Consolidated Kansas

Danz, so happy your goose is doing much better. I like how you described her and that she is running around is definitely a good sign. Well, soon after I posted my last message, it started to rain. I think we had about 1" so far. I'll take however much rain we could get right now. It certainly didn't make a dent to my dry pond situation but at least we got something. It is looking quite dark outside so hopefully we will get some more rain. Glad you got some of your mom's flowers and some veggies. My potatoes are looking great now. The sweet potatoes are slowing coming back to live and tomatoes are looking much better. My squash plants are not though. Oh well... At some veggies are growing. I thought all was lost over a week ago.

Trish, no guineas for me until after July because I will be out of town for training as soon as my project wraps up. Then I'm away to visit family. I'll be back in town in July. I'll reassess my flock situation once I'm back in town then get with you. Oh, Trish, please be careful out there. With the mud and what not, it makes doing chicken chores difficult. Seeing that your leg is giving you more issue now, 1 wrong slip could set you back a while. Some of the chores can wait, may not be ideal but your leg is more important.

Well, just when I said to hope for more rain, it starts to come down now. I'm quite happy to see more rain.

I'm hoping everyone is getting some much needed rain.
We got a couple of showers & it's raining very lightly again, so maybe this will soak in, we sure could use some soaking rain all night. Thanks tweety for thinking of me, believe me I'm very cautious now that I broke my leg & I'm probably over careful now. I got a wagon to take all of my feed out at one time to avoid so many trips & I go all the way around so I stop at the peafowl pen first. It sure saves me a lot of walking back & forth.

I finally dragged the galvanized trough up to the garage & set up the little ducks in there tonight. They looked so happy all snuggled together. They're just cute as can be at that age. It was really hard for me to choose which ones I wanted to keep because they're all so darned cute.
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Had a very bad day yesterday. I crashed my car...bad.
I still don't recall what happened but I'm ok. Only a couple of minor scratches and the airbag hit my legs. No one was with me because I was driving in to work. I was definitely preoccupied by the project I'm working on but still... Sigh! DH is a trooper and tried to tell me everything is fine. That's why we have insurance for, he said. I was quite shaken up to say the least. Believe it or not, this is my first auto accident. The last one I had, I was hit by a coworker which totaled my car but this is the first accident that I crashed my car and crashed it bad. I did go on in to work after I called the tow truck, insurance company and body shop. Then I worked again from 10 pm to 2 am last night/this morning. My project is wrapping up and ready to go next week.

Anyone has any rain? All the storms just went around us. We need the rain desperately. My pond is at least 2 ft lower than when it was full. I originally planned to use the pond water to irrigate the garden but now I have to use regular rural water to do so. It is heading into another drought season. Didn't we just get out of it last year?

My luck has been bad this year; emergency surgery in Feb and now the auto accident. I hope things are looking good from now on. Let's hope for more rain and better year for everyone.

Ha! I am surprised it was the grey goose! I figured for sure it was the white!!! I woke up in the middle of the night stressing about that yellow zip tie on the youngest white gosling I sent along with you. You will have to humor me and make sure to tell when you cut it off, I kept having bad dreams of a goose with a zip tie grown into it's leg last night!!! Geez..... Glad to hear your little wonky gosling is hanging in there and doing better!
The geese are settling in. The other adults were easy to corral but that one gray goose just decided it was time to explore on the run I guess. Had I had another person here she would have gone in I'm sure, but she moved faster than I could.
I'm sure it would have been a hilarious video. The goslings are with my group and I actually opened up one end of the green house and made a run to my pvc pen so they could all run out and play in the grass. They loved the rain and have been having a great time. Plus they have heat if they need it inside.
JosieChick, thanks so much for the delivery. Kayleigh wrote and is very happy.
Originally Posted by AmySG
Wish I could help. I just don't have bantams.
Well I'm very pleased to say that my poor little goose I thought didn't have a chance is doing wonderful. I gave it some sav-a chick and scrambled egg. Then propped it up with a towel so it would stay upright and put it in a container with a heat pad under a rug. I hand fed it a few times and left it while I went to town. It is now up running all over and eating like a pig. Other than looking a little abnormal you wouldn't know it ever had problems. It is jumping around on my lap as I am writing and trying to dive bomb to the floor every now and then. Then it snuggles down and takes a 10 second nap. I am so happy. I sure hope it's a girl. I don't think I'd sell it unless it's looks correct and it wouldn't be suitable to breed. But at least if it's a girl it could co-exist with the other geese without getting into the feather pulling contests the boys do.
It POURED here all afternoon, our yard is like a marsh right now. Yuck. We need rain but does it really need to come down a foot at a time?! There was a rubbermaid tote by the back door that had easily 9 inches of water in it last night when I went out to feed the horses. I need to drag the poor pup in and get him washed and dried off, he is soaked and covered in mud.

We got a couple of showers & it's raining very lightly again, so maybe this will soak in, we sure could use some soaking rain all night. Thanks tweety for thinking of me, believe me I'm very cautious now that I broke my leg & I'm probably over careful now. I got a wagon to take all of my feed out at one time to avoid so many trips & I go all the way around so I stop at the peafowl pen first. It sure saves me a lot of walking back & forth.

I finally dragged the galvanized trough up to the garage & set up the little ducks in there tonight. They looked so happy all snuggled together. They're just cute as can be at that age. It was really hard for me to choose which ones I wanted to keep because they're all so darned cute.
We got some rain during the night but I have no idea how much. The ground is wet but I don't see any standing water so I doubt we got a lot.
Probably just enough to make it muddy out. I do know that it doesn't smell very good around here after a rain. I had forgotten that since we have had so little. At least I hope the things I planted yesterday got their roots wet.
I need to clean out the brooder bins and get some of these crowded chicks moved elsewhere. I am really getting tired of chicks right now.
I have 1500 pounds of feed on the truck and can't unload it because it is wet out. I sure hope the grain stayed dry over night. It just has a tarp on top. I need to get it shoveled off but I guess I'll have to check radar and make sure it is going to be clear while I do that.
The baby goose is napping with DH this morning. I am naming it Sera in dedication to the one person on this earth that inspires me to keep positive even when things are going really bad.
Josiechick, I actually added zip ties to the other geese for the time being until I get them banded. I wanted to be sure not to accidentally sell them. The little one with the zip tie sexed out as a female by the way. One of the grays was definitely a boy and the other two are iffy. They are right at that age it's hard to sex them for sure. I just want to be sure and keep them until I determine what they are for sure because I want to mix in some more blood lines. I promise not to let the zip ties grow in. I have some of my babies temporarily zip tied as well. I actually found a goose egg in the pen when I was feeding yesterday. Really surprised me. It had to be either from my buff or my gray girl cause they were the last two to lay. It had been at least a week since I had gotten any eggs.
Josiechick, I actually added zip ties to the other geese for the time being until I get them banded. I wanted to be sure not to accidentally sell them. The little one with the zip tie sexed out as a female by the way. One of the grays was definitely a boy and the other two are iffy. They are right at that age it's hard to sex them for sure. I just want to be sure and keep them until I determine what they are for sure because I want to mix in some more blood lines. I promise not to let the zip ties grow in. I have some of my babies temporarily zip tied as well. I actually found a goose egg in the pen when I was feeding yesterday. Really surprised me. It had to be either from my buff or my gray girl cause they were the last two to lay. It had been at least a week since I had gotten any eggs.
Okay thanks! Sorry I am such a mess!! I think my brain is just so fried that all I do is worry about things that I don't even need to worry about!! Glad the white is a girl, she was sure marked that way. It may have been the gray girl you got from me, she is a heavy layer and I have found a few eggs in the yard the last few days before I met you with them. I should have brought them along just in case you wanted them but I didn't think about it until after. I am not sure which gander fertilized them because they have all been running together.

It rained again overnight here and again this afternoon. Evidently monsoon season is here. Gave Lucie our younger pyr a bath and deshed today. Man was she a mess, so much undercoat came out, she was a beast of hair, they are so gorgeous when they are clean. Of course with the mud that will last about 5 minutes but at least she will be cooler without all that dead hair packed in there.
It's getting ready to rain again here, I just came in for a minute, but have to get back out there & try to get feeding done before I get soaked again. I can't believe we're getting all of this rain now, but we sure need it, just not all at once. I agree with you on that Josie. It's supposed to rain here again tomorrow & I hope it doesn't ruin our day tomorrow.

I sold my chinchilla rabbits today so that was good that I found them a good home with some people who will take care of them. I decided to just keep the Mini Rex, smaller rabbits to house & care for. I did also get rid of one broody hen yesterday & finally one of my BCM roosters. I still have 2 more BCM roosters left & 3 nice Speckled Sussex if anybody needs a nice flock rooster. They're all from breeders, not hatchery birds. I just don't have a need for that many roosters.
Okay thanks! Sorry I am such a mess!! I think my brain is just so fried that all I do is worry about things that I don't even need to worry about!! Glad the white is a girl, she was sure marked that way. It may have been the gray girl you got from me, she is a heavy layer and I have found a few eggs in the yard the last few days before I met you with them. I should have brought them along just in case you wanted them but I didn't think about it until after. I am not sure which gander fertilized them because they have all been running together.
I will probably never know. If it is fertile and came from the gray I won't be able to tell if it was her or my other one.
The babies were outside playing in the rain almost all day long. We had sprinkles off and on after the big storm. I just got through putting them back to bed. I really need to find some time to clean out that nasty green house. It stinks in there with all those goslings.
I made a deal today to trade a pair of Mandarins in September for some really nice sebbies from this year. I'm glad I am getting some diversity on bloodlines.
It rained again overnight here and again this afternoon. Evidently monsoon season is here. Gave Lucie our younger pyr a bath and deshed today. Man was she a mess, so much undercoat came out, she was a beast of hair, they are so gorgeous when they are clean. Of course with the mud that will last about 5 minutes but at least she will be cooler without all that dead hair packed in there.
I gave Fluff a hair cut yesterday. He was so heavily coated and totally imbedded with stick tights. He looks funny now. I didn't style him by any means. His hair was such a mess it looked like he was having trouble walking. He seems much better now. We got a huge storm later this morning. I think we must have gotten at least over 2 inches. I spent the afternoon pulling grass and weeds out of my iris bed. The only time I can pull weeds in this clay is after a good rain.
I probably won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow.

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