Consolidated Kansas

Danz, I am so sorry to hear about the lose of the 3 puppies :( I'm glad to hear that you found another though. I bet your emotions are all over the place. Sending virtual hugs your way!!

rlwt - Welcome to BYC! Another Lawrencian here. I'm just starting out, so we will be learning together! :) hehe
Oh, Danz, I'm so sorry about the puppies, I know you're heart broken. I sure hope the little one pulls through that is weak. I have a friend whose Great Dane had 8 puppies & 30 minutes after she had them she died. She lost all but this one little female that she fed by hand & she is now 6 weeks old & thriving. My point I guess to that was that the little things are stronger than you think a lot of times if you can work with them. This gal carried this puppy around in a laundry basket lined with soft towels & took it everywhere she went so she could feed it. It's the cutest little thing now. I'll keep you & Marshmallow & the pups in my prayers. Keep us up on how things go with them all.

Claire, I have had some of those bumpy eggs, it seemed like it happened mostly at the first when they started laying & then they smoothed out.

Well I'm having trouble with my rabbit water bottle freezing, so I guess I had better get one of those cookie tin heaters made. I haven't been here the last few days all that much it seems like, I have been running around gathering this & that. Today I was just pooped out, so I have done nothing more than what I had to. It was so cold outside today, I didn't want to stay out there very long, it really makes me hurt. A friend came over to buy some eggs from me & we stood out in the driveway talking until my face & nose were bright red.
Oh wow Danz, how many is that now 10? That's what I guessed she would have or is that 11, I kind of lost count. I wonder if these puppies are early? Oh why did she have to have them on such a horribly cold night?! Would she let you bring her & the pups inside?
Welcome! I'm having puppy stress this evening and didn't mean to fail to welcome you. We are all very glad to help you out. If needed I for one would donate eggs

Which school? I have an 8th grader at Central. Let me know if you need any help with your project, and take a look at the incubation sheet in my signature if you aren't experienced at incubating. I'm happy to pitch in and help with your project if there's anything I can do- I'm the one that teaches chicken classes at Tractor Supply in the spring.

There are a bunch of chickeneers in this area, including other educators- and the enthusiasm is still catching.


Hi all, I'm new to the forum. I'm a middle school teacher in Lawrence, KS working on a project with my students. We're starting with incubating eggs but I'd really like to end at some point with a coop and garden in the back of the school. Basically I'm just looking for other locals and not so locals as a community of good advice and good conversation about chickens since no one I know very well has any right now. This looks like the right place!
OMG! OMG! OMG! I went out to check on the babies and there was another dead one. BUT while I was there she had another pup! The one in the house was drinking and doing well. I am thinking of bringing them all in the house because it is so miserable cold. I worry that the cats might be a problem though. What a night for DH to be working!

Holy cow!! I can't believe she's still going. I'd hate to be moved while in labor...perhaps you have an oil filled radiator-style space heater? Those are not very risky for fire and do a really good job of heating an area without using too much power because of the volume of heat in the oil- it holds heat well.

I'm sorry you lost another- If you could get her in where you can keep an eye on her, it'd be soooo much better. I wish I could come help! Why do you have to live so far away!?
Well I hope I have everyone settled for the evening. The total count was 10 and we of course lost 3. I hate cold weather. I brought the pups inside but Marshmallow wouldn't leave the dog house. She was still having pains. That is what happened last time. She got so worn out that she didn't clean out and so she got an infection and I nearly lost her. I am proud to say that the one I worked with all day and kept in the heat pad and fed a bottle is doing really well. She is out nursing on her mama now. I ended up calling the vet and he said she either needed to get up and excercise or the pups needed to nurse her to produce the oxytocin. There was no getting her up. She wouldn't even move for hamburger. So I hauled some more blankets and the pups back out to the dog house and sat there for an hour or so. When I left the puppies were all either nursing or sleeping and Marshmallow was snoring up a storm. She just needed her mama in there petting her and reassuring her.
I am in the state that I need to cry my eyes out. I don't think I need to loose any more puppies. It just destroys me. And then I worry about poor Marshmallow more than anything.
I haven't eaten all day and have been in and out of the cold all day. I think I'll find some dinner, take a short nap, set my alarm and go back out in the dog house. The house is really big, like 8' X 4' so there is room for all of us. I may end up sleeping out there.
Talk about being in the dog house!
BTW, thanks for all of you being here to at least listen to me. I need to vent some way to keep my sanity. It helps so much to feel like you all care. I have decided that there is no way I am going to let this poor dog go through this again. I said that last time but let time slip away. I love my chickens but I only have one one Marshmallow.
Fluff is being awesome tonight. He is working hard and barking his head off. He's picking up for his girlfriend while she is busy with their babies. I so love these dogs!
Sending you all very warm, healing prayers.
Well I hope I have everyone settled for the evening. The total count was 10 and we of course lost 3. I hate cold weather. I brought the pups inside but Marshmallow wouldn't leave the dog house. She was still having pains. That is what happened last time. She got so worn out that she didn't clean out and so she got an infection and I nearly lost her. I am proud to say that the one I worked with all day and kept in the heat pad and fed a bottle is doing really well. She is out nursing on her mama now. I ended up calling the vet and he said she either needed to get up and excercise or the pups needed to nurse her to produce the oxytocin. There was no getting her up. She wouldn't even move for hamburger. So I hauled some more blankets and the pups back out to the dog house and sat there for an hour or so. When I left the puppies were all either nursing or sleeping and Marshmallow was snoring up a storm. She just needed her mama in there petting her and reassuring her.
I am in the state that I need to cry my eyes out. I don't think I need to loose any more puppies. It just destroys me. And then I worry about poor Marshmallow more than anything.
I haven't eaten all day and have been in and out of the cold all day. I think I'll find some dinner, take a short nap, set my alarm and go back out in the dog house. The house is really big, like 8' X 4' so there is room for all of us. I may end up sleeping out there.
Talk about being in the dog house!
Danz, we're all here for you, we do care! It makes me cry to think of your puppies you lost, I hope the rest do fine & momma does well too. I wish you could have gotten her to come inside with you. We'll all be praying for you all tonight.

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