Cayugas do not want to be held! Lol
We were hoping like our one mallard (pictured above) and the 4 week old Anconas they would settle down and let us hold them.... Any tips?

Also we finally named them! Felix is our Mallard, Jocelyn, Ellie, and Violet (although right now we really can't tell the girls apart!) lol
The Cayugas are probably a little old to imprint on you. Just keep holding them and maybe they'll come around. You usually do best to get them tamed when you start holding them right after they hatch. They are probably bonded to each other now so it will be a chore to break them.
Geez! They should have bonded. I've had a whole bunch of like 6 that would follow me around. And of course the infamous Chopper who was my house duck who now is King of Deerfield Acres.
I have more ducks due to hatch the 21st, I'm hoping for chocolates in this batch, I got the eggs from a lady in Colorado. My hatcher is going to be busy all week this week, geez. I just got my brooders pared down to only a few remaining chicks & now there are lots more coming.
I have more ducks due to hatch the 21st, I'm hoping for chocolates in this batch, I got the eggs from a lady in Colorado. My hatcher is going to be busy all week this week, geez. I just got my brooders pared down to only a few remaining chicks & now there are lots more coming.

Trish you will be busy!

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