Consolidated Kansas

I just use my mower as a pusher. That's what I tell DH any way. If something is in the way it gets pushed out of the way by the mower. If it gets under the mower it gets shreded and thrown. Hummm! Maybe that is why I really need to get some new blades. Yesterday as a matter of fact he noticed I had knocked a head light out of it's seating. I said, "Who mows in the dark anyway?"
I already got hot trying to unload a load of feed. I came in to get my water jug and I've been sitting on the internet for an hour. Better get back out there.
My DD killed a rattler in their garden where they were planting beans in Coffey Co. (eastern Ks.) . She posted the link to a site that tells how to treat a snake bite. Hope no one needs to use the info.

She had told me if I got bit by a rattler to run, not walk, to the hospital. Or, in reality, get in the car and drive without any delay. :)
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My DD killed a rattler in their garden where they were planting beans in Coffey Co. (eastern Ks.) . She posted the link to a site that tells how to treat a snake bite. Hope no one needs to use the info.

She had told me if I got bit by a rattler to run, not walk, to the hospital. Or, in reality, get in the car and drive without any delay. :)
Actually, If you get bitten by a rattler you should call 911 - do not try to drive yourself, and DO NOT run! Running or any physical exertion will speed the venom's effects.
You need to relax(Yeah, I can see that.....if I just got bit by a snake that'll kill me, I'm going to be cool calm and collected?)
As little movement as possible and wait for ambulance.

If you drive, you are very likely to pass out and crash, and then they will find you non responsive and have no idea you've been bitten.
I had been looking pretty carefully at the eggs when I broke them to cook, so I knew there was a chance, but I really didn't have much hope, either. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they continue to develop.
Sharol I am so sorry about Butch. I so hope those eggs hatch for you. Let me know if you need anything at all! That was excellent timing on your part to set eggs. I am surprised he was able to breed being in that bad of shape.
Hello guys and gals... I'm finally back to work with internet access. Pixius will be out again next week to get it "fixed". I sure hope so. It is very inconvenient for all of us without internet and I can't work from home or work the mid-night deployment shift without internet.

I was hoping the weather will gradually warm up instead of jumping straight to triple digits or near triple digits but alas, no such luck. We are, after all, in Kansas. I sure miss winter... well, I like spring and fall too. Summer is my least favorite season.

I planted some tomatoes but they didn't make it. I think the cutting worm got to all of them. Only the stems are left, no leaves left. So much for trying to get a garden going even though I know I don't have much time to garden this year. That pretty much seals the deal for me so I'll attempt to do it again next year when everything is all settled down. I still have a bunch of stuff I either need to move or throw away. Can't believe we have accummulated so much junk in the last 13 years.

Sharol - so sorry about Butch. He sure was a good looking roo. I'm hoping your eggs will hatch and you get at least a little Butch.

Danz and Lizzy - All the snake talks just make my skin crawl. I absolutely don't do snakes. I don't even go into the snake house when I was at the zoo.

All my ducklings are growing soooo fast... I finally took away the whiskey barrel liner thingie and dragged out the big kiddie swimming pool for the ducks. It only took 1 brave peking to get in first and the rest just followed except for the littlest ancona duck. They just had a blast in the water, dunking their silly heads off. But the water sure doesn't stay very clean for long. I'm sure I've to dump and refill every few days.

The 2 broody hens are still sitting. Today is supposed to be hatching day for a few of the eggs one of the broody sits on. I hope they will hatch. I took Danz's advise and didn't touch them again and just let them do their job. I just worry the barn storage room will get too hot for the hens with this crazy heat that came on all of a sudden. The other broody has another week to go before the eggs will hatch.

I don't remember much that I read but hopefully I'll be back more often now that I'm in the office again. But I do have a few projects I'm working on so I'll pop in as time permits.

Have a great hot day! Enjoy the heat if you like summer.

Actually, If you get bitten by a rattler you should call 911 - do not try to drive yourself, and DO NOT run! Running or any physical exertion will speed the venom's effects.
You need to relax(Yeah, I can see that.....if I just got bit by a snake that'll kill me, I'm going to be cool calm and collected?)
As little movement as possible and wait for ambulance.

If you drive, you are very likely to pass out and crash, and then they will find you non responsive and have no idea you've been bitten.
You are totally correct on that. The point of her comment was - to get the process of getting to the hospital started, not waiting for any reason. I dought there are very many people that live close enough to walk or run to a hospital.
tweetybaby, I'm glad to see you back! Not having internet is the pits, I have withdrawal when on the rare occasions ours has gone down. Usually it's been an issue with the tower down the road from us since we have wireless similar to Pixius. I was hoping we could ease into the heat also, but no dice, that's just what I was afraid it was going to do after such a cool spring.

I can't believe everybody is having broody hens, what's up with that? I have several here that think they want to sit. I'm not encouraging all of them though. I have had two sitting for awhile & the one in the main coop actually hatch a couple of chicks the other day. Since there was no way to keep them safe & inside though I had to take them away & put them in the brooder. The coop door is open with this extreme heat & the run door is also open all day to let the hens & rooster go in & out until evening when they get shut in. The Ameraucanas are also sitting, now there are two of them in the same next & today they were panting their little hearts out, goofy birds. You would think they would get too hot & say to heck with it. One of my Swedish Flower Hens is also sitting, but she hasn't been there that long.

Well today was a good day for selling I guess, I sold two baby rabbits & the rest of my chicks I had for sale, so I was happy. I actually have one totally empty brooder now. I hope to be able to put the chicks in the biggest brooder outside soon.
Butch lost the fight to infection overnight. Here are some pictures in better times. He will be sorely missed by his girls and by us (his people).

I am sorry for your loss. I hope you get some babies that look just as handsome.

I have 3 hens setting,,yikes.. Do I leave them be or do I take the eggs away? I just put the incubator up a couple weeks ago and now they decide to sit!!! Of course..
SHAROL- sorry about your roo he was very handsome .
HECHICKEN- hope you get the A/C running . My sister ,daughter and I are going to go do hay tomorrow of course it'll be 900 degrees but that's how it works. I'll still take it over last year , that was brutal !

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