Consolidated Kansas

I have heard great things about vet rx. I actually am going to blend my own and with the oils and extracts I have. I like making my own things. Hopefully it works.
I havent posted anything yet, I have to make sure I have the money first. I have to focus on xmas, maybe if I get my incubator I can buy them with my xmas money

Oh I got to meet another one of our fellow BYCers. Josie and her DH. Such a cheery, pleasant, and beautiful woman. It is so great to be able to put a face with a name. I hope to one day be able to sit down with a few of you for a lunch and chat.
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Where is everyone? I don't know if this thing isn't updating or no one is posting. Maidenwolf I am really glad that they worked out. I think the Candy cane would be adorable for Christmas and the cat will be a hit.
No I hatched these wilds because the mother got killed when she was sitting on the eggs and most of the eggs were destroyed. But then I learned they are in very high demand. People either want to use them to seed their property, for eating, or for taxidermy. It's not like you can go out and buy one normally. The guy I sold my other Tom to has a game farm and needed to change a blood line. You just can't go out and catch a wild Tom. It doesn't happen.
I am so tickled to report that I did finally capture my Tom this morning. He was around early yesterday morning but would take off if I tried to get near him. I sat up a net and divided the pen the hens were in so they couldn't escape. I got more worried about it and went out last night and did some more work so they couldn't get out for sure. I heard him calling them before day light this morning. So I went out and tied the gate open and put a pan of his favorite food in the pen. I stood and watch for an hour and 15 minutes until he finally made his way into the pen and started eating. Then I snuck out the back door and closed the door on him. He was not happy! Anyway I went out and took my divider down and put a caribbeaner through the latch so it can't be opened without a conscious effort. If it gets opened it is going to have to be on purpose.
I also learned something else yesterday that really has me concerned and I wonder how many birds I have lost because of it. Apparently some light bulbs that are being produced have teflon on them. Manufacturers are not required by law to state that it is used. It is also called PTFE. Sometimes they will either put a statement on the box or bulb that says not intended for animal use.
Many of these parts are manufactured out of the country and then the actual bulb is assembled in the U.S. , so it will say it was made in the USA or it doesn't tell you. I know one bulb that definitely has this is GE 90wt bulb that they made to replace the 100 wt bulb. I am trying to find out what other bulbs have this.
The problem is that when heated it gives off a toxin that can and will kill chicks. I wonder how many suspicious chick deaths I have personally had because of light bulbs. I have started loosing some for no apparent reason and didn't know why. I do believe I saw this warning on some small flood lights once. So be sure to check your bulbs. This could be a potential problem. The way I figure it is it is toxic enough to kill a bird it can not be good for a human either.

The bulbs are the tough duty ones that are Teflon coated so if they break you don't end up with glass shards all over. I have not used them in 30 years, but remember them from replacing them in the meat locker when I used to clean a butcher shop as a teenager.
Now I forget who showed off the gingerbread houses? Adorable! I'm wanting to make up some too this year. I have a template and a plastic roller cutter that cuts out the dough.

Also to the new member who posted pictures of the candled eggs-- so exciting! I never get tired of candling them! LOL

Had our doctors appt yesterday and everything looks good! I have only gained 5 pounds which surprised me but the nurse said enjoy it while it lasts and I am lucky. We have to wait 2 MORE WEEKS for our sonogram!! I am so bummed. DH's schedule is all messed up because he is leaving next weekend for NY for his conference so we have to wait until the 14th to find out. I have been dying to get in for this sonogram for so long and now I have to wait. It's like being a little kid at Christmas!

Well we need to get back out and finish packing up stuff. Then we need to get stuff set up to butcher tomorrow. I hate butchering but I think I mostly hate getting everything set up and once we have done that I don't mind the actual processing.
Sounds like a great Dr visit. Your sono will be SUPER exciting! I remember being over the moon seeing my babies like that! :) Good luck with the packing/moving. Glad it's been warm weather right now to get things done. Can you borrow someone's horse trailer to haul your birds? Then you can just hose it out with water. I wash my horse trailer out EVERY SINGLE time I use it. I keep it very clean. And it all washes out super easy-- so if you can get ahold of one, they are really easy to hose out! :) Why are you putting the turkey tom down? Is he too big to get around anymore?

Just got home after a long day of moving my Dad and trying to put things away for him where he could find them. I stayed in town to finish and DH came back home mid afternoon. Someone had opened the gate to the wild turkey pen. It had been opened toward the inside and two of the four turkeys were out. DH managed to catch one of the girls but my Tom is gone. He said it flew over the South barn and he hasn't seen it since. So now I have 3 hens and no Tom's cause I just sold the other Tom in October. What worries me worse is this turkey was hatched by me and is 18 months old and has never been in the wild before. He has no idea how to hunt for himself or be self preserving. He could easily be coyote bait.
Someone had to come in and open that gate cause if the turkeys could have possibly jarred the latch open it would have swung to the outside, not the inside. I was out there this morning before I left to let the chickens out and it was in tact then.
There's a lot of hunters around right now and there is also one person who I have feared would do something like this if they ever knew I wasn't home. I don't know if those who have been around a while, remember when I had some guineas and some laying hens stolen from their pens last spring. I am pretty upset. I really don't want to have to have chains and padlocks on every thing around here. I just really want my Tom back, not as much for his actual value but because I know he wouldn't survive in the wild. He would probably walk up close to someone if they had a feed bucket. It would make him a perfect target for a hunter. I guess I will have to sell my girls if I don't get him back cause I will never find another wild Tom that is somewhat domesticated.
Maidenwolf I think the small cochin appears to be purebred. It could also be a girl. It doesn't have that predominant red comb. The little red one I think is half orpington, half sussex unless it has feathers on it's feet, then it would be half sussex and half brahma. When those were bred in that pen there was just the sussex roo with the sussex and orpington hens. But occasionally the big brahma roo would fly in for a visit. If it weren't for his visits back then I would be sure she was sussex orp. I have some now that just look like a darker orpington except they have some black spotty feathers here and there.
Well, I'm soooo glad you got your wild Tom back! Whew!! Sounds like you've been really busy getting your Dad all set up and everything else. I've still not had time to get the plastic wrapped around my silkie pen. UGH!!! I have just not been home long enough. I have all of these other things that need done ASAP-- and then I figure I'll do it "next". But by that time, I have to go pick up gets, take them to practice, or whatever else is going on. I wanted to do it on Sunday, but we ended up spending the ENTIRE day at my MIL's house after church to celebrate my DH's birthday. I had told him I didn't want to stay any later than 3:30pm so that we could get home and get the pen wrapped... but we ended up being there until dark.
We did have a good time, but that's what I'm talking about-- things just run longer than you think it will. And every time we go to her house, she has a million jobs she's wanting my DH and his brother to do. She wanted them to hang lights, go thru boxes and on and on and on... I mean, I get it. It just cuts into MY prep time and things *I* need to get done on the weekend TOO. We don't even have our X-mas tree up!

Getting ready for LOCKDOWN....

I have 2 hygrometers in my incubator.

Many questions:
1) What humidity range do I need during the lockdown?
2) How do I keep the humidity up during the lockdown without opening the incubator? (Brinsea 20)
3) What do I do if the humidity drops during lockdown? Can I open quickly to put in more water?
4) I assume that once chicks start hatching, their moisture will help to keep humidity levels high?
5) Can humidity get too high? What is the max level?
6) I stop turning once lockdown starts - right? And what position do I put the incubator in for lockdown - straight up?
7) Thursday is day 21 - I start lockdown on Monday evening, right?
8) How late after 21 days could unhatched chicks still hatch?

Sorry for all the questions - I just want to make sure I give my chicks the best chance for survival.
Humidity-- I keep it around 65-75% and I only "boost" my humidity when they pip internally. So I wait until then and then add water and add all of my towels that are water soaked.

There are two holes on the Brinsea-- the vent that you said on yours is blocked. (sheesh, Brinsea!?!?!) And the second hole is the actual water hole where the pump would hook up if you had it. It is a tiny hole, on the right top side of the lid. It takes a very small tube to fit thru there. You can refill using that with tiny tubing. I just wait until they have pipped internally and then boost with towels, so I've never needed that. But I know people who have found the really small clear fish tubing and then use a syringe to push water thru.

Humidity won't get too high in a Brinsea.

I don't stop turning until they internally pip (day 19 or 20)

Day 22 you could still get zips. BUT... if they've all hatched and there is an egg or two left, I'd take them out and candle them and see if they are alive. Usually not. I go ahead and open them and see what happened to them and guess at why they died. It's still fun, and I don't find it morbid or anything.

I really miss my turkey hens and really really want to get a couple. I have been looking everywhere. I at leat want to put in an order and talk prices but it seems as though turkey is a word noone is speaking of right now. My daughter misses them to, she takes flowers to her turkeys grave and sits down there and talks to her and every time I see this I get teary eyed. She said she wants a hen for xmas because that is what Storm would want.
So I am back at it looking for a couple hens for my boys. I am almost done with their new enclosure, they cant roost with the chickens anymore so I am converting the run into a coop until I can buy stuff to make a totally new building. My birds free range all day so all I need to do is cover the windows and put feed bags up.

This is my recycled coop and run. It isnt pretty but it works. the back part were the green tarp is starts the coop area. The rest is a run. It is made out of an old privacy fence. I cut holes and put chicken wire for windows and put wire over the top and then added a tarp because it was getting too wet inside. I think now Iwill convert the run. I have to move my turkey before I can move my goddess chicks to the flock. Which wont be for awhile yet they are 2 months old now. Maybe when they are 3 months.
Great set up!!! Looks like you are getting everything all ready! I love seeing everyone's set ups-- lots of great ideas!!

I had a few minor stresses over birds last week.

First, one morning one of my ducks appeared to be missing. Several hours later I saw her pacing outside the yard looking for a way in (never ceases to amaze me that they can fly out but then pace the fence looking for an opening to get back in - apparently it doesn't occur to them to just fly back in). Anyway, I was relieved she was okay, let her in and didn't think too much about it but later that day noticed she was in depressed mode, off by herself, just sitting. Long story short, I really think something got her that night she was gone and she escaped and fortunately was not badly injured but had a scare. For several days she was by herself and is now the first one into the coop each night. She was always the one who resisted sleeping in the coop the most but now she is the first in as if she's terrified to be outside at night again. It has taken a few days but she is now eating, drinking and playing in the water again. She still seems to be apart from the other ducks most of the time though, and it is really sweet - she now sleeps with my 12-week-old chicks at night. I'll have to try to get a picture of them all cuddled into a nest together, chicks all over and around her!

My next "casualty" was my EE hen, who also started to look depressed. Every time I looked at her, she was just standing in that hunched mode, tail down. Yet, when I tried to pick her up to check her over, she'd look lively and run away from me. A few minutes later though, she'd be off by herself hunched over again. I finally was able to grab her off the roost one evening and check her over. I had been concerned she might be egg-bound so I did a digital exam but didn't feel anything. I also palpated her abdomen and didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. When I put her down she ran off and the next day seemed to be back to her more normal self. She hasn't produced an egg since Thanksgiving day though so I dunno....
It started the day after I processed Cyrus and I couldn't help wondering if she was depressed about him not being around but I don't know how much chickens really process events like that. In any event, she seems to be pretty much back to her normal self again now.

Last, I started hearing some sneezing and congestion in a half dozen birds. I escaped all of that earlier this year when so many of you were having these problems but now one after another is sounding a little congested. No discharge of any kind and they certainly haven't lost their appetites - they just sneeze and sound a little hoarse and congested. I'm treating with VetRx and for the first time ever it does seem to be making a difference. The first 3 casualties were all cockerels that I wasn't planning on keeping forever anyway, so I decided to try the VetRx, figuring that if it didn't help, I could always just process them early, but to my amazement, after a treatment or two, they seemed much improved. Since then I heard a hen sounding congested (she is a "no touch") so I was never able to get her to treat and it seemed to resolve on its own. Yesterday a little pullet I really do want to keep was sneezing so I grabbed her and treated her and later couldn't hear any sign of congestion. So I take back every thing I ever said about the stuff not working - at least for these minor symptoms.
I really like the VetRX, I find it really helps for just the minor stuff. And I think when they can breathe and keep their air passages clear, they heal up a lot faster and don't develop secondary infections. Glad all of your birds ended up being just fine. It can be really nerve wracking when they start in with sneezes and knowing how fast things progress with poultry-- they can be dead in a day, so I always get a little freaked out. My silkies are prone to sneezing-- though I haven't seen them do it since earlier this summer. My layer birds have never had anything go wrong-- knock on wood!!!

I've just been gone and not around. And when I have been around, we've been getting in late to the house and doing a million other things. We have piano tonight, but today is a down day-- although I've been doing laundry and cleaning house. I am also going to see if I can get some of the plastic put up by myself. It's so windy, I think I need two sets of hands, but figure I'll give it a try after lunch. Just cooked lunch and now sitting down to eat it and check in on here! :)
I did some more reading. I understand a manufacturer is making bulbs in all replacement sizes as tough service bulbs. Be careful buying those. Also I read that some of the heat lamps are being teflon coated as well. That is so dumb since most of them are used for animals any way.
Geez. That is a bummer. I guess if it won't open there isn't much you can do about it. Is the little plastic slider part there and just stuck?
The air vent in my incubator doesn't work... The other night when Teresa was here, she went to show it to me and it doesn't slide open at all.. it is just a tiny sliver of a crack now. This is the THIRD incubator Brinsea has sent me- each one has had major lid problems. I'm afraid to tell this one has a problem too... How important is that air vent? It is stuck in closed position - which provides a sliver of a crack..
I wondered that same thing last night! I was shocked no one had posted all afternoon! So glad you caught your tom, you have had good luck catching loose crazy birds!! He may not be happy but its for his own good. Much better than becoming dinner for something out in the field.
Where is everyone? I don't know if this thing isn't updating or no one is posting. Maidenwolf I am really glad that they worked out. I think the Candy cane would be adorable for Christmas and the cat will be a hit.
No I hatched these wilds because the mother got killed when she was sitting on the eggs and most of the eggs were destroyed. But then I learned they are in very high demand. People either want to use them to seed their property, for eating, or for taxidermy. It's not like you can go out and buy one normally. The guy I sold my other Tom to has a game farm and needed to change a blood line. You just can't go out and catch a wild Tom. It doesn't happen.
I am so tickled to report that I did finally capture my Tom this morning. He was around early yesterday morning but would take off if I tried to get near him. I sat up a net and divided the pen the hens were in so they couldn't escape. I got more worried about it and went out last night and did some more work so they couldn't get out for sure. I heard him calling them before day light this morning. So I went out and tied the gate open and put a pan of his favorite food in the pen. I stood and watch for an hour and 15 minutes until he finally made his way into the pen and started eating. Then I snuck out the back door and closed the door on him. He was not happy! Anyway I went out and took my divider down and put a caribbeaner through the latch so it can't be opened without a conscious effort. If it gets opened it is going to have to be on purpose.
I also learned something else yesterday that really has me concerned and I wonder how many birds I have lost because of it. Apparently some light bulbs that are being produced have teflon on them. Manufacturers are not required by law to state that it is used. It is also called PTFE. Sometimes they will either put a statement on the box or bulb that says not intended for animal use.
Many of these parts are manufactured out of the country and then the actual bulb is assembled in the U.S. , so it will say it was made in the USA or it doesn't tell you. I know one bulb that definitely has this is GE 90wt bulb that they made to replace the 100 wt bulb. I am trying to find out what other bulbs have this.
The problem is that when heated it gives off a toxin that can and will kill chicks. I wonder how many suspicious chick deaths I have personally had because of light bulbs. I have started loosing some for no apparent reason and didn't know why. I do believe I saw this warning on some small flood lights once. So be sure to check your bulbs. This could be a potential problem. The way I figure it is it is toxic enough to kill a bird it can not be good for a human either.
I could us a second me as well! If you figure that out let me know. If I did I would send my second me to do all the not fun things!
That looks very nice especially for recycled privacy fence. If you can wait until about February or March I think the stores will have poults again. Of course they won't be sexed. It would be hard to find a tame grown hen that you could handle.
I have to figure out what to do with my pens today and also have to make a trip to town to deliver eggs and go set up some more stuff for my Dad. I need to take my cat to the vet for a shot but that is the opposite direction.
DH picked up my new washer and it is in the back of the truck. The camper shell is on the other truck and I need to get feed. There is nothing I can do cause DH is at work. I will just have to get by somehow today and then hope I can get some first thing in the morning.
I need to do some laundry. I normally try to do most of it on Saturday but since I was gone I didn't. So I am trying to decide whether to do it in the old washer or to wait until the new one is installed. I'm afraid there'll be a delay in installing and then I won't get it done!!
I swear I need a second me.
Someone on Craigslist was selling Narragansetts up near KC. I would love to have some, they were this years hatch and supposed to be really friendly too.
Oh wouldnt it be nice to have a double of yourself. I am going to wait and keep looking, I want narragansett, blue slate, royal palm, bronze. Those are the breeds I am shooting for. It will be hard to find them sexed, that is the hardest part. I just want 2 girls. You have alot going on today too. I am doing my run today and hopefully have everything I need for it. Its too bad we dont live closer we could help each other out. Oh my dh bought feed for me last friday, he grabbed 2 bags of layer and wanted to help so he emptied both bags into the bin
I had been on grower with oyster shell on the side because of Beauty and Beast ( the cochin and cross you gave me) and because I wanted to begin letting the Goddess chicks out to explore while I was out there little bits at a time. So now I have 100 lbs of layer that they are not going thru at all. I have 1 bag and a half in there. They dont seem to be eating as much as when I had the grower. I want to sell it but not sure how to go about that.
Bummer your birds aren't feeling well. Vet RX is great for congested birds. I have had some that weren't eating or drinking and after treating them once with vet rx they ran right over to the food and water. I think it helps them breath easy enough to swallow. Gotta love the birds that fly over the darn fence and then act like someone threw them over it! I have an EE hen that does that then runs around like a nut trying to "find" the way back in.
Maidenwolf, I really get the missing of the turkeys. I've only had my pair a short time but I'm really attached to them. I only have the one pair so I'm sorry I can't help out right now. Have you tried posting a wanted ad on the Farm Swap facebook page?

Danz, so glad your wild turkey tom is back in safe and sound. That must be such a relief!!!

It has been quiet around here. I've been busy the past few days and haven't been on much but didn't miss as many posts as I normally would in that time frame.

I had a few minor stresses over birds last week.

First, one morning one of my ducks appeared to be missing. Several hours later I saw her pacing outside the yard looking for a way in (never ceases to amaze me that they can fly out but then pace the fence looking for an opening to get back in - apparently it doesn't occur to them to just fly back in). Anyway, I was relieved she was okay, let her in and didn't think too much about it but later that day noticed she was in depressed mode, off by herself, just sitting. Long story short, I really think something got her that night she was gone and she escaped and fortunately was not badly injured but had a scare. For several days she was by herself and is now the first one into the coop each night. She was always the one who resisted sleeping in the coop the most but now she is the first in as if she's terrified to be outside at night again. It has taken a few days but she is now eating, drinking and playing in the water again. She still seems to be apart from the other ducks most of the time though, and it is really sweet - she now sleeps with my 12-week-old chicks at night. I'll have to try to get a picture of them all cuddled into a nest together, chicks all over and around her!

My next "casualty" was my EE hen, who also started to look depressed. Every time I looked at her, she was just standing in that hunched mode, tail down. Yet, when I tried to pick her up to check her over, she'd look lively and run away from me. A few minutes later though, she'd be off by herself hunched over again. I finally was able to grab her off the roost one evening and check her over. I had been concerned she might be egg-bound so I did a digital exam but didn't feel anything. I also palpated her abdomen and didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. When I put her down she ran off and the next day seemed to be back to her more normal self. She hasn't produced an egg since Thanksgiving day though so I dunno....
It started the day after I processed Cyrus and I couldn't help wondering if she was depressed about him not being around but I don't know how much chickens really process events like that. In any event, she seems to be pretty much back to her normal self again now.

Last, I started hearing some sneezing and congestion in a half dozen birds. I escaped all of that earlier this year when so many of you were having these problems but now one after another is sounding a little congested. No discharge of any kind and they certainly haven't lost their appetites - they just sneeze and sound a little hoarse and congested. I'm treating with VetRx and for the first time ever it does seem to be making a difference. The first 3 casualties were all cockerels that I wasn't planning on keeping forever anyway, so I decided to try the VetRx, figuring that if it didn't help, I could always just process them early, but to my amazement, after a treatment or two, they seemed much improved. Since then I heard a hen sounding congested (she is a "no touch") so I was never able to get her to treat and it seemed to resolve on its own. Yesterday a little pullet I really do want to keep was sneezing so I grabbed her and treated her and later couldn't hear any sign of congestion. So I take back every thing I ever said about the stuff not working - at least for these minor symptoms.
Nice to meet you too! Wish we could have chatted longer. I can't believe how much later we were. DH said he will never say it is going well again when we are butchering because at 3 it looked like we were just about finished up. And then it took until 4:30!
I have heard great things about vet rx. I actually am going to blend my own and with the oils and extracts I have. I like making my own things. Hopefully it works.
I havent posted anything yet, I have to make sure I have the money first. I have to focus on xmas, maybe if I get my incubator I can buy them with my xmas money

Oh I got to meet another one of our fellow BYCers. Josie and her DH. Such a cheery, pleasant, and beautiful woman. It is so great to be able to put a face with a name. I hope to one day be able to sit down with a few of you for a lunch and chat.

Sounds like a great Dr visit. Your sono will be SUPER exciting! I remember being over the moon seeing my babies like that! :) Good luck with the packing/moving. Glad it's been warm weather right now to get things done. Can you borrow someone's horse trailer to haul your birds? Then you can just hose it out with water. I wash my horse trailer out EVERY SINGLE time I use it. I keep it very clean. And it all washes out super easy-- so if you can get ahold of one, they are really easy to hose out! :) Why are you putting the turkey tom down? Is he too big to get around anymore?
I am dying to have the sonogram, DH said "Its only 2 more weeks." I told him 2 more weeks is an eternity to an expectant mom!! Our turkey is one of those broad breasted bronze meat birds. He is almost a year old and having a hard time getting around. He barely waddles to the food and water and is out of breath from that. His feet have gotten really swollen too. We are leaving for Christmas and I don't want the pet sitter to get stuck with a turkey in heart failure and have to deal with him. He probably weighs 65 plus pounds now.

Well, I'm soooo glad you got your wild Tom back! Whew!! Sounds like you've been really busy getting your Dad all set up and everything else. I've still not had time to get the plastic wrapped around my silkie pen. UGH!!! I have just not been home long enough. I have all of these other things that need done ASAP-- and then I figure I'll do it "next". But by that time, I have to go pick up gets, take them to practice, or whatever else is going on. I wanted to do it on Sunday, but we ended up spending the ENTIRE day at my MIL's house after church to celebrate my DH's birthday. I had told him I didn't want to stay any later than 3:30pm so that we could get home and get the pen wrapped... but we ended up being there until dark.
We did have a good time, but that's what I'm talking about-- things just run longer than you think it will. And every time we go to her house, she has a million jobs she's wanting my DH and his brother to do. She wanted them to hang lights, go thru boxes and on and on and on... I mean, I get it. It just cuts into MY prep time and things *I* need to get done on the weekend TOO. We don't even have our X-mas tree up!

I know that feeling all too well. DH's parents always wanted us to come over on Sundays and just "hang out" and have dinner. I hate sitting on the sofa watching tv with them when we could be doing stuff that needs done. Hoping that won't happen when we are back down there again but I bet it probably will.

Humidity-- I keep it around 65-75% and I only "boost" my humidity when they pip internally. So I wait until then and then add water and add all of my towels that are water soaked.

There are two holes on the Brinsea-- the vent that you said on yours is blocked. (sheesh, Brinsea!?!?!) And the second hole is the actual water hole where the pump would hook up if you had it. It is a tiny hole, on the right top side of the lid. It takes a very small tube to fit thru there. You can refill using that with tiny tubing. I just wait until they have pipped internally and then boost with towels, so I've never needed that. But I know people who have found the really small clear fish tubing and then use a syringe to push water thru.
I always forget about the water hole! I just discovered it a few months ago and I have had that bator for over a year. Duh.
Humidity won't get too high in a Brinsea.

I don't stop turning until they internally pip (day 19 or 20)

Day 22 you could still get zips. BUT... if they've all hatched and there is an egg or two left, I'd take them out and candle them and see if they are alive. Usually not. I go ahead and open them and see what happened to them and guess at why they died. It's still fun, and I don't find it morbid or anything.

Great set up!!! Looks like you are getting everything all ready! I love seeing everyone's set ups-- lots of great id
I really like the VetRX, I find it really helps for just the minor stuff. And I think when they can breathe and keep their air passages clear, they heal up a lot faster and don't develop secondary infections. Glad all of your birds ended up being just fine. It can be really nerve wracking when they start in with sneezes and knowing how fast things progress with poultry-- they can be dead in a day, so I always get a little freaked out. My silkies are prone to sneezing-- though I haven't seen them do it since earlier this summer. My layer birds have never had anything go wrong-- knock on wood!!!

I've just been gone and not around. And when I have been around, we've been getting in late to the house and doing a million other things. We have piano tonight, but today is a down day-- although I've been doing laundry and cleaning house. I am also going to see if I can get some of the plastic put up by myself. It's so windy, I think I need two sets of hands, but figure I'll give it a try after lunch. Just cooked lunch and now sitting down to eat it and check in on here! :)
Well we got all those birds butchered yesterday. Much quieter there without all the crowing!!! I still have boys but not nearly as many. I need to move some young birds outside today while it is fairly mild still. They don't need to be in the brooder anymore, they are just spoiled brats now. We butchered two ducks yesterday and that was awful! It took us so long to pluck them, I must had scaled mine 3-4 times to get all the feathers off!

I have a lot to do this week. Need to go register the car today, the line was out the door on Friday and I just couldn't blow the whole afternoon there. Hoping Monday is a quieter day for them. I did get our little grey kitty trapped last night and DH brought him with him to neuter him today. I am going to miss the little bugger but he is going to be a pet cat at the boarding kennel so he will be well loved for sure. He and our barn kitty do not get along so it will be better for both of them.
I will let you all knoe how the home made vetrx goes. I am pretty sure it will go just as the store bought stuff. When you know about herbs and the uses it is easy to put something together.
Josie- I am not having any problem with them drinking them sulfa they dont seem to notice. No more are sick so I guess the duramycin was at least doing something. Maybe sometime after the first of the year we can get a few girls together and have lunch. I saw that add on craigslist for the narragansetts they have had that up for months so I am not sure why it is still up.
WINDY blustery day here in SW Kansas, someone from out of state let a door smack them and knocked them out... Welcome to Kansas.

Went to Amarillo Saturday, cooked for a Thanksgiving Christmas Dinner at church yesterday. I'm playing catch up today! I need to do alot of baking tomorrow!

Danz, hope your Tom came home.

Hope everyone and their birds are feeling better!

Culling my mean rooster is still on the long to do list...
Doesn't have to be pretty-- just has to be secure! And I see a lot of charm in recycled builds. Yours looks great!! They are unique one of a kind deals. So long as they are sturdy and not falling over. Now I have seen people just build a hot mess and call it a coop... eeks!! But when you build it sturdy and functional, then it just seems to look really cool instead of a pile of junk that is ready to fall over. Cute chick! He/she looks big enough to go out! Is he 8 wks yet?? I see some pin feathers on the neck... when those really come in, he'll be much warmer.

Well we got all those birds butchered yesterday. Much quieter there without all the crowing!!! I still have boys but not nearly as many. I need to move some young birds outside today while it is fairly mild still. They don't need to be in the brooder anymore, they are just spoiled brats now. We butchered two ducks yesterday and that was awful! It took us so long to pluck them, I must had scaled mine 3-4 times to get all the feathers off!

I have a lot to do this week. Need to go register the car today, the line was out the door on Friday and I just couldn't blow the whole afternoon there. Hoping Monday is a quieter day for them. I did get our little grey kitty trapped last night and DH brought him with him to neuter him today. I am going to miss the little bugger but he is going to be a pet cat at the boarding kennel so he will be well loved for sure. He and our barn kitty do not get along so it will be better for both of them.
I'm not a fan of skin on birds anyway--- can't you just skin them and freeze them? I really should buy one of those food storage things that suck out all the air. I just don't have room in this tiny galley style kitchen. If we stay, we'll add on to the kitchen. Do you have a picture of that HUGE boy?? He sounds enormous!! I would love to see what he looks like! Oh good luck with those lines today. Bleah.

I will let you all knoe how the home made vetrx goes. I am pretty sure it will go just as the store bought stuff. When you know about herbs and the uses it is easy to put something together.
Josie- I am not having any problem with them drinking them sulfa they dont seem to notice. No more are sick so I guess the duramycin was at least doing something. Maybe sometime after the first of the year we can get a few girls together and have lunch. I saw that add on craigslist for the narragansetts they have had that up for months so I am not sure why it is still up.
I have bought several bottles of the VetRX, we had talked about making it before, but figured every time I needed it, it was just easier to buy at the time. I have bottles stashed in my show bag, and a couple in my emergency shelf for poultry. Checoukan used it instead of oil to rub down her birds for showing. Made them all shiny (since it does have oil) and of course, they smelled great and I bet it opened up their air ways! LOL

Alright, I'm a total flake, I went out there to do the plastic wrap on my pen and it's like 50mph wind out there!!! OKay, not really. But GEEZ, it's windy!!! There is no way I can get that done by myself. It would go up sideways and all over the place. Sigh. So now I'm not very happy at all about not getting it done yesterday like I wanted. And the laundry today is driving me nuts--- I have tons of socks, etc to do. I hate socks. I wish I could just throw them all away and buy new each time I need more. Then I wouldn't have to search for matches. And these are my kid's socks, so they just toss them where ever. I fold my own socks back together before I put them in the laundry basket, so this isn't *MY* problem or my DH's... we have a great system for not losing pairs. But the kids, they will be wearing socks and take ONE off in the living room and then take another off downstairs?!?!? I mean, REALLY!!! Pulling my hair out here. It is super nice outside, though. Beautiful day, if it weren't for the wind. Maybe I can still figure out some way to get that plastic up by myself. Sigh.
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