Consolidated Kansas

Trish, this house is no where home like my other house was. I loved that big old victorian home and if there was any way possible I would have moved it here in place of this one. This isn't my style and it's not roomy enough. I guess if I had a dream it would be to build a big victorian looking home on the back side of my acreage. I'd have to have all the big wrap around porches and stuff. I think I miss that the most. I had such a wonderful place to put up holiday decorations etc, as well as a place to just sit outside and enjoy things. I bought this place because it had an acreage and it was so close to work. I love my location for the most part even though I don't care about the work distance any more. But still those memories of raising my children and all the wonderful times we had won't ever be replaced by this house. I think it would be so much easier if I loved this house as well.
So Hawkeye just remember wherever you the house you buy and it will help so much. It won't replace the memories but if it is something that really appeals to you it will help.
Now, I think the worst thing that could happen would be to move someplace where I couldn't have my birds, my dogs, or the peace and quiet of the country.
Danz, I hear you on that one, I haven't lived IN a town since 1976 & I don't want to. DH may have different ideas than me on that, but that's how I feel about it. I love the privacy & the quiet. Your house you left sounds wonderful, I love Victorian style of houses. I love driving around a town & just looking at them. They have so much charm & the new houses now just don't have that. It's funny because I grew up right in town in Wichita, but I think I always have had a country girl heart because as soon as I got married & out of school (I used to be a nurse) I moved to the country & haven't looked back. I always had a lot of pets growing up & have always loved animals. I used to drive my parents mad with them I think, although I think it bothered my dad more than my mom. I have always had lots of pets & this is my 2nd round of chickens. My DH doesn't get it so much, but I catch him watching them & he laughs at them too, I know he enjoys them more than he wants me to know, he wouldn't want to admit it. I actually want to get more animals & he's saying that he wants to get unencumbered for retirement, but that's a ways away for him, so I'm not that worried about it. He's 7 years younger than me, so he still has at least 10 years to go before he can retire & that's if he can do it when he's wanting to. I told him that it's no big deal, that I can have my chickens for 10 years & then if I need to I can get rid of them, but I won't want to I'm sure. He wants to travel some then & to move somewhere warmer, further south. I'm not against moving further south, but I know I can't just live in a travel trailer, I will have to have a house somewhere. I'm not the gypsy type, once I set down roots it's hard for me to move, I absolutely hate moving. But as much as I love animals & growing things I can't ever imagine just traveling all the time. Yes, I like to see new places, but I like to come back home after awhile too. 10 years from now is a long time & who knows what that will bring, so I'm not going to worry about it now. I'm just going to enjoy things the way they are & see what tomorrow brings. I have learned that it's not productive to worry about things that haven't happened yet & you have to enjoy life each day. My late husband died at the age of 47 from cancer & you never know when your time is coming, so enjoy it while you're here.

Welcome Claredazzle! There seems to be several new people who just joined from Lawrence.
WELCOME ClairDazzle!!! Lots of us on here are from Lawrence! You'll feel right at home! Are you new to chickens?? I just got mine in October!
Thanks guys! I don't know what we'll end up doing. I sure hope it's OKC we go to. Heck, it would be nice if there were a way to stay here. Anyway, my MIL called my Dh last night and of course went into the 'it would be easier to move without horses' bit. People who don't have horses don't understand. I've had my one mare since I was a kid. She's 31 yrs old-- who the heck would buy her, and not to mention, who would take care of them like I do? It's not even about that, really. The ones I have now are the favorites I've pared down to over the years. I did have 7 horses when we first moved. I'm down to 3, and it's not happening. I don't understand how people can be so blase about telling you what you should do to make your life easier. Sheesh! So anyway, DH had a long conversation with his mom last night, but he stuck up for me and my horses. After that didn't work, then she tried to convince him to live in town and put my horses into boarding. But once he explained how much it is to board ONE horse for ONE month.. (around $300) he said she didn't have much to say. I wonder why she is so worried about us living in town if we move?!?! What is the big deal??? She got kind of nasty to me on the phone yesterday afternoon when she called me. I let it go realizing that she's upset and she doesn't want her son to move away from her. She's not usually like that. DH said he's going to look into a couple of software options here in Wichita-- there are a couple of smaller companies. It would likely mean a big paycut and I'd have to find work myself. But there may be 10 other guys wanting to apply for all the same jobs, too.

Well last night was a bit better-- only 3 chickens out under the coop, but they were toward the front. I didn't even have to crawl under. I gave them all BOSS yesterday and started my 'training'.
The two little silkies want to be outside sleeping on the ground-- then there was a Polish cuddled up with them, too. Everyone else was inside. I've thought about putting up my bell, but if I end up leaving the coop-- I'm taking the bell with me! Well, it's a preschool day- something to distract me. I have gift cards to shop with at one of my favorite clothing stores (Lucinda's). Going to pick out something pretty to wear while the kids are at school.
I moved to the country & haven't looked back. I always had a lot of pets growing up & have always loved animals. I used to drive my parents mad with them I think, although I think it bothered my dad more than my mom. I have always had lots of pets & this is my 2nd round of chickens. My DH doesn't get it so much, but I catch him watching them & he laughs at them too, I know he enjoys them more than he wants me to know, he wouldn't want to admit it. I actually want to get more animals & he's saying that he wants to get unencumbered for retirement, but that's a ways away for him, so I'm not that worried about it. He wants to travel some then & to move somewhere warmer, further south. I'm not against moving further south, but I know I can't just live in a travel trailer, I will have to have a house somewhere. I'm not the gypsy type, once I set down roots it's hard for me to move, I absolutely hate moving. But as much as I love animals & growing things I can't ever imagine just traveling all the time. Yes, I like to see new places, but I like to come back home after awhile too.
This sounds exactly like me. DH was a city boy and he just doesn't understand this country thing. He loves the animals for the most part, although he doesn't admit it, and complains how we are tied down and can't go anywhere. When we were in town I'd just hire someone to come in and feed the cats etc. DH says that we are at the age we need to be slowing down and I need to quit with the projects.
Hawkeye, you know your MIL is just very worried about not having her baby near. Oh how I have been there. It worries me all the time that my sons will be transferred far away. I am sure that moving all my animals would be a mess from hell but I certainly couldn't leave them behind. People without that love of animals just don't understand.
One thing I would be worried about if you stayed in Wichita would be the job market and wages. I was in OKC when the big Penn state bank crash the oil field industry dumped. I had several friends who were in the oil field industry. They laid off all of their high paid employees, then the few jobs that were available and had paid very well were dropped to minimum wage. They used that tactic to hire the best for nothing. People were so desperate for employment that they would accept bottom dollar just to have a job of any kind and not have to move.
I watched the news last night and the state of Kansas is pretty tiffed at Boeing for taking their money and then running. Big business really sucks. That's why I was forced into early retirement.
On the other side of the coin, I lost three young birds last night. It was some I moved from the brooder a day or two ago. Sometimes I wonder how chickens can be so smart and so dumb at the same time. These three apparently were scared of the other birds and were cowering in a corner of the old garage. They got chilly, laid on each other and suffocated each other. I don't know that any of them had gone out to drink or anything. I thought I had pulled one through after warming it up and getting some water down it. It started eating a little as well but it passed sometime during the night. Winter has it's own set of problems with young birds besides all the stupid colds and stuff.
Welcome Clairedazzle!!! You will find many of us from the Lawrence area and throughout Kansas! Overall, BYC is a great place to acquire and share knowledge as well as just chat! Hope you enjoy!
I completely understand the down sides to moving too. I didn't mean to make light of you situation, just to try to find some positives. They do exist but often can be hidden from view because of the negatives.

I have been on my farm for 6 years now and still have not found a doctor I like, nor many of the other things I left behind my last home (we were there 10 years, longest I've ever lived in one place my whole life). I still have the old house and IF the market ever recovers, I will have to sell it. It's going to be so odd to sign those papers. It helps that I only moved 100 miles away from the last place but still...I don't get to see my kids/grands any where near as much as I used to. And I often go 6 months without going to the "city". My DH drives 70 miles each way for work. Up side for me is he now does all the grocery shopping! (it is only 5 minutes out of his way on the way home from work).

I wish only the best outcome for you and all those getting displaced.
Aw Dancing, I know you didn't mean anything by it! It's okay!
I'm certainly feeling a bit grouchy! ha! I'm feeling like this is a personal affront (the company closing and leaving us with no other options), and really, I'm in this deal with 2,100 other people facing the same issues this morning that I am. Sounds like you and I have done a lot of moving. It doesn't get any easier, and I thought we'd found the "place" we were going to live it out here. Never counted on having to move.

Danz, right, that is what I was worried about too. I can't see anyone wanting to pay my DH what he is making now here in Wichita where that kind of salary is not really supported by the economy here. Not unless we moved where his line of work would be more appreciated and valued for what it's worth. Another area might even be Kansas City.. I have no clue what the housing market is up there. I don't know what trying to find property up there might bring us for the money, either. That might be something to check into, as well. But I wonder how far out we'd have to live to get what we wanted. bleah.

Anyway-- I'm LOVING this weather!!!! It is beautiful today! I ran around this morning and did some shopping-- used up most of my gift cards and made me feel better knowing I have a couple of nice outfits to wear to church now.
This weather has been INCREDIBLE! This time last year, DH's vacation days were being used up because of "snow days". Now I want him to use them for SUNNY days! I keep thinking of all the things we could be getting done around here (like getting started on the new coop!) but it's usually dark by the time he gets home.

And now I find out this weekend is going to be really nice too and he is going HUNTING! He doesn't HUNT! (has only ONCE and didn't get anything).

I may end up having to build that thing myself!

I have had to move very often. My son went to 16 different schools before he finished HS. I found the best way to beat the "moving depression" was to look at it as an adventure. But you're right, I don't want that type of adventure anymore. I bought this farm to be my LAST residence. And while I'm tempted sometimes to bail out of here (when the work load gets to heavy) I know that is just habit because with all the moving before, I was able to let some things "slide" until the next move (like dusting the nick nacks).
I put some eggs into lockdown this morning. They are cooking away, and I hope to have some baby chicks in a few days. They are black copper marans, black ameraucanas and one little rosecomb egg. Wish me luck. The marans have given me a pretty hard time trying to hatch them. I get them to the point of pipping and then I seem to have quite a few that just don't make it out of the shell. I've read and read different approaches to getting them hatched, but just haven't found the perfect combination. Seems like I always loose a few. I think these ameraucanas are going to hatch like popcorn, but time will tell. I'm going to run the humidity a little lower for the hatch than I normally do and see if that helps the marans any. People say they tend to drown in the shell at the higher hatching humidities.

My computer is on the blink again. DH is working on it. I sure get tired of computers not working. Seems like I have more than my share of problems with them. I'm just glad DH knows as much as he does and is patient enough to work on them and fix them. I'm a very patient person, but not when it comes to that. My DH is NOT a patient person, but working on the computer is something he will do until it is fixed or all options are exhausted.

I don't know if I should put this on here or not, but I'm afraid my DH is going into congestive heart failure. We have been to the Dr. and had some tests, but don't know anything yet. He is scheduled for more tests, but the wait is excruciating. He seems to be getting worse on a steady basis. He can hardly walk across the room without getting out of breath. I am not a worrier, but this definitely has me worried. I just hate seeing him like this. We are definitely soul mates.

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