Consolidated Kansas

Thank you :)

I ended up visiting Danz at her farm and got to keep company with all sorts of creatures. I had a ton of fun feeding her birds treats, but unwittingly started some boy drama with the turkeys by petting one tom and the other got jealous :lau I love the personalities all the birds have!
I’m glad you had a good time! That’s so funny about the turkeys. Love animals personalities!
I keep missing a bunch of posts because I'm not getting notices. @Prairie Fleur congrats on the little one! @Tavi welcome, we always like to see new people here. Tell us about your birds or if you don't have any what you would like to get.

I have started incubating eggs again for hatching season. I haven't checked any yet for fertility but will do that tomorrow for the first batch. It doesn't look like my goose eggs are developing, :(.
Gosh, I got really busy and got WAY behind on reading posts! About a month ago, a neighbor that lives several miles from us had a couple purebred Great Pyrenees 11 month old puppies for give away FREE. I claimed one and named her Jasmine (Jaz for short). We kept her locked up for two weeks, getting her used to where her new home was. Just before letting her loose, we had a verbal conflict with a neighbor and decided that it was best to avoid trouble and build a fence around our yard to keep our dogs (the new Pyr and our other dog, a lab cross) in the yard. After two weeks of really LONG days and LOTS of work, the fence is finally up and working! Today is Jaz's first day loose in the yard where the chickens are also loose. So far so good! She is SUCH a good dog, especially for only being 12 months old. I can see why so many of you have Great Pyrenees dogs now! I think I've found a new favorite breed of dog! Earlier today, I took some scraps out for the chickens and gave the dogs each a taste. I tried to let Jaz lick the bowl out, but she missed the bite I'd left her so I put it on my finger and offered it to her. I've never before seen a dog naturally so cautious around my fingers! :love

On the chicken side of things... I found one of my cochin hens hanging upside down the other morning. I have a gate I use to keep the dogs out that lets the chickens come and go (my lab likes to eat eggs). This hen had, somehow, managed to get her toe stuck between two pieces of paneling on the gate and was hanging upside down by her toe/foot. In initially thought she was dead until I got close enought o see that she was still breathing. Poor thing! She's still limping around on that foot, but seems to be doing fine otherwise. She went missing yesterday, and I got worried....until I found her in the nest box. :D Life is never boring when you have chickens/animals!
@lizzyGSR that's so funny you named your GP Jasmine, one of my females is named that too. I call her Jas of Jassy most of the time. My two females matured way earlier than the male GP/Anatolian I have. He is 18 months old & still not mature enough to stay out with the others. My females started getting serious about working at 8 months old & by a year they were fully entrenched in their job. They have never strayed & are always alert even when they're taking a nap. You look at them & they look dead to the world in the daytime but if they hear something they're instantly up & checking it out. You will want to watch yours for awhile with the chickens. Mine had to learn at first not to bother them but they learned to protect them just like anything else here. Now if there is a commotion in a pen they go to see what's going on. It's funny because they know even with all of the different birds I have here with chickens free ranging, ducks, & geese it's like they have them all cataloged in their brains & if something like a wild turkey comes in they won't let it in the fence. They are really great dogs indeed!

Yeah chickens can get themselves into some situations sometimes. I have found a chicken caught in something like that before as well. Mine sure have been enjoying a bit warmer weather & longer days. I'm having problems getting them to go in at night now.

I've been having fun the last few days trying to catch a few male guineas that have always free ranged & slept in the trees at night. I have had too many of them & they bully my chickens when they try to go into the coop. I decided to just get rid of a few so there weren't quite so many. If any of you have ever tried to catch a guinea you know how much fun that is. Even if they're penned they're just wild & they never tame down no matter how long you have them. I have had to trap these 5 I've been catching & even then it was a fight. The last two I let go into the chicken run last night with food in there & caught them in there. I was so relieved to get them all caught at last, it has taken me several days to get those 5.
HI everyone!!! I am so glad I came across byc and a thread for Kansas. I am transplant from Washington moved here several years ago but lived in town with a few chickens but recently moved out to a farm with 3 horses 1 Pyrenees pup, well I guess she isn't a pup anymore she is 8 months old (Chloe) and I just purchased chicks to restart my flock. blrw, gold lace, silver lace wyondettes and a few cochins. and in search of a couple market lambs for my kids for 4h.
HI everyone!!! I am so glad I came across byc and a thread for Kansas. I am transplant from Washington moved here several years ago but lived in town with a few chickens but recently moved out to a farm with 3 horses 1 Pyrenees pup, well I guess she isn't a pup anymore she is 8 months old (Chloe) and I just purchased chicks to restart my flock. blrw, gold lace, silver lace wyondettes and a few cochins. and in search of a couple market lambs for my kids for 4h.

Welcome! Not sure what your time frame is, but Linn County has a livestock show coming up in May that might get you some connections with local folks for those sheep. :)

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