Consolidated Kansas

Yeah! She's alive!!

It's cold outside! Just finished filling feeders and waterers. DH should be in good shape for this weekend of holding down the fort. I need to run to town but am dragging my heels cause the birds haven't put themselves back up yet from free ranging. I really think I need to sell some more birds. There is still an awful lot of chickens out there and they are going through feed like its nobodies business. I hate selling birds but I do have a fair number of pullets that are getting to POL so they may be worth something here in a few weeks when it warms up. I think I am going to sell all the call ducks except a pair of butterscotch (Hawkeye-let me know if you have 4-H kids that want them) I do need to butcher some more roos, some of my chicks from Danz that were acting kinda girly are really turning into boys now! Sneaky little buggers. And I have some old hens that I know aren't laying anymore but I just can't bear to butcher them. They were my first girls.

Trish- Here are some pics of one of the gates we have for our goose pen. We also had ones similar to this on the breeding pens I just took down that we just attached to the T posts with zip ties that were left a tad loose so we could swing the gate open and closed. It works pretty well either way. You can click to make the pics bigger if needed.

Here is the goose pen gate, we used 2x4s and braced them together. Then attached the cattle panel piece cut to size with nail in staples. Drilled holes and put the two eye screws in and attached to the fence with a ummm, what are those snaps called.....carabiners? (spelling?)

Here is a close up of the eye hook and snap. There are two of them.

Here is how we braced the corners.

And here is another smaller gate made the same way.

Overall they have worked well. They just rest on the ground so you have to pick them up a bit to open them but I never have any problems with them. I have more trouble with my hinged gates in the big pens because they blow open on windy days when I am in and out and forget to snap them behind me and the snaps keep freezing in this weather too which is a royal pain. Hope this helps a bit!

Josie, thanks for the pics of those gates, that's great! It gives me hope that maybe I can actually make some gates. The weather is supposed to be warmer next week, so I'm hoping I can make a trip & get supplies to make my inside panels at the least, but I hope to be able to just get it all at the same time.

I honestly don't know what is going on around here, if I have a predator that is hiding out & the dogs don't get there in time to save the chicken or what. Right about time for me to get everybody in I have been losing a bird here & there for the last two weeks. I have lost 4 birds, two of which were slower than the others & the other two were young. The last one really burned me, I was so angry because I just got her recently from Eileen, she was one of my pretty little Barred Rock pullets that was about 4 months old. Someone on the LGD forum on FB told me I should get a game cam & make sure of what is happening before I conclude that it's my dog or dogs. They said they had problems with their dog & the sheep & were blaming them when after getting a game cam they found out the ram was attacking the dogs while they were sleeping! I hate to think my dogs are doing this, it makes no sense because they lay around in the yard all day with the chickens & don't bat an eye. They have been around chickens since they were born. This is happening right before dark, so it very well could be a very sneaky predator & the dogs are just retrieving the bird for me & they guard it until I find it. They don't eat them, they lay beside the bird. I have to find out what is going on, I can't keep losing my chickens like this, GRRRR!
Someone turn the heat back on PLEASE! This ole gal not moving very fast in this cold, but at least the sun is shining!! Ivy is bringing the last of her birds to me. All she is going to keep is her white leghorns from K-State. She is bringing me her royal palm turkeys, japs, and the last of her wyandottes. She has sold everything else. At this time she has no plans to get anymore birds. Its just to hard for her to take care of them, and her DH, well sometimes he does not get everything done, so it will be better this way for awhile.
So I am going to Turkey Creek in the morning with a truck load, hope I can move a bunch of birds. Need to get rid of all extras, and some breeders, and just get ready for babies and preparing for show.
Josie that is great. I could sell him my lavender boys or my feeding buddy (the chicken with the beak that grows in circles, whom I swear has to be hermaphrodite, looks somewhat roosterish, doesn't breed, doesn't crow, and doesn't lay.) But the eye candy factor on the lavenders even if they don't get used as pure bred breeders is a shame to butcher. And my feeding buddy is either in the food barrels filling himself or riding in the wheelbarrel with me when I feed. A food eating mixed up chicken that serves no purpose but gives me pleasure just the same. But if you have some you were going to butcher anyway, that would be awesome. I've got several young lemon cuckoos which have better coloring than my current rooster but I need him until they get old enough to breed. This guy wrote me again and said anytime between now and the 9th would work. I just need to be sure I have birds to deliver.
Speaking of that I had 5 more lemon babies that hatched last night. Nothing lavender. So genetic whizzes, Hawkeye and Checoukan in particular, would the lemon cuckoo be a dominant color over the lavender to the point of phasing it out? I only have one lemon boy and several lavender boys.
I have had them separated for over a week now and these are all previous eggs I gathered to test hatch. Great fertility for pullets. Yesterday I got 5 lavender eggs and 5 lemon cuckoo eggs. Looks like they are starting to crank them out fairly well.
Today I need to be on the run again and I really don't want to go anywhere. I have to go get a load of feed, deliver eggs, stop by to see my Dad, go see my sister and pick up some more things that were Mom's, and pick up a prescription. I want to stay home and stay inside. That will shoot the afternoon. I need to work in feeding and watering and shoveling off the feed in there as well.
I need to call a lady that is supposed to buy my diamond doves today too. She held me off until the 1st so I have to make sure she is going to come pick them up. I am ready to have one less cage to care for and get the bird mess out of the house. I enjoy them, just tired of caring for them.
I also need to find some time to shovel the puppy pen while it is frozen. I think it would be easier to clean it up that way.
Hawkeye, the toeless chick (Or should I call her 2-toes?) is a brahma mix but not sure what the other half is. I am sure she couldn't roost. She has nothing to hold on with. I may just put her in with my red stars some day and let her lay eggs. They don't tend to pick at the other birds at all. And there won't be a rooster in with them most of the time. If there is it will be just for temporary holding.
Checoukan are you going to sell all of Ivy's birds? Or keep a few for yourself. If you have a place to put them, I think you could make a good profit off the turkey poults they produce this year.
I'll bet once they get settled into their new digs Ivy will get the fever and build another coop or two and have chickens again. She has so many nice pens in her barn. Is she going to donate those to you too? I'd think those would be really nice for your show birds.
Maybe if Hawkeye's DH gets a local job she'll be ready to raise turkeys!!
Trish you have lost some decent birds recently. You sure need to get that situation figured out. If you are like me buying a game cam just isn't in the budget. And in my case I would need several of them. Seems the owls have finally moved on here.
Checoukan I don't want to move out of this chair. I hate this could weather. Between it and my sore muscles I would rather not get up for anything but to refill my coffee pot.
My DH started working his outage schedule today. That means for the next few months he will be working 5 13 hour days a week. Just when I think I may have some help he is going to be either gone or too tired to do anything around here. I guess I will have to find a way to pay someone to do some work cause it sure won't come from him. I like HeChickens idea of selling some of that aquarium equipment. It's been so long since I messed with a lot of it that I forgot what goes to what and it would take some time to sort. I just need to figure it out and start posting some on line. You only recoop a small percentage of what you have in that stuff. It is all rediculously pricy but you have to have the right buyer to sell it to as well. I have a really huge aquarium I would love to get out of the basement, but it would take a truck and a team of guys to pull it out. I actually have another one that I haven't even put in yet that I would like in it's place. I have a built in water system for the salt aquariums so it would really be nice to be able to use it again. I just need to start organizing all this stuff I have and try to get it my spare time.
Josie, thanks for the pics of those gates, that's great! It gives me hope that maybe I can actually make some gates. The weather is supposed to be warmer next week, so I'm hoping I can make a trip & get supplies to make my inside panels at the least, but I hope to be able to just get it all at the same time.

I honestly don't know what is going on around here, if I have a predator that is hiding out & the dogs don't get there in time to save the chicken or what. Right about time for me to get everybody in I have been losing a bird here & there for the last two weeks. I have lost 4 birds, two of which were slower than the others & the other two were young. The last one really burned me, I was so angry because I just got her recently from Eileen, she was one of my pretty little Barred Rock pullets that was about 4 months old. Someone on the LGD forum on FB told me I should get a game cam & make sure of what is happening before I conclude that it's my dog or dogs. They said they had problems with their dog & the sheep & were blaming them when after getting a game cam they found out the ram was attacking the dogs while they were sleeping! I hate to think my dogs are doing this, it makes no sense because they lay around in the yard all day with the chickens & don't bat an eye. They have been around chickens since they were born. This is happening right before dark, so it very well could be a very sneaky predator & the dogs are just retrieving the bird for me & they guard it until I find it. They don't eat them, they lay beside the bird. I have to find out what is going on, I can't keep losing my chickens like this, GRRRR!
It doesn't sound like it's one of your dogs. I wouldn't know what to think but the game camera is a GREAT idea! Any idea of where to point it? Any specific location that this continues to happen in? I'm really sorry about that, I can tell you have had it.

Someone turn the heat back on PLEASE! This ole gal not moving very fast in this cold, but at least the sun is shining!! Ivy is bringing the last of her birds to me. All she is going to keep is her white leghorns from K-State. She is bringing me her royal palm turkeys, japs, and the last of her wyandottes. She has sold everything else. At this time she has no plans to get anymore birds. Its just to hard for her to take care of them, and her DH, well sometimes he does not get everything done, so it will be better this way for awhile.
So I am going to Turkey Creek in the morning with a truck load, hope I can move a bunch of birds. Need to get rid of all extras, and some breeders, and just get ready for babies and preparing for show.
I'm with you! I'm soooo ready for Spring!! I'm sad that Ivy isn't keeping much, BUT-- it does sound like she's making her life simplier, and maybe that is just exactly what she needs right now! A lot of people don't do what we do-- breed and breed! LOL I'm sure her nice egg layers will give her plenty of joy. Good luck getting rid of your birds and getting good prices for them! I think I'm just going to have to start shipping like Josie said! The more I think on it-- what I have right now are too nice to take to an auction. Going to have to suck it up and learn how to ship a darned bird. I better learn quickly, too, because I'm supposed to ship a bunch of chicks this Spring to FL for "payment" for my new boy!

Okay, so Spring Fever has hit! I am dying to start plants, but I know it's waaaaay too early to do that! BUT--- I figure it's not too early to start on trees. So I got out my Catalpa tree seeds yesterday that I had in the fridge for the last few months and put them in a cup of water to soak. I read it takes two weeks to germinate, so after they soak for 2-3 days, to stick them in moist planting soil and put them on top of the fridge to keep them warm. This is Day 2 of soaking... well, it will be officially Day 2 around 3:30pm today. I looked online for nifty "long" celled reusable tree seedling pots for them, but figure that would be pretty expensive and I don't know if I'll grow trees from seeds again. So I'm just going to use plastic cups. I bought the jiffy trays last year for them... but after reading about it, it says that their root systems grow VERY fast and they need 5 inches of depth right away. Those jiffy trays are like 3 inches at the most. Ideally, they need an 8 inch depth after a few weeks, so I think I'll go get some Solo cups and call it good. Hopefully by then, I can plant them in the ground if it's warm enough by the time they reach that height.... I HOPE they grow!!!!!!!
Sure glad you posted that. I have those seeds I collected the other day. Just a few but at least enough to experiment with. Do you need to change the water while you are soaking? My experience with soaking seeds in the past ended up in fowl water.Do you have a link to a page with instructions.
I've never done shipping, but have read a lot about it. First thing is to have you NPIP number. Order boxes and gro gel. Condition your birds to eating apples or whatever you plan to give them to eat for moisture during their trip. We need to learn together because I too need to start shipping.
It doesn't sound like it's one of your dogs. I wouldn't know what to think but the game camera is a GREAT idea! Any idea of where to point it? Any specific location that this continues to happen in? I'm really sorry about that, I can tell you have had it.

I'm with you! I'm soooo ready for Spring!! I'm sad that Ivy isn't keeping much, BUT-- it does sound like she's making her life simplier, and maybe that is just exactly what she needs right now! A lot of people don't do what we do-- breed and breed! LOL I'm sure her nice egg layers will give her plenty of joy. Good luck getting rid of your birds and getting good prices for them! I think I'm just going to have to start shipping like Josie said! The more I think on it-- what I have right now are too nice to take to an auction. Going to have to suck it up and learn how to ship a darned bird. I better learn quickly, too, because I'm supposed to ship a bunch of chicks this Spring to FL for "payment" for my new boy!

Okay, so Spring Fever has hit! I am dying to start plants, but I know it's waaaaay too early to do that! BUT--- I figure it's not too early to start on trees. So I got out my Catalpa tree seeds yesterday that I had in the fridge for the last few months and put them in a cup of water to soak. I read it takes two weeks to germinate, so after they soak for 2-3 days, to stick them in moist planting soil and put them on top of the fridge to keep them warm. This is Day 2 of soaking... well, it will be officially Day 2 around 3:30pm today. I looked online for nifty "long" celled reusable tree seedling pots for them, but figure that would be pretty expensive and I don't know if I'll grow trees from seeds again. So I'm just going to use plastic cups. I bought the jiffy trays last year for them... but after reading about it, it says that their root systems grow VERY fast and they need 5 inches of depth right away. Those jiffy trays are like 3 inches at the most. Ideally, they need an 8 inch depth after a few weeks, so I think I'll go get some Solo cups and call it good. Hopefully by then, I can plant them in the ground if it's warm enough by the time they reach that height.... I HOPE they grow!!!!!!!

No, honestly I'm not sure where it's happening other than the other day I did find feathers out towards my lagoon. By the time I discover what has happened the dogs have already moved the bird to where they evidently know I will see it. Yesterday it was right in my path when I came back from finishing up feeding in the peafowl/guinea & turkey pens. It doesn't seem like they would carry the bird too far, but who knows, it all seems to be happening right out in front somewhere, but I have so many, many places a predator of any kind could hide. The dogs have been barking a LOT at night, so there has to be something out there for them to bark like that. GPs don't just sit out in the yard & bark for no reason & I hear them running & barking too at night. I have a permanent path in places now in my yard since the grass is mostly dead from the drought. At any rate, I think I'm going to try in the next few days to get a game cam, even though as you say Danz, it's not really in my budget right now either, I just have to figure out what is going on around here & that seems like the best way to start. I will start out by putting it right out at the front of my pens out from the house & then if nothing shows up there I'll move it to different places.

That's too bad IVY is getting rid of most of her birds, I know she had some nice ones, I still have a few of them myself. Maybe later on after she gets all settled she will want more again, but you have to do what you need to for yourself & I don't blame her for wanting to simplify right now. I have questioned myself at times having to go out in this darned cold all winter to care for birds & animals. It makes me hurt even worse to go out in the cold & I hate winter too. I'm with you Hawkeye, I am so ready for spring I can't wait.

Well I had better get myself up out of this chair, I'm getting absolutely nothing done & I have to, I have quite a bit to accomplish today. Everybody stay warm!
Oh my, its was really cold out there!!
Trish, right now is mating season for coyotes, so I just bet that is what is getting your birds.

Hawkeye sounds like a neat project on the tree seeds, good luck. Hey, I was thinking about hatching some silky eggs for the 4H kids, but need good eggs to do that with, do you know of anyone that would sell, or even donate for that project?

danz, yeah that aquarium equipment would be getting sold and in a hurry, just think of the extra room, and money that could be put to use on something else.
Do you have any amish family's in the area, that you could hire to help you build pens? We have some just west of us, and they have people drive them around to build barns and stuff, just thought that might be aroute to take, if you had some in the area.

Shipping birds is not that big of a deal, it is happening all the time. I have placed apples and things like that in the box, but with the new boxes, they are pretty dark in side there. I don't like putting food in the bottem of the box, that just does not seem very healthy too me.

I am going to take Ivy's birds with me in the morning to sell. Not sure what condition they are in, but hopefully they will move on.
I thought about keeping the royal palms, I had a tom around here for years, but DH said no, and I guess he is right. I have a lot of things going on, and that would make one more. It will be for the best, I know.

Hawkeye, when will you know on your DH's job situation? I get this feeling we are going to lose you and that makes me sad. But, I know you have to do what you got to do, and family has to come first. Times are tough, and so is the job market, but I would think he should be able to land a very good job in Wichita.

Well all frozen water has been changed, everybody fed, now, what to do? Hmmm. Diet coke time!
For anyone thats interested. I have 3 sebastopol geese for sale. Only 30e. They are nearly a year old. Siblings. White (when not dirty
) curly breasted. They have got to go!!! Will trade for hooded merganser hen, lost mine the other day. In SE, KS. Baxter Springs.

PM. me if your interested or if you have a HM hen. THANKS!
Last edited:
Speaking of that I had 5 more lemon babies that hatched last night. Nothing lavender. So genetic whizzes, Hawkeye and Checoukan in particular, would the lemon cuckoo be a dominant color over the lavender to the point of phasing it out? I only have one lemon boy and several lavender boys.
I have had them separated for over a week now and these are all previous eggs I gathered to test hatch. Great fertility for pullets. Yesterday I got 5 lavender eggs and 5 lemon cuckoo eggs. Looks like they are starting to crank them out fairly well.
Today I need to be on the run again and I really don't want to go anywhere. I have to go get a load of feed, deliver eggs, stop by to see my Dad, go see my sister and pick up some more things that were Mom's, and pick up a prescription. I want to stay home and stay inside. That will shoot the afternoon. I need to work in feeding and watering and shoveling off the feed in there as well.
I need to call a lady that is supposed to buy my diamond doves today too. She held me off until the 1st so I have to make sure she is going to come pick them up. I am ready to have one less cage to care for and get the bird mess out of the house. I enjoy them, just tired of caring for them.
I also need to find some time to shovel the puppy pen while it is frozen. I think it would be easier to clean it up that way.
Hawkeye, the toeless chick (Or should I call her 2-toes?) is a brahma mix but not sure what the other half is. I am sure she couldn't roost. She has nothing to hold on with. I may just put her in with my red stars some day and let her lay eggs. They don't tend to pick at the other birds at all. And there won't be a rooster in with them most of the time. If there is it will be just for temporary holding.
Checoukan are you going to sell all of Ivy's birds? Or keep a few for yourself. If you have a place to put them, I think you could make a good profit off the turkey poults they produce this year.
I'll bet once they get settled into their new digs Ivy will get the fever and build another coop or two and have chickens again. She has so many nice pens in her barn. Is she going to donate those to you too? I'd think those would be really nice for your show birds.
Maybe if Hawkeye's DH gets a local job she'll be ready to raise turkeys!!
I don't know if I'll raise turkey-- but if we stay, I'd like to have ONE pet again! Something to baby and follow me around the yard and get to free range (during the DAY) like Seymore. My mistake was that one night she headed out to the tree line after dark. Darned bird.

I don't know a whole lot about lavender-- but often refer to the Lav chart: (someone else wrote this up, but it explains lavender. They pretty much need to either be pure to bred to "black split to Lav" to get lavender. Bred to anything OTHER than lavender will get you everything BUT lavender. ;)

Lavender Genetics

This is the chart I refer to when breeding Lavenders. The splits are birds that are not visually Lavender but carry one set of the gene. You need two copies for a bird to be Lavender. I only breed my Lavenders to Blacks so for me a split is a visually black bird who carries one set of the Lavender genes, and the Blacks are just that Blacks (do not carry the Lavender gene). I find the Lavender improves the Black color, and Blacks make it easy to determine who the Lavenders are at hatch. I do not breed Lavenders to blues, splashes, or any other color (other than in my porcelain project pen).

lav X lav = 100% lav
lav X black split = 50% lav, 50% splits
black split X black split = 50% splits, 25% lavs, 25% blacks * You will not be able to tell the blacks, from the splits.
lav X black = 100% black splits
black split X black - 100% blacks

Sure glad you posted that. I have those seeds I collected the other day. Just a few but at least enough to experiment with. Do you need to change the water while you are soaking? My experience with soaking seeds in the past ended up in fowl water.Do you have a link to a page with instructions.
I've never done shipping, but have read a lot about it. First thing is to have you NPIP number. Order boxes and gro gel. Condition your birds to eating apples or whatever you plan to give them to eat for moisture during their trip. We need to learn together because I too need to start shipping. OKay-- there is what I followed. I pricked only a couple of the seeds because I was leary about injuring the embryo on the inside. I just pricked at the bottom so water could fill in.

No, honestly I'm not sure where it's happening other than the other day I did find feathers out towards my lagoon. By the time I discover what has happened the dogs have already moved the bird to where they evidently know I will see it. Yesterday it was right in my path when I came back from finishing up feeding in the peafowl/guinea & turkey pens. It doesn't seem like they would carry the bird too far, but who knows, it all seems to be happening right out in front somewhere, but I have so many, many places a predator of any kind could hide. The dogs have been barking a LOT at night, so there has to be something out there for them to bark like that. GPs don't just sit out in the yard & bark for no reason & I hear them running & barking too at night. I have a permanent path in places now in my yard since the grass is mostly dead from the drought. At any rate, I think I'm going to try in the next few days to get a game cam, even though as you say Danz, it's not really in my budget right now either, I just have to figure out what is going on around here & that seems like the best way to start. I will start out by putting it right out at the front of my pens out from the house & then if nothing shows up there I'll move it to different places.

That's too bad IVY is getting rid of most of her birds, I know she had some nice ones, I still have a few of them myself. Maybe later on after she gets all settled she will want more again, but you have to do what you need to for yourself & I don't blame her for wanting to simplify right now. I have questioned myself at times having to go out in this darned cold all winter to care for birds & animals. It makes me hurt even worse to go out in the cold & I hate winter too. I'm with you Hawkeye, I am so ready for spring I can't wait.

Well I had better get myself up out of this chair, I'm getting absolutely nothing done & I have to, I have quite a bit to accomplish today. Everybody stay warm!
I did get out and just got back home again from running a couple errands. It's soooo darned cold out there. NO FUN! Your girls sound like they are hard at work chasing off something. I wonder if it might be coyote--- they are awfully sneaky! What about a fox?? Sneakier yet! It was so odd, I never see coyote as road kill, but the other day, someone hit a coyote (a young one) and it's been laying on the side of the highway. I don't think I've ever seen one get hit before.

Oh my, its was really cold out there!!
Trish, right now is mating season for coyotes, so I just bet that is what is getting your birds.

Hawkeye sounds like a neat project on the tree seeds, good luck. Hey, I was thinking about hatching some silky eggs for the 4H kids, but need good eggs to do that with, do you know of anyone that would sell, or even donate for that project?

danz, yeah that aquarium equipment would be getting sold and in a hurry, just think of the extra room, and money that could be put to use on something else.
Do you have any amish family's in the area, that you could hire to help you build pens? We have some just west of us, and they have people drive them around to build barns and stuff, just thought that might be aroute to take, if you had some in the area.

Shipping birds is not that big of a deal, it is happening all the time. I have placed apples and things like that in the box, but with the new boxes, they are pretty dark in side there. I don't like putting food in the bottem of the box, that just does not seem very healthy too me.

I am going to take Ivy's birds with me in the morning to sell. Not sure what condition they are in, but hopefully they will move on.
I thought about keeping the royal palms, I had a tom around here for years, but DH said no, and I guess he is right. I have a lot of things going on, and that would make one more. It will be for the best, I know.

Hawkeye, when will you know on your DH's job situation? I get this feeling we are going to lose you and that makes me sad. But, I know you have to do what you got to do, and family has to come first. Times are tough, and so is the job market, but I would think he should be able to land a very good job in Wichita.

Well all frozen water has been changed, everybody fed, now, what to do? Hmmm. Diet coke time!
Karen Larson, aka CatDance always has eggs for sale. She has really nice ones. Also Geri Godina is always selling eggs. You can basically pick your color with them! You could see if either lady would offer you a discount for doing this for 4-H?? But neither one of them are that expensive. Geri would be the cheapest. --you can find Geri on there or just make a post asking for her. I also just wrote on her FB wall to see if she has a website. She does a LOT of selling, but I think it's usually on our silkie group. Karen's website is here:

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