Consolidated Kansas

We got half an inch of much needed rain last night. Today was cool, so the ground was actually slightly muddy all day. That is something that hasn't happened in a LONG time around here. They're calling for another inch plus of rain tomorrow night. I hope it pans out. We could really use the moisture!
Morning all. It poured for hours here last night. DH left with his dad for the first trip to Maine with moving truck and pets in tow yesterday afternoon! That was exciting! We also closed on the house and every went as planned, thank heavens!

My sebastopol geese left today to their new home in Oklahoma. I am so very sad, I already miss them dearly. I almost cried when he pulled out the drive. They were my babies.
He seemed like a very nice gentleman and I think they will be well loved.

I kept three babies to take to Maine and now I feel so badly for them because they are all alone and have no grown ups to follow. It didn't even occur to me that they would be so lonely....
Reading about you leaving made almost cry too. Your three babies will just get more spoiled. My group here is settling in. I'm about ready to move the younger ones out with the older ones. I'm still hatching too. I have one goose still sitting on a nest. She just got started after every one else was about done.
I am having a real hard time selling my goslings. I just want to keep them all. I have quite a group out there but I'm always afraid I'll sell a really special colored one.
We got half an inch of much needed rain last night. Today was cool, so the ground was actually slightly muddy all day. That is something that hasn't happened in a LONG time around here. They're calling for another inch plus of rain tomorrow night. I hope it pans out. We could really use the moisture!
Yipee for the rain. I think we could have shared some of ours. It's a muddy mess here right now. It just sits on this clay. It stinks too. It would be nice to have a sandy soil so some of the bird poo would wash down rather than becoming stinky puddles.
My garden looks like a jungle in just a few days. Of course it isn't the stuff I planted ..its the darned weeds that are going nuts.
I spent most of my day cleaning and just barely got any of the house done. With all these birds this place really is a mess. I just don't have any more room to put them. I'm trying to sell some of my excess.
Morning all. It poured for hours here last night. DH left with his dad for the first trip to Maine with moving truck and pets in tow yesterday afternoon! That was exciting! We also closed on the house and every went as planned, thank heavens!

My sebastopol geese left today to their new home in Oklahoma. I am so very sad, I already miss them dearly. I almost cried when he pulled out the drive. They were my babies.
He seemed like a very nice gentleman and I think they will be well loved.

I kept three babies to take to Maine and now I feel so badly for them because they are all alone and have no grown ups to follow. It didn't even occur to me that they would be so lonely....

Wow, that is exciting, I saw the house on FB, it looks really nice. I'm glad you kept some pets to take with you so you don't feel so bad about your babies. I hope you will still stop in & visit us here once in awhile, we will miss you & keep putting those pics up on FB of Miss Amelia, I love seeing those.

I've been walking around in a kind of fog the last few days. My leg I broke has been giving me so many fits at night it's kept me up all the time so I haven't been getting enough sleep. My Dr. prescribed a pain pill to take at night just so I could get some sleep & now all I want to do is sleep all day. Arrrggghhh, I can't seem to win here!

DH is still plotting out the fence, so no we still don't have a fence for the lambs & goats yet. He wasn't kidding it was going to take some time, if left to his devices it will take all year.

I have one more scheduled hatch coming up the 20th & then other than a few eggs for myself & a friend I'm done for awhile. I need to clear out brooders of the chicks I'm not keeping so I can see what I have to grow out. I have quite a few lavender Ameraucana chicks if anyone is interested in those.

It's been raining here quite a bit & my pens are a muddy mess. I had to put straw out in some today to soak up some of the mud so I wouldn't slip & fall trying to feed. We even have a flood watch here till tomorrow.
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I'm trying to get in gear here to get some things done. I am lacking enthusiasm though. I guess I worked too hard yesterday.
I am wondering why when I have hundreds of birds people always want stuff I'm short on and when I have tons people aren't interested.
I too am trying to quit hatching. Of course I'm still hatching the brahmas and the English birds, plus peafowl, turkeys, etc.
I really need to sell a couple of trios of chocolate bantam orpingtons. They are really nice. Almost at point of lay. I just don't have room for another breed.
I hatched a few more bourbon reds and three more peachicks today.
J, Sorry to see you go, too!! I'm hoping that gal doesn't eat the sweet boy- if you happen to talk to her, I would take him in a heartbeat.

T, you'll be able to tell what the weather will do from this point forward because your leg will tell you. My trick ankles always tell me.

I, too have nearly quit hatching. I have a few sets about a month old, and several older in the brooders and grow out pens, but only peas in the incubator. I've got a ton of eggs to hatch, and all this unique stuff I haven't put ut into the world yet, but I'll be eating them because I don't have time to advertise.

Mud. OOOOOOOOOOoooohhhhhhhh the mud.

I'm trying to get in gear here to get some things done. I am lacking enthusiasm though. I guess I worked too hard yesterday.
I am wondering why when I have hundreds of birds people always want stuff I'm short on and when I have tons people aren't interested.
I too am trying to quit hatching. Of course I'm still hatching the brahmas and the English birds, plus peafowl, turkeys, etc.
I really need to sell a couple of trios of chocolate bantam orpingtons. They are really nice. Almost at point of lay. I just don't have room for another breed.
I hatched a few more bourbon reds and three more peachicks today.

How ever will we quit this addiction?!?!? It's ridiculous how hard it is to stop.
I met Trish today and picked up my absolutely lovely Lavender Orphington, and Swedish Flower chicks. I have to say I'm extremely happy with them. They are bright-eyed, active and doing well.
Ok a friend of mine posted she got eggs from her 3 month old chickens. Mine are a little over 3 months old. I guess I should get my nesting boxes spruced up??? I thought it's about 6 months when they start to lay... Anyone getting early eggs?? This is all new to me

I've never had one lay that early. Seems like most of mine took about 6 months.

I have them too, 10 weeks & 5 weeks old. I didn't know they would take that long either. At least now I know they aren't defective if they take that long, LOL! This is all new to me so this is very helpful!

We love pictures, so feel free to share any you have!

Morning all. It poured for hours here last night. DH left with his dad for the first trip to Maine with moving truck and pets in tow yesterday afternoon! That was exciting! We also closed on the house and every went as planned, thank heavens!

My sebastopol geese left today to their new home in Oklahoma. I am so very sad, I already miss them dearly. I almost cried when he pulled out the drive. They were my babies.
He seemed like a very nice gentleman and I think they will be well loved.

I kept three babies to take to Maine and now I feel so badly for them because they are all alone and have no grown ups to follow. It didn't even occur to me that they would be so lonely....


My garden looks like a jungle in just a few days. Of course it isn't the stuff I planted ..its the darned weeds that are going nuts.

Mine too. We were able to check on it after the hail, which was the storm before this last one, I think. The beets were a little sorry-looking, but I think they'll be fine. My lettuce and arugula in the beds at home were pretty beaten down. I'm just cutting those and giving it to the chickens. I'll eat the next cutting, which will hopefully not have been beaten into the mud.
The asparagus appears to be nearing the end of its growing season. I've really been enjoying all the fresh-picked asparagus. We've had one small harvest of peas. We've finished harvesting the first planting of radishes, and have made second plantings of radishes, carrots, and beets. From the road, it looks like the beans may have tripled in size since the last rain. Rain is amazing.

I'm sure I have more peas that need to be picked, and I think I let the broccoli raab go too long. Unfortunately, I think it will still be too muddy to do any weeding tomorrow. I don't even want to think about how bad it will be when it's finally dry enough to do it.

I'll try to remember to get a picture of the broccoli raab. I would grow it again. If you've ever grown broccoli, you know how it grows those small side shoots after you cut the big thing in the middle. The broccoli raab is kind of like those, only smaller yet. It's just a tiny floret on a spindly stem, but each plant grows several of those, and they appear to keep growing them. I think most of the heads have flowered out, though, since it was too muddy to get in and cut. I did have several decent harvests from it, though. I left the smaller leaves on when I cooked it and they tasted fine. It's slightly more bitter than broccoli, but easier to grow, for me. I don't do well with regular broccoli.

Hope everyone has a good week!
I met Trish today and picked up my absolutely lovely Lavender Orphington, and Swedish Flower chicks. I have to say I'm extremely happy with them. They are bright-eyed, active and doing well.

It was nice meeting you today even though it was somewhat of a long drive for you, I'm glad you could make it & get the chicks. I'm not up for long drives right now being on this pain medication I'm on so I appreciated it that you drove here. It's kind of wiping me out & all I want to do is sleep all day.

I met another fellow Kansan today who frequents the swap sites & she got some other older chicks from me, so it was a good day to get a few chicks going to new homes at least.

Oh & thanks Danz for sending the chicks down this way to me. We have to do the chicken train when we can.
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We have gotten over an inch of rain since last evening, and it is still raining. Plus, it is considerably cooler today than it has been. Today's high is only 60*F, and it was 47*F when I went out to do chores at 7AM. Add wind on to that, and it feels like winter again! BRRR!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. We desperately need this moisture. The temperature difference is quite a shock to the system though. I've been debating the idea of turning the heater on today. Plus, my little one isn't feeling so well. He had a fever last night, so we've got an appointment to take him to the doctor today. :(

My poor birds are mad at me. I don't let them out to free range when it rains because they tend to wander away... "Ooh, look! A puddle! Ooh, look! Another puddle!"... and pretty soon they've wander away.
It was nice meeting you today even though it was somewhat of a long drive for you, I'm glad you could make it & get the chicks. I'm not up for long drives right now being on this pain medication I'm on so I appreciated it that you drove here. It's kind of wiping me out & all I want to do is sleep all day.

I met another fellow Kansan today who frequents the swap sites & she got some other older chicks from me, so it was a good day to get a few chicks going to new homes at least.

Oh & thanks Danz for sending the chicks down this way to me. We have to do the chicken train when we can.

It was a nice drive. I was worried it would rain on us the whole way but it turned off partly sunny and absolutely beautiful so it was an enjoyable drive. :)

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